Pardon of George Dunbar Usher
This document is a presidential pardon signed by George Washington from the case U.S. v. Hezikiah and George Usher, heard in the May 1791 term of the U.S. District Court for the District of Rhode Island. Brothers Hezikiah and George Usher had been fined $400 for assisting in unloading goods from a ship without proper customs permits. The pardon is also signed by Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson.
The National Archives at Boston holds criminal and civil case files and dockets for cases heard in the U.S. District and U.S. Circuit Courts for the New England states. The case file for U.S. v. Hezikiah and George Usher can be found in the series Case Files, October 1790–February 1888.
View and download the Presidential Pardon of George Dunbar Usher by George Washington on our online Catalog. This record is one example of the many records held in District Court Case Files in the National Archives at Boston, Massachusetts. You can explore more records held at the National Archives at Boston by visiting our online Catalog or by visiting the National Archives at Boston, Massachusetts. This record is located within Record Group 21: District Courts of the United States, Series: Case Files, October 1790-February 1888. Many of the records in this collection have yet to be digitized. We encourage researchers to visit us onsite to explore these records and learn more about the archival collections held in the National Archives at Boston.