RG 219 - Office of Defense Transportation, Railway Transport Department Files
For questions regarding these records, please contact us at (770) 968-2100 or atlanta.archives@nara.gov
Railway Transport Department Files, 1942-1946
National Archives Identifier 6925612
This series consists of general correspondence, memos, handwritten notes, and reports. The records document defense related railway operations in the southern region. The material covers a broad range of topics including accidents, derailments, freight handling, organization of field offices, railway service and terminals, military facilities, American cars in Cuba, shippers, and private industry.Box 1
Abandonment's A-2
A-2-1 Abandonment - T&NC
A-2-2 Rehabilitation - Smith Vereen
A-2-3 Sunday Service –Virginia Blue Ridge
A-2-4 Requisition of Railroad by War Production Board
A-2-5 Operations of Charleston, S.C. Port Utilities Commission
A-2-6 Abandonment - C. of Ga. Between Chickamauga, Ga. and Durham, Ga.
A-2-7 Abandonment of 1.5 miles of central Georgia Railway near Dadeville, Alabama
A-2-8 Abandonment of Tuckaseegee and Southeastern Railroad
A-4-1 Accidents - Instructions and Correspondence regarding failure to comply
A-4-2 Investigation of Accidents by Interstate Commerce Commission
A-4-3 Accidents - Alabama Dry Dock Mobile, Alabama
A-4-4 Statistics on Accidents
A-4-5 ACL derailment at Buie, N.C.
A-12-1 Delivery of Addresses
Associations, Societies, and Clubs A-18A-18-2 National Association of Railroad and Utilities Commissioners
A-18-3 Railroad Association of Georgia
A-18-4 Association of American Railroad
A-18-5 Memphis Shippers Advisory Board
A-18-5 New Orleans Shippers Advisory Board
A-18-5 Shippers Advisory Boards
Associations, Societies, and Clubs Cont'd A-18
A-18-5 Atlanta Shippers Advisory Board
A-18-5 Birmingham Shippers Advisory Board
A-18-5 Jacksonville Shippers Advisory Board
A-18-5 Louisville Shippers Advisory Board
B-18-1 Bridges, Protection of
B-18-2 Bridge - Demopolis, Alabama
B-18-3 Side dumps for Vicksburg Bridge
B-18-4 Emergency Connections for Potomac River Bridge (Long Bridge)
B-18-5 Bridge - Apalaachicola Barge
B-18-6 Bridge - Aquia Creek - R.F. & P.
B-18-7 Bridge - Baton Rouge, La.
B-18-8 Bridge - Application to construct bridge over Waters Street, Wayneboro, Ga.
C-10-1 Stock Cars - Mather Stock Company
C-10-2 Freight cars frozen by W.P.B.
C-10-3 Phospate Cars
C-10-4 Lake Coal
C-10-5 Detention of Reefers - Cincinnati
C-10-6 Cars of Alabama State Docks
C-10-7 Cross Hauling
C-10-8 Conservation of open tops
C-10-9 Returning of large gondola from Cuba
C-10-10 Refrigerator Car Pool
C-10-11 Class A Boxes for Loading Ammunition
C-10-12 Cirous Cars
C-10-13 Service Order No. 104 - Reefers
C-10-14 Covered hoppers for pine castle
Cars - Freight C-10 cont'd
C-10-15 Delay - Close doors and hoppers
C-10-16 Gondola - Priest Lumber Company
C-10-17 Car Service - Fort Estill, Corbin, Kentucky (See C-40-4) No documents in C-10-17 folder
C-10-18 Operation of trains containing wooden carts
C-10-19 Return of gondolas to Home Road
C-10-20 Airport Construction Project Beaufort, S.C.
C-10-21 Importation of Balsa Wood New Orleans, La.
C-10-22 Use of trap cars to release meter trucks at Memphis
C-10-23 Application by Alabama Dry Dock and Ship Building Company to purchase obsolete flat cars
C-10-24 Shortage of cars for loading TNT at Alabama Ord. Works Childersburg, Alabama
C-10-25 Use of box cars instead of gondolas for movement of pre-fabricated houses
C-10-26 Shortage of cars for loading sugar in the New Orleans Area
C-10-27 Construction of substitutes in lieu of additional tank cars
C-10-28 Letter to Field General, Subject car detention and excuses, Detention, bunching, labor shortage
C-10-29 Use 40' cars handling watermelon notwithstanding ICC service order No. 74
C-10-30 Accumulation of cars by Federal Barge Line, New Orleans, La.
