Food Preservation 101
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum
West Branch, IA
Reserve a Seat
A presentation in the Figge Auditorium - Iowa State University Extension Nutrition and Health program specialists are eager to announce a new food preservation program, Preserve the Taste of Summer. It is a comprehensive program comprised of both online lessons and hands-on workshops. Preserve the Taste of Summer is a great opportunity for anyone age 18 years or older interested in learning safe food preservation techniques. Youth age 17 years and younger are welcome to participate but will need to do so with a parent or guardian in attendance.
Read more information about the workshop here.
More detailed information about the course and information about each Hand On Workshop can be found here, or by calling the Iowa State Extension office at 563-886-6157. There is a fee for this program.
All events listed in the calendar are free unless noted.