2019 Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital
William G. McGowan Theater
Washington, DC
Reserve a Seat
The Plow That Broke the Plains
This classic film about the Dust Bowl has been one of the most widely praised and studied documentaries to be produced in America. Its masterful use of music and edited images were to influence a generation of filmmakers. (1936, 29 minutes) Directed and written by Pare Lorentz. Music: Virgil Thomson. Narrator: Thomas Chalmers. Producer: Resettlement Administration.
The River
The River is Pare Lorentz’s monumental documentary about the exploitation and misuse of one of our greatest natural resources—the Mississippi River. (1937, 32 minutes) Directed and written by Pare Lorentz. Music: Virgil Thomson. Narrator: Thomas Chalmers. Producer: Farm Security Administration.
Power and the Land
Power and the Land was intended to encourage farmers to form their own electrical cooperatives with the help of the Rural Electrification Administration. However, famed Dutch filmmaker Joris Ivens transcended this original purpose by also presenting a timeless portrait of American farm life, rich in pastoral beauty. (1940, 39 minutes) Directed by Joris Ivens. Producer: Rural Electrification Administration for the United States Film Service.

All events listed in the calendar are free unless noted.