C-10-32 Use of box cars for shipment of Christmas trees during 1943 season
C-10-33 Percentage card held beyond 48 hour free time by industrial users in West
C-10-34 Freight and passenger cars on order, delivered, and scheduled for delivery
C-10-35 Car handling at various naval and military establishments
C-10-36 Cars passing over cleaning trucks
C-10-37 Shortage of cars for loading pulp wood in Bogalusa, La Area
C-10-38 Complaint regarding shortage of box car equipment in Georgia
C-10-39 Cars - Alleged discrimination in distribution of refrigerator equipment by Florida East Coast
C-10-40 Use of refrigerator cars for storage
C-10-41 Alleged severe requirements of Southern Ry in connection with loading dunnage lumber in open tops.
C-10-42 Check for month of June 1945 on car detention by cosignees in Southern Region
Box 4
Car Passenger C-12C-12-1 Southern Railway Passenger Cars
C-12-2 Idle Office cars
C-12-3 Passenger Cars available for sale or lease
C-12-4 Military Pullman Cars
C-40-1 Car situation report government construction
C-40-2 Government project Ft. Meyers, Florida
C-40-3 Camp Van Dorn government construction
C-40-4 Blue Grass Ordinance Plant III government construction
C-40-5 Car situation at ship building plants
C-40-6 Camp Campbell Edgeton, Kentucky
C-40-7 Air Force Concentration Camp Halls, Tennessee
C-40-8 Approval of sites for camp bases
C-40-9 Millington, Tennessee government construction
C-40-10 Car situation at Bell Bomber Plant, Marietta, Georgia
C-40-11 Cherry Pointe Marine Air Field Car Service
C-40-12 Signal Corps Depot Avon, Kentucky
C-40-13 Gold Proof Elevator Louisville, Kentucky
C-40-14 Reconsignment of cars by holding and reconsigning and service depots
C-65-1 Reduction in coal classifications
C-65-2 Lake Coal detention
C-65-3 N.Y.O. & W. Coal handling
C-65-4 Use of DT&I in routing coal
C-65-5 Coal for Meridian and Bigbee River Railroad
C-65-6 Coal via Chesapeake Western
C-65-7 Percentage of coal mine orders spotted daily
C-65-8 Utilization of equipment in transportation of coal (Powell Coal Co.)
C-65-9 Hampton Roads Bank of Coastwise Coal
C-65-10 Wagon loading of coal
Coal C-65 cont'd
C-65-11 Coal strikes
C-65-12 Coal for N&W origins to Winston-Salem. Complaint of backhaul
C-65-13 Delay cars at Cincinnati Ex-barge movement
C-65-14 Routing of coal via Monon RR
C-65-15 Solid fuels order on coal - effecting L&N Railroad
C-65-16 Designation of ODT as claimant agency for requirements for solid fuels
C-65-17 Fuel coal for Central of Georgia Railway
C-65-18 Fuel coal for East Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad
C-65-19 Regulations - solid fuel administration for war
C-65-20 Coal supply for Gulf Mobile and Ohio
C-65-21 Daily coal situation of railroads in Southern Region
No #/No description - Roseville, California
C-70-1 Codes for Port inventories
C-70-2 Use of code file numbers in telegrams
C-75-1 Atlanta, Georgia Traffic Advisory Committee
C-75-1 Birmingham, Alabama Traffic Advisory Committee
C-75-1 Cincinnati, Ohio Traffic Advisory Committee
C-75-1 Indianapolis, Indiana Traffic Advisory Committee
C-75-1 Jacksonville, Florida Traffic Advisory Committee
C-75-1 Louisville, Kentucky Traffic Advisory Committee
Committees C-75 cont'd
C-75-2 Coastwise Advisory Committee
C-75-3 National Industrial Traffic League - War Committee
C-75-4 New Orleans car efficiency committee
C-75-5 Fort Conditions Committee
C-75-6 Solid fuel industry advisory committee
C-75-7 War Transportation Efficiency Committee
C-75-8 (1 of 2) Manpower Priorities Committees VIII
C-75-8 (1 of 2) Manpower Priorities Committees VIII
C-75-9 ODT Transportation coordinating committee to facilitate movement of domestic traffic
C-75-1 Consolidate Railroad facilities
C-75-2 Birmingham Terminal Unification
