RG 36 - U.S. Customs Service, Oaths of Amnesty - Mobile, Alabama
For questions regarding these records, please contact us at (770) 968-2100 or atlanta.archives@nara.gov
The oath of amnesty was required of each ex-Confederate to show that he was loyal. Shown are date, name of person taking oath, and name of notary or customs official.
First Name | Last Name | Date |
Emanuel | Abrams | August 31, 1865 |
William | Adair | November 6, 1865 |
George | Adams | July 14, 1865 |
John S. | Aikin | October 24, 1865 |
George | Aite | August 16, 1865 |
Frances | Alexander | August 8, 1865 |
A.B. | Alvorex | July 22, 1865 |
George W. | Anderson | October 6, 1865 |
Joseph C. | Anderson | October 19, 1865 |
S.L. | Anderson | August 31, 1865 |
Joachim | Anthony | July 14, 1865 |
Robert | Ard | October 17, 1865 |
William T. | Ayers | July 17, 1865 |
James | Baclay | November 2, 1865 |
Elias J. | Bacon | August 31, 1865 |
James | Badgett | October 9, 1865 |
Robert | Baker | July 25, 1865 |
W. L. | Baker | July 22, 1865 |
Henry C. | Baldwin | July 29, 1865 |
Michael | Balzli | November 7, 1865 |
Andrew | Banks | September 14, 1865 |
C. R. | Barnard | August 31, 1865 |
James M. | Barnard | November 11, 1865 |
Brady | Barney | November 1, 1865 |
Frederick | Barnickel | August 15, 1865 |
Henry | Barnwell | July 1, 1865 |
William | Barnwell,Jr. | July 18, 1865 |
Boyes | Bartalome | July 20, 1865 |
William H. | Bassett | October 31, 1865 |
E. H. | Batchuw | July 21, 1865 |
Eliza D. | Battle | October 1865 |
Sam G. | Battle | August 31, 1865 |
J. O. | Belknup | July 13, 1865 |
Joseph Booth | Belt | September 22, 1965 |
Benjamin C. | Bennett | November 4, 1865 |
Daniel P. | Berry | October 9, 1865 |
Peter | Bille | September 2, 1865 |
Andy | Black | October 24, 1865 |
Crawford | Blackwood | July 24, 1865 |
J. W. | Blitz | August 25, 1865 |
Alexander C. | Blount | July 25, 1865 |
Thomas | Bohn | November 3, 1865 |
W. H. | Bolton | July 22, 1865 |
George W. | Bond | July 24, 1865 |
Richard | Boochal | August 31, 1865 |
John | Booth | August 19, 1865 |
Thomas J. | Booth | August 31, 1865 |
William | Booth | September 26, 1865 |
Terrence | Bough | October 16, 1865 |
William C. | Bower | August 22, 1865 |
Lloyd | Bowers | July 28, 1865 |
lloyd | Bowers | November 10, 1865 |
George W. | Bowmer | July 20, 1865 |
Josiah F. | Boyles | October 17, 1865 |
Michael | Boyles | July 22, 1865 |
J. S. | Brandon | July 20, 1865 |
Jno S. | Bransford | August 4, 1865 |
Thomas L. | Bransford | July 11, 1865 |
Jonathan | Bressler | October 8, 1865 |
Thaddeus | Brewer | July 21, 1865 |
Cary W. | Britt | July 20, 1865 |
Augustus | Brooks | July 18, 1865 |
William | Brooks | July 22, 1865 |
Wiley | Brownigg | July 24, 1865 |
James | Bryant | August 19, 1865 |
James | Buch | July 25, 1865 |
E. H. | Buck | August 31, 1865 |
John | Bunger | July 22, 1865 |
John | Burden | August 31, 1865 |
James | Burrough | November 4, 1865 |
Little J. | Button | October 19, 1865 |
Anne M. H. | Byard | September 25, 1865 |
W.M. | Bymes | July 14, 1865 |
Edward | Caldwell | July 31, 1865 |
Andrew P. | Calhoun | August 8, 1865 |
Charles C. | Campbell | July 21, 1865 |
