Exhibition opening: "100 Portraits for 100 Years of Jimmy Carter"
Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum
Atlanta, GA
"100 Portraits for 100 Years of Jimmy Carter" will open on September 21 and show until November 30, 2024. The exhibition is primarily drawn from the museum collection of the Jimmy Carter Library, with most of the portraits sent to the Carter White House from around the country and the world.
The exhibition includes portraits in the traditional forms of oil and watercolor paintings, pastels, charcoal, pencil drawings, as well as portraits made of wire, hand-tooled leather, wood, velvet, etched metal, and yarn.
In many ways, the museum collection at the Jimmy Carter Library reflects the enthusiasm of the American people for their national leader, and also how people all over the world perceive the president. The many portraits received by President and/or Mrs. Carter lend evidence to this enthusiasm.
The artists who gave or sent their work to President Carter or to the Carter Library came from different backgrounds. While some were self-taught or amateurs, others were professionals, well-known in their communities such as nationally-acclaimed artist Chris diDomizio, who directs and teaches at his Atlanta art academy. And others were artists with international reputations, such as Andy Warhol and Peter Max.
The creators of these portraits were often complimenting their subject in a very personal, yet public manner. When questioned about the work, one painter said, "I was impressed by... his sensitivity to the needs of the people. He was a champion for the less fortunate." One artist claimed some difficulty with the portrait, saying, "President Carter has a subtle and changing face. There is a gentleness and strength that must be perfectly balanced."
The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum celebrates 100 Years of Jimmy Carter with this outpouring of creativity and admiration.

All events listed in the calendar are free unless noted.