C-80-1 Munic Railway - Tampa
C-80-2 B&O Wye - Hyattsville, Maryland
C-80-3 Relocation - Alexandria
C-80-4 Restoration - Key West Extension
C-80-5 GM&O Track Connection - Montgomery Regulating Station
C-80-6 Construction - Washington Terminal
C-80-7 Construction - Extension of Norfolk and Southern Railway from Fayetteville, North
Carolina to Fort Bragg, North Carolina
C-80-8 Tracks - Construction of Additional
C-80-9 Construction - WPB SAL yard, Raleigh, North Carolina
C-80-10 Construction - WPB office building, Wilmington, North Carolina
C-80-11 Construction - Investigation of
C-80-12 Construction - Siding for Underwood Coal and Supply Company
C-80-13 Construction - Interchange Facilities Richmond
C-80-14 Construction - Additions to facilities, Russell, Kentucky
Construction C-80 cont'd
C-80-15 Construction - Addition to Yard Tracks - Seaboard Air Line Railway, Richmond, Virginia
C-80-16 Construction - Signal station Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad
C-80-17 Construction - Union Station Cincinnati, Ohio
C-80-18 Construction - Seaboard Air Line Railway, Raleigh, N.C.
C-80-19 Construction - U.S. Mail conveyor system Washington Terminal
C-80-20 Construction - Application A.C.L. priorities construct diesel repair shop, Jacksonville, Florida
C-80-21 Construction - Tracks, trestles, Atlanta, oil
C-80-22 Construction - Application A.C.L authority construct double-track, Petersburg branch
C-80-23 Construction - Recommended by Gibbs, interlocker installation on L&N railroad at Winchester, Ky.
C-80-24 Construction - Application of ACL to extend passing
C-80-25 Construction - request for material to complete interlocker at Memphis Union Station
C-80-26 Construction - Application of D & RGW for CTC
C-80-27 Application of McWilliams Dredging Co. for relay rail at Radiant Mine, Nauvoo, Alabama
C-80-28 Additional facilities on Western Railroads
C-80-29 SAL application for block signal installation, Monroe, N.C., and Howells, GA.
C-80-30 Application of Delta Shipbuilding Co. for authority to construct additional tracks
C-80-31 Construction for projects approved by ODT
C-80-32 Application for addition to Acca Yard, Richmond, Virginia (R.F. & P)
C-80-33 Application of ACL for authority to enlarge North Charleston Station
C-80-34 Application of SAL for authority to construct three ballast deck trestles near Chester, S.C.
C-80-35 Additional stock pens at Potomac Yard (R.F. & P.)
C-80-36 Walk on bridge over Cape Fear River @ Milan, N.C.
C-80-37 Water tank at Robbins, S.C. (Atlantic Coast Line)
C-80-38 Central of Georgia power switching at Fort Valley (Macon, Ga.)
C-80-39 Extension of passenger station at Accotik, Va.
C-80-40 Completion of projects classed as improvements and abandonments
C-80-41 Seaboard Air Line request for re-arrangement of existing track facilities at Hamlet, N.C.
C-80-42 L&N and IC request for joint pasenger station at Milan, Tennessee
C-80-43 ACL request to modify interlocking plant at Sylvester, Ga.
C-80-44 ACL request to construct wye track connections at Copeland, Florida
C-80-45 Joint wye track at Brunswick, Ga., between Southern Ry., A.B. & C. and ACL
C-80-46 Seaboard application for authority to construct additional track at Jacksonville, Florida
C-80-47 Construction - Improvements at Jacksonville, Florida, requested by Seaboard Air Line
C-80-48 Construction - Additional station facilities at Dothan, Alabama, and Panama City, Florida, requested by A St. AB Railway
C-80-49 Construction - Additional building in shop yards at Montgomery, Alabama, requested by Western Railway Company, Alabama
C-80-50 Construction - Classification Yard, Miami Air Depot, Miami, Florida, requested by Army
C-80-51 Construction - C. of Ga. request to enlarge station facilities at Milledgeville, Ga.