David L. | Campbell | September 7, 1865 |
James A. | Campbell | Nov. 6, 1865 |
John | Camy | July 26, 1865 |
Peter | Carney | September 25, 1865 |
William A. | Carney | August 26, 1865 |
J. | Carter | July 26, 1865 |
Mary L. | Carter | September 29, 1865 |
W.P. | Carter | July 26, 1865 |
Albert B. | Carver | September 19, 1865 |
Thomas J. | Carvez | July 14, 1865 |
James A. | Cassitz | October 19, 1865 |
T.L. | Castburn | August 30, 1865 |
Landford E. | Catterlin | August 10, 1865 |
Orville F. | Cawthon | July 26, 1865 |
Francis H. | Chamberlain | August 7, 1865 |
John C. | Chambulain | July 22, 1865 |
Ino | Chapman | July 21, 1865 |
J.B. | Chighizola | September 1, 1865 |
George G. | Child | August 4, 1865 |
Patrick | Church | November 2, 1865 |
George | Clafs | July 22, 1865 |
John | Clain | July 25, 1865 |
Micajah | Clark | July 20, 1865 |
Peter | Clark | October 14, 1865 |
Spotwood | Clarke | August 31, 1865 |
George | Cleveland | August 19, 1865 |
William T. | Cleveland | August 18, 1865 |
Levi A. | Cobb | October 21, 1865 |
R.L. | Cocke | July 15, 1865 |
Augustus A. | Coleman | August 17, 1865 |
John B. | Coleman | September 13, 1865 |
W.H. | Coleman | August 23, 1865 |
L.A. | Collier | August 24, 1865 |
samuel | Collier | August 24, 1865 |
Michael | Collins | October 14, 1865 |
Patrick | Collins | November 4, 1986 |
John A. | Colson | July 1, 1865 |
Patrick | Colson | November 4, 1865 |
Hubbard H. | Cooley | July 21, 1865 |
John | Cooper | July 28, 1865 |
Marco | Cormelich | October 23, 1865 |
William | Costelo | August 3,1865 |
Tim | Cotter | October 31, 1865 |
John A. | Cottrell | October 18, 1865 |
Robert | Cottrell | August 7, 1865 |
William | Cottrell | August 7, 1865 |
Thomas | Cowdon | November 4, 1865 |
William | Cowdon | November 2, 1865 |
Jesse John | Cox | August 29,1865 |
Andrew J. | Curtis | August 11, 1865 |
John A. | Cuthbert | July 15, 1865 |
Mary E. | Dade | October 25, 1865 |
James | Dailey | August 5, 1865 |
Frank W. | Damns | November 25,1865 |
Cornello | Danahy | November 3, 1865 |
G.B. | Dantzler | July 18,1865 |
Joseph H. | Daugherty | September 9, 1865 |
Frank | David | July 21, 1865 |
Bruce S. | Davis | August 31, 1865 |
John William | Davis | August 19, 1865 |
Samuel | Davis | August 24, 1865 |
Thomas | Davis | October 18, 1865 |
James | Davony | October 14, 1865 |
Carolina | Dawson | October 27, 1865 |
William A. | Dawson | October 25, 1865 |
Henry A. | Deas | August 21, 1865 |
John C. | Deas | August 9, 1865 |
A.W. | Deering | July `11, 1865 |
Charles J. R. | Delape | September 2, 1865 |
Joseph W. | Denaig | October 13, 1865 |
John J. | Denmark | August 3, 1865 |
John F. | Dittrich | November 6, 1865 |
William H. | Dixon | August 31, 1865 |
John B. | Dobson | November 11, 1865 |
Nathaniel H. | Dobson | November 11, 1865 |
Thomas T. | Doman | November 4, 1865 |
Charles W. | Domana | July 20, 1865 |
Aigne | Dominques | September 15, 1865 |
Francis | Donnelly | November 27, 1865 |
John | Donoho | November 4, 1865 |
Sidney | Douglas | July 21, 1865 |
Albert L. | Drayton | October 31, 1865 |
Isaac C. | DuBose | July 20, 1865 |
Dennis | Dunavan | August 31, 1865 |
