Fate, Fortune, and Providence in the Life of a Leader
Eisenhower Presidential Library
Abilene, KS
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Guest speaker: Timothy Rives
Mr. Rives will look at the alleged role of luck or providence in Eisenhower's career, with a special emphasis on the fate of Ike and the other young men who took the service academy examination with him in 1910.
Tim Rives is the deputy director for archival operations for the National Archives and Records Administration in Kansas City, MO. He is the former deputy director and supervisory archivist of the Eisenhower Presidential Library, U.S. Army veteran and native Kansan. He is a graduate of Wichita State University and Emporia State University. His articles have appeared in the Journal of Military History, the Baseball Research Journal and Prologue, among others. His work has been translated into Turkish.
All events listed in the calendar are free unless noted.