National Archives at Boston

The Cargo: Origins

New England Customs Records

The Cargo

Refer to Caption Map showing several of the ports in South America and the Caribbean from which cargo was exported to Salem on the Ship Mount Vernon in 1803.


Cargo exported on the Ship Mount Vernon in 1803 had originally been brought to Salem in 10 different ships from 8 different foreign ports:
Surinam, Calcutta, St. Lucia, Cape Francois, Demerara, Guadalupe, Berbice, and Canton (China). Surinam, Berbice, and Demerara were located on the Northeast Coast of South America. In 1803 Berbice and Demerara were British possessions; today they are a part of Guyana. Surinam was a Dutch colony. St. Lucia, Guadalupe, and Cape Francois are located in the Caribbean and were fought over by the French and English during this time; Cape Francois was a port in Haiti.

The following are some of the goods and their origins that were entered for shipment to Copenhagen on the Ship Mount Vernon:

34 casks (34,074 lbs) of brown sugar, imported from Surinam by Peabody and Tucker on the Schooner Sally, August 2, 1802.

16 casks (10,776 lbs) of coffee, imported by Peabody and Tucker from Cape Francois on the Schooner Fishhawke, February 7, 1803.
See the Schooner Fishhawke's manifest

652 bags of sugar imported by Peabody and Tucker from Calcutta on the Schooner Franklin, May 16, 1803.

9 bags of coffee imported from St. Lucia, May 5, 1803 on the Schooner Dolphin

Sugar imported from Guadalupe by Samuel Ingersoll on the Schooner Peacock, September 24, 1802

Sugar imported from Berbice, May 19, 1803 on the Schooner Betsey

49 casks (24,283 lbs) of coffee imported May 19, 1803 on the Schooner Betsey

Six bales of nankeens imported by Peabody on the Ship Union from Canton, April 2, 1803 (nankeen was a sturdy brownish yellow cotton cloth made in China)
See the manifest for the Ship Union

Sugar imported from St. Lucia on the Schooner Patty by Benjamin West, March 18, 1803

63 (3,805 lbs) bags coffee imported Nov 18, 1802 on the Sloop Buck

1,708 lbs of Bohea tea and 1,051 lb of Souchong tea imported from Canton by Gideon Tucker on the Ship Concord, July 19, 1802

Cargo main page