William D. | Dunn | July 22, 1865 |
Louis | Durand | August 5, 1865 |
Thomas B. | Easton | August 30, 1865 |
Thomas S. | Eaves | September 9, 1865 |
John | Elliotte | November 25, 1865 |
George | Emerson | November 1, 1865 |
John | Epala | October 10, 1865 |
Martha E. | Ethridge | October 2, 1865 |
Freeman C. | Ewers | July 21, 1865 |
J. | Fail | July 28, 1865 |
Sylvester W. | Fasdick | July 29, 1865 |
Riche Lu | Feason | July 20, 1865 |
Patrick | Fenny | August 31, 1865 |
Silvester | Festorozzi | August 12, 1865 |
J. W. Figuras | Figuras | July 28, 1865 |
George | Fink | July 21, 1865 |
Peter | Finugan | October 16, 1865 |
Claude B. | Fish | August 31, 1865 |
Edward | Fitzpatrick | August 31, 1865 |
Eliza A. | Flinn | October 24, 1865 |
John | Flurry | July 28, 1865 |
William | Flynn | October 21, 1865 |
Hersh | Folichstein | August 31, 1865 |
Charles K. | Foote | July 28, 1865 |
Andrew G. | Ford | October 1865 |
Samuel | Forswood | August 5, 1865 |
Charles | Forsyth | August 13, 1865 |
John | Forsyth, Jr. | August 31, 1865 |
Phineas O. | Foster | September 11, 1865 |
W. G. | Foster | November 4, 1865 |
John D. | Fowler | September 8, 1965 |
William | Fowler | July 13, 1865 |
Thomas S. | Fox | August 31, 1865 |
William | Frances | August 31, 1865 |
Phillip | Frank | August 31, 1865 |
L. | Franks | October 25, 1865 |
Joseph | French | November 4, 1865 |
Madame John | Frevot | July 24,1865 |
William | Frohlichstein | July 31, 1865 |
William | Fruman | July 28, 1865 |
T. K. | Fulham | July 24, 1865 |
James | Furgerson | October 31, 1886 |
S. H. | Furguson | August 3, 1865 |
James | Gadaves | July 23, 1865 |
Charles T. | Gage | July 6, 1865 |
Sarah E. | Gaines | September 16, 1865 |
Freedman R. | Gans | August 31, 1865 |
Charles W. | Garcoigue | August 31, 1865 |
James | Garman | August 31, 1865 |
John H. | Garner | August 5, 1865 |
John H. | Gary | August 10, 1865 |
William H. | Gasque | July 31, 1865 |
J. R. | Gates | July 18, 1865 |
Joseph | Gee | August 31, 1865 |
Rubin T. | George | August 11, 1865 |
John S. | Geyst | July 21, 1865 |
Emma E. | Gibbons | July 27, 1865 |
William | Gibbons | October 31, 1865 |
Charles A. | Gilbert | July 21, 1865 |
William B. | Gill | August 15, 1865 |
John S. | Gliddon | July 10, 1865 |
John S. | Gliddon | July 22, 1865 |
James | Golden | October 20, 1865 |
Timothy | Golden | October 14, 1865 |
Levi | Golding | November 1, 1865 |
Isaac | Goldsmith | July 31, 1865 |
George | Goldthwait | July 13, 1865 |
Henry | Goldwaite | July 15, 1865 |
J.G. | Goldwaite | July 13, 1865 |
Archibald | Gordon | August 1, 1865 |
Aime | Gormond | October 11, 1865 |
Dominick | Grady | August 19, 1865 |
W.J. | Graham | July 21, 1865 |
John | Grant | July 15, 1865 |
J. S. O. Green | Green | July 14, 1865 |
John S. | Green | November 1, 1865 |
William | Griffin | July 14, 1865 |
Michael D. | Grinwell | July 24, 1865 |
Willliam R. | Grist | November 24, 1865 |
M. | Gruinard, Jr. | August 15, 1865 |
L. | Guild | November 24, 1865 |
vanB. | Gunnison | July 13, 1865 |
Joseph C. | Gwin | July 26, 1865 |
Frederick | Hall | July 22, 1865 |
Thomas K. | Hamilton | October 28, 1865 |
Watson | Hamilton | July 17,1865 |
William P. | Hamilton | July 11, 1865 |
J.L. | Hamiltonn | July 21, 1865 |
H. R. | Hammard | September 30, 1865 |
Henry | Hand | September 21, 1865 |
Thomas | Hand | October 13, 1865 |
Dexter F. | Harden | July 21, 1865 |
Frank | Harman | August 31, 1865 |
Edward | Harrington | October 17, 1865 |
Benjamin F. | Harris | August 31, 1865 |
Julius O.. | Harris | July 25, 1865 |
Robert W. | Harris | August 31, 1865 |
Edward | Harrison | October 17,1865 |
Thomas | Hartley | November 1, 1865 |
Seth | Harvey | October 31, 1865 |
William B. | Harwood | August 31, 1865 |
John R. | Hassell | August 3, 1865 |
William E. | Hawkins | December 4, 1865 |
John H. | Hawthorn | August 21, 1865 |
John | Hayes | October 13, 1865 |
Dabney | Heardon | July 31, 1865 |
William J. | Hearn | August 9,1865 |
Josiah B. | Heathcock | September 11, 1865 |
Thomas E. | Heinthorn | September 21, 1865 |
Friderich | Henbach | October 7, 1865 |
Thomas | Henry | September 4, 1865 |
H. A. | Herbert | August 2, 1865 |
Julius | Hesser | July 24, 1865 |
J.W. | Hewths | July 16, 1865 |
W.C. | Hickey | July 21, 1865 |
George H. | Hilliard | July 14,1865 |
J.W. | Hinson | July 22, 1865 |
Adam | Hippler | August 31, 1865 |
John C. | Hodges | July 21, 1865 |
Charles | Hofheins | July 26, 1865 |
Michael | Hogans | October 14, 1865 |
Lawrence P. | Holley | August 31, 1865 |
John W. | Hollingsworth | August 8, 1865 |
James W. | Holmes | August 31, 1865 |
William H. | Holmes | August 4, 1865 |
H. L. | Hopper | July 27, 1865 |
J.C. | Hopper | July 22,1865 |
John | Hosefelt | November 18, 1865 |
Samuel B. | Howe | September 21, 1865 |
Dudley | Hubbard | July 21, 1865 |
Ralph D. | Hubbard | july 13, 1865 |
Daniel E. | Hugus | August 30, 1865 |
Gerhard | Hulsebusch | November 28, 1865 |
W.G. | Humphries | July 10, 1865 |
Michael | Hunan | October 21, 1986 |
Joseph | Hutchinson | August 31, 1865 |
James H. | Hutchipson | August 31,1865 |
William K. | Hyer | July 22, `1865 |
R. Lee Fern | Irwin | July 13, `865 |
Charles | Jackson | November 2, 1865 |
Ole | Jacobs | October 10, 1865\ |
Mores | Jacobson | July 25, 1865 |
Philip A. | Jaullian | November 3, 1865 |
Thomas W. | Jayne | August 8, 1865 |
Henry B. | Jenkins | August 31, 1865 |
Andrew H. | Johnson | October 16, 1865 |
Edward | Johnson | August 31, 1865 |
George | Johnson | August 26, 1865 |
William Philip | Johnston | August 31, 1865 |
Wilie J. | Jolley | August 2, 1865 |
Isreal J. | Jones | July 22, 1865 |
J. Paul | Jones | July 21, 1865 |
Gabriel | Jordan | August 30, 1865 |
Joseph | Kaufman | July 22, 1865 |
Edwin H. | Kelly | July 18, 1865 |
William H.. | Kelly | August 31, 1865 |
John F. | Kempton | July 21, 1865 |
M. M. | Kennedy | September 29, 1865 |
James R. | Kenny | October 13, 1865 |
Charles T. | Ketchum | July 18, 1865 |
George A. | Ketchum | July 18, 1865 |
William H. | Ketchum | August 4, 1865 |
James W. | Kidd | August 21, 1865 |
Henry E. | Killam, Jr. | November 4, 1865 |
F. | Kimball | September 29, 1865 |
Cleveland | King | September 11,1865 |
James | King | October 25, 1865 |
John | King | July 28, 1865 |
William Dock | King | August 12, 1865 |
Jonathan | Kirkbride | July 21, 1865 |
Michael | Kirwen | October 31, 1865 |
Michael | Knowt | July 12, 1865 |
Christian | Koinig | July 24, 1865 |
Charles | Konnstc | July 22, 1865 |
Herman | Koster | July 24, 1865 |
D. | Krebs | July 26, 1865 |
John M. | Ladd | August 10, 1865 |
Thomas H. | Lake | July 25, 1865 |
A.W. | Lampkin | July 20, 1865 |
Michael | Lardner | November 27, 1865 |
John | Lawrence | July 20, 1865 |
Alex | Le Baron | August 31, 1865 |
Thomas M. | Le Baron | July 12, 1865 |
R. K. | Lea | July 24, 1865 |
Jeremiah | Leary | October 31, 1865 |
W. J. | Ledgard | July 14, 1865 |
James W. | Lee | August 17, 1865 |
Martin | Leonard | October 17, 1865 |
William | Leslie | October 14, 1865 |
S. | Levi | July 25,1865 |
Benjamin | Levy | July 25, 1865 |
Isaac | Lewis | July 20, 1865 |
William | Lewis | September 25, 1865 |
William M. | Lewis | November 22, 1865 |
William B. | Lightfoot | July 14, 1865 |
Joseph | Lindsey | July 25, 1865 |
Elisha B. | Loh | July 21, 1865 |
Charles | Long | August 31, 1865 |
William | Lott | August 31, 1865 |
William G. | Luter | August 31, 1865 |
George G. | Lyon | August 12, 1865 |
John | Lyon | July 21, 1865 |
Samuel | Lyon | September 19, 1865 |
Thomas T.A. | Lyon | August 5, 1865 |
Thomas | Macon | November 4, 1865 |
Fink | Magdaline | July 22, 1865 |
Andrew J. | Mallany | July 25, 1865 |
James B. | Malone | July 18, 1865 |
James R. | Malone | September 16, 1865 |
Amios R. | Manning | August 24, 1865 |
Gideon | Mapey | July 14,1865 |
J.F. | Marrash | August 1, 1865 |
James H. | Marsh | August 31, 1865 |
J. L. H. | Martin | July 21, 1865 |
Marino | Martin | July 20, 1865 |
Patrick | Martin | October 13, 1865 |
William | Martin | October 31, 1865 |
Henry | Marx | July 29, 1865 |
John H. | Massey | August 31, 1865 |
James H. | Mathews | September 29, 1865 |
Jonathan P. | May | August 3, 1865 |
Joseph F. | Maybury | October 31, 1965 |
J.J. W. | Mayoffin | September 8, 1865 |
Ransom D. | Mc Caw | August 31, 1865 |
James | McBride | October 31, 1865 |
John | McCarthy | October 31, 1865 |
Benjamin | McCormack | August 21, 1865 |
Thomas P. | McCormack | August 31, 1865 |
John | McCormick | August 31, 1865 |
Robert | McCowen | November 2, 1865 |
Franklin J. | McCoy | July 22, 1865 |
J. J. | McCullion | September 9, 1865 |
David S. | McCullough | August 31, 1865 |
John | McDonald | August 31, 1865 |
William J. | McDonald | July 28, 1865 |
John | McGlinn | August 31, 1865 |
John | McInnis | July 28, 1865 |
Patrick | McMahan | October 24, 1865 |
Owen | McMahon | July 21, 1865 |
John | McNeil | August 31, 1865 |
Daniel | McNeill | July 31, 1865 |
James | McNeill | August 19, 1865 |
Edward | McSweeney | July 24, 1865 |
J. M. | Meaher | August 29,1865 |
Charles | Medricas | July 25, 1865 |
John S. | Meldrum | July 20, 1865 |
Jesse J. | Melton | July 20, 1865 |
Augustus | Meshia | August 18, 1865 |
Gaston | Meslier | August 18, 1865 |
William Austin | Miller | August 24, 1865 |
William H. H. | Minge | July 21, 1865 |
Robert P. | Moffat | August 14, 1865 |
Young M. | Moody | November 28, 1865 |
Solomon | Mordecai | July 26, 1865 |
James S. | Moreland | August 30, 1865 |
John | Morrison | October 10, 1865 |
Redmond | Morrison | October 16, 1865 |
George | Morton | September 7, 1865 |
Francis | Mosely | August 31, 1865 |
Gratz | Moses | July 30, 1865 |
Gant C. | Muldon | July 13, 1865 |
John R. | Murphy | July 14, 1865 |
Michael | Murphy | November 4, 1865 |
Samuel J. | Murphy | August 12, 1965 |
Alfred R. | Murray | July 21,1865 |
Edwin | Murray | August 31, 1865 |
Thomas | Murrey | July 18, 1865 |
Henry | Nabring | September 4, 1865 |
Kesper | Nellins | November 4, 1865 |
Jesse H. | Nelson | September 7, 1865 |
Robert E. | Newhold | October 30, 1865 |
James | Newmann | July 25, 1865 |
John | Nicholson | O(ctober 10, 1865 |
Patrick | O Gady | October30, 1865 |
Willis | Obrannon | july 21, 1865 |
James | Obrien | November 4, 1865 |
Thomas | Oconnor | October 21, 1865 |
Phillip | Odonnell | August 31, 1865 |
Stanki Hunter | Oliver | August 29, 1865 |
J. B. | Ollis | August 15, 1865 |
George | O'Neil | August 31, 1865 |
Nicholas D. | Osbourne | September 12, 1865 |
Jeremiah | Osullivan | October 31, 1865 |
Robert | Otio | August 31, 1865 |
William | Otio | July 14, 1865 |
William | Otio | August 22, 1865 |
Franklin L. | Owen | July 21, 1865 |
George W. | Owen | July 21, 1865 |
FranCisco | Palma | October 10, 1865 |
J. | Parham | August 31,1865 |
Afa | Parker | August 3, 1865 |
Albert G. | Parker | August 31, 1865 |
Gideon M. | Parker | July 21, 1865 |
William A. | Parker | September 11, 1865 |
B. F. | Parsons | July 13, 1865 |
Frank T. | Payne | October 31, 1865 |
William J. | Peckham | September 23, 1865 |
P.J. | Pellano | July 15, 1865 |
Stephen | Peresi | July 24, 1865 |
Arlson W. | Perry | July 20, 1865 |
George A. | Peterkin | August 24, 1865 |
Peter | Peterson | October 18, 1865 |
Martin | Pickett | August 31, 1865 |
Edward H. | Pierce | August 28,1865 |
Henry Niles | Pierce | August 31, 1865 |
John G. | Pierce | August 12, 1865 |
David A. | Pierson | August 17, 1865 |
Gustave | Pilot | July 18,1865 |
john C. | Pippend | july 31, 1865 |
Joseph | Pofe | Henry |
John | Pollard | October 14, 1865 |
John | Pollock | July 24, 1865 |
Lycurgus | Poole | July 25, 1865 |
Ira W. | Porter | August 31, 1865 |
Ben Lane | Posey | July 15, 1865 |
William W. | Powns | July 22, 1865 |
Martha | Pricolean | October 27, 1865 |
John | Qeroeth | Setember 7, 1865 |
Michael | Quinn | November 2, 1865 |
Senidas | Ratcliff | August 19, 1865 |
Paul | Raveines | September 15, 1865 |
Richard H. | Redwood | July 21, 1865 |
James Martin | Reeves | October 10, 1865 |
John | Reid, Jr. | July 10, 1865 |
Joseph | Reily | August 31, 1865 |
Daniel | Reiordon | October 20, 1865 |
Augustus | Renshon | October 17, 1865 |
John P. | Rerry | July `18, 1865 |
Howard | Richardson | September 26, 1865 |
Ira H. | Ricker | November 2, 1865 |
J.L. | Ridgood | November 18, 1865 |
James | Riley | Juky 26, 1865 |
John | Ring | November 3, 1865 |
Edward R. | Rivers | October 15, 1865 |
Alfa J. | Roberts | August 31, 1865 |
William H. | Roberts | July 22, 1865 |
Posiah | Robins | August 4, 1865 |
J. W. | Rogers | July 24, 1865 |
Charles | Rooney | October 18,1865 |
Francis A. | Ross | October 31st, 1865 |
Sagfield | Rouse | August 31, 1865 |
William | Rouse | July 24,1865 |
Michael M. | Rowan | August 30, 1865 |
A. | Royster | August 15, 1865 |
Samuel | Ruffin | July 29, 1865 |
Michael | Ryan | October 31,1865 |
A. H. | Ryland | July 24, 1865 |
William H. | Sadler | August 31, 1865 |
Daniel E. | Sampson | July 24, 1865 |
Abraham | Samuel | November 2, 1865 |
William | Sanders | August 4, 1865 |
T. | Sandford | August 26, 1865 |
William | Sandford | July 28, 1865 |
Robert M. | Sands | July 24, 1865 |
Thomas | Sangan | November 6, 1865 |
Porterfield A. | Savage | July 17, 1865 |
Henry B. | Sayre | July 29, 1865 |
George | Schiffelien | August 7, 1865 |
Henry A. | Schroder | July 13,1865 |
L. | Scranton | July 18, 1865 |
P.S. | Seaberry | July 18, 1965 |
Seth | Seley | July 21,1865 |
A. | Sellers | July 27,1865 |
Francis L. | Sewall | October 31, 1865 |
Kiah B. | Sewall | July 15, 1865 |
Daniel | Shead | July 28, 1865 |
Joseph B. | Shearer | August 19, 1865 |
Frederick | Sheffield | August 15, 1865 |
Thomas F. | Sheldon | July 14, 1865 |
A. Gordon | Shepperd | October 2, 1865 |
Edward F. | Shields | July 31, 1865 |
Thomas | Short | October 28, 1865 |
F. | Shultz | July 21, 1865 |
John W. | Shultz | August 31, 1865 |
Origen | Sibley | August 10, 1865 |
James | Silburn | October 26, 1865 |
Joseph | Silver | August 25,1865 |
Thomas W. | Sims | July 25, 1865 |
Henry C. | Sisson | November 10, 1865 |
Edward | Skullings | November 4, 1865 |
George | Slappery | August 31, 1865 |
Robert H. | Slumph | August 7, 1865 |
A.R. | Smith | September 3, 1865 |
Augustus | Smith | July 22, 1865 |
George F. | Smith | August 11, 1865 |
Henry | Smith | July 29, `1865 |
Ira B. | Smith | July 17,1865 |
Nathaniel J. | Smith | July 20, 1865 |
Peter | Smith | September 7, 1865 |
Robert W. | Smith | July 21, 1865 |
William A. | Smith | July 21, 1865 |
William Harry | Smith | October 13, 1865 |
isaac D.. | Spear | August 2, 1865 |
Peter | Spedley | July 22, 1865 |
Peter | Sprinkle | October 17,1865 |
Thomas | St. John | July 25, 1865 |
Edward | Stafford | August 31, 1865 |
Robert T. | Stanard | September 21, 1865 |
James T. | Staples | September 16, 1865 |
Peter | Stark | July 15, 1865 |
Lewis | Starke | August 1, 1865 |
Louis | Stein | August 11, 1865 |
Frederick | Steward | August 5, 1865 |
George N. | Stewart | August 2, 1865 |
Frank E. | Stokes | August 31, 1865 |
Francis C. | Stollenwerk | August 7,1865 |
John W. | Stone | November 3, 1865 |
John Woodson | Stone | July 15, 1865 |
Lawance | Stowder | July 22, 1865 |
Leopold | Strauss | October 5, 1865 |
T. | Stringfellow | July 14, 1865 |
Virginia | Strode | July 24, 1865 |
W.A. | Sunday | August 31, 1865 |
Harvey | Swain | August 31, 1865 |
James | Tait | October 23, 1865 |
Alexis H. | Tardy | July 21, 1865 |
George W. | Tarleton | July 14, 1865 |
Joseph | Taylor | August 31, 1865 |
S. Parker | Taylor | October 8, 1865 |
Thomas Hart | Taylor | July 22, 1865 |
James C. | Terry | August 21, 1865 |
Jonn T. | Terry | August 21, 1865 |
John Boyd | Tesdale | August 30, 1865 |
Drury | Thompson | July 26, 1865 |
James A. M. | Thompson | September 16, 1865 |
M. | Threefoot | July 26, 1865 |
William K. | Thurber | July 27,1865 |
Rober T. | Tinker | August 5, 1865 |
Robert L. | Tinker | October 28, 1965 |
John R. | Tompkins | July 15, 1865 |
Rufus C. | Torey | July 26, 1865 |
J.S. | Triplett | July 14, 1865 |
Joseph | Tucker | August 15, 1865 |
B. L. | Turner | August 23, 1865 |
Henry | Turner | August 19, 1865 |
Jarves | Turner | July 20, 1865 |
William T. | Turner | November 4, 1865 |
George A. | Tuthitt | July 22, 1865 |
Daniel | Uinger | August 30, 1865 |
Stephen | Underhill | July 21, 1865 |
James | Uniacke | August 31, 1865 |
Charles l. | Vallory | October 16, 1865 |
Gustavus | Vantrot | November 6, 1865 |
Vernon Henry | Vaughan | July 21, 1865 |
Charles E. | Vincent | August 5, 1865 |
Henry V | Voorkins | September 21, 1865 |
John H. | Vra | August 31, 1865 |
Lewis P. | Waganer | October 7, 1865 |
Moses | Waing | July 24, 1865 |
John T. | Walker | July 26, 1865 |
Percy | Walker | July 24, 1865 |
Robert | Walker | August 31, 1865 |
Clement D. | Wallace | July 22, 1865 |
Charles | Walsh | July 12, 1865 |
D.P. | Wandroff | August 31, 1865 |
John J. | Wanry | July 18, 1865 |
John | Ward | September 13, 1865 |
William H. | Ward | August 11, 1865 |
George | Warner | July 11, 1865 |
R. L. | Watkins | July 11, 1865 |
George L. | Watson | September 18, 1865 |
Susan | Watson | July 18, 1865 |
Theodore H. | Watson | August 31, 1865 |
Samuel S. | Webb | July 10, 1865 |
Davis | Weems | Sept. 23, 1865 |
George W. | Welch | August 20, 1865 |
Pat | Welch | August 31, 1865 |
James | Werny's | July 13, 1865 |
Reinhold | Westfield | October 6, 1865 |
Clinton | Whitfield | September 12, 1865 |
Nathan B. | Whitfield | August 11, 1865 |
Travis | Whitfield | August 19, 1865 |
Edward | Whittington | July 29, 1865 |
Peter | Wier | August 7, 1865 |
Robert Gale | Wier | July 14, 1865 |
D. H. | Williams | July 20, 1865 |
David L. | Williams | September 25, 1865 |
Edward F. | Williams | August 31, 1865 |
Henry | Williams | October 26, 1865 |
J. B. | Williams | November 2, 1865 |
James | Williams | August 19, 1865 |
Robert S. | Williams | July 11, 1865 |
Richard | Wilmer | August 30, 1865 |
James H. | Wilson | October 31, 1865 |
Joseph | Wilson | September 9, 1865 |
Robert S. | Wilson | September 9, 1865 |
Siven J. | Wilson | August 28, 1865 |
William S. | Wilson | September 9, 1865 |
Benjamin | Winfield | August 31, 1865 |
Warrington L. | Wingfield | August 16, 1865 |
Dew M. | Wisdom | August 9,1865 |
J. T. | Wiswell | September 26, 1865 |
John M. | Witherspoon | July 13, 1865 |
W.E. | Witherspoon | July 13, 1865 |
Jacob | Wittman | August 31, 1865 |
Sam | Wolf | July 13, 1865 |
George | Wood | July 18, 1865 |
George | Wood | July 18,1865 |
John W. | Woodcock | July 20, 1865 |
John W. | Woodcock | July 25, 1865 |
D. P. | Woodruff | August 31, 1865 |
Lewis T. | Woodruff | July 21, 1865 |
James H. | Wylie | August 31, 1865 |
John | Wylie | July 21,1865 |
Judson de | Yampert | September 16, 1865 |
Henry Clay | Yeatman | July 31, 1865 |
William | Yundt | November 1, 1865 |
Charles | Zepermick | October 2, 1865 |
Gustavas | Zweiniger | November 25, 1865 |