C-80-52 Construction - Improvements in L&N passenger station at Montgomery, Alabama
C-80-53 Construction - Improvements in F.E. C. station facilities at Melbourne, Florida
C-80-54 Construction - Improvement in F.E.C. baggage room facilities at Miami, Florida
Box 8
Coordination C-90C-90-1 FEC-SAL South Florida Coordination
C-90-2 Trucking of cotton
C-90-3 Rail - Truck coordination
C-90-4 Coordination - Augusta to Greenwood
C-90-5 Duplicate train and bus service Jacksonville to Tampa
C-90-6 Beaufort and Savannah Steamship line
C-90-7 Coordination - Greater use of over-the-road-handling of motor trucks
C-90-1 No
C-90-2 Demurrage - Report of I.C.C. Talbotton RR. Maintain demurrage record
C-90-3 Demurrage - consideration free time or increasing demurrage rates
C-90-4 Hearing of Alabama Public Service Commission at Montgomery re revision of demurrage tariff.
D-15-1 Diversion Authority
D-15-2 Un-named
D-15-3 Diversion Orders
D-15-4 Diversion Orders - W.C. Curren
D-15-5 Carriers operating in the Southern Region which are parties to the Emergency Petroleum
D-20-1 Dunnage - Removal of Dunnage debris, strapping from freight cars time of unloading
Embargoes E-20E-20-1 No
E-20-2 Russian Embargoes
E-20-3 Embargo - Brann and Stewart
E-20-4 Embargo #50
E-20-5 Correspondence re: Embargoes
E-40-1 Daily report of absentees correspondence
E-40-1 Daily report of absentees
Employees E-40 cont'd
E-40-2 Drafting of Railroad Employees
E-40-3 Reciepts - Salary Checks
E-40-4 Applications - Rail Supervisors
E-40-4 Employment Applications - A-B
E-40-4 Employment Applications - C
E-40-4 Employment Applications - D-E-F-G
E-40-4 Employment Applications - H-I
E-40-4 Employment Applications - J-K-L
E-40-4 Employment Applications - M
E-40-4 Employment Applications - N-O-P
E-40-4 Employment Applications - Q-R
E-40-4 Employment Applications - S
E-40-4 Employment Applications - T-Z
E-40-5 Employees - Deficiencies, Housing, and Eating
E-40-6 Employees - Protection from poison gas
E-40-7 Employees - Resignation of
E-40-8 Employees - Visit Field, Miss Dorothy Sells, Womanpower problem
Employees E-40 cont'd
E-40-9 Employees - Deduction from pay, income tax
E-40-10 Young people in transportation industry
E-40-11 Employees - Proposal transfer to Western Region, train and yard service employees
furloughed in Southern Region
E-40-12 Employees - Rules for inducting men under selective service
E-40-13 Telephone service in Railroad Workers' homes
E-40-14 Efficiency Ratings
E-50-1 Air compressor for potomac yard
E-50-2 Block signals - Georgia RR
E-50-3 I.C. Application priority track construction
E-50-4 ODT claimant agency - Power to requisition
E-50-5 Equipment - Shortage of car equipment
E-50-6 Equipment - Track scale available
E-50-7 Equipment - request of Florida East Coast Ry., Miami Transfer Co., for additional trucks for pick up and delivery at Miami
E-50-8 Handling of grain doors
E-50-9 Callahan and Sons' request for snatch blocks for plant at Louisville, Ky.
E-50-10 C & O request for loud speaker system at Newport News, Virginia
E-50-11 General File - Equipment available for sale or lease
E-50-12 Equipment - request of Southern Steel works company, Birmingham, Alabama, for additional crane
E-50-13 Equipment - general file on requests for special or additional equipment to facilitate Operations
E-50-14 Application of Novick Transfer Co., Winchester, Va., for federal loan to purchase highway tractors
E-60-1 Scheduled express trains
E-60-2 Mail and Express II
E-60-3 Mail and Express at Jacksonville Terminal
Files F-5
F-5-1 Files and Correspondence
Financing F-6F-6-1 Financing RFC Loan Puerto Rico
Floods F-8F-8-1 Floods - Interruption to traffic
Forms F-10F-10-1 Applications for Employment
Freight F-20F-20-1 Sugar importation
F-20-2 Delay Account - United Fruit Company Measuring L.C.L.
F-20-3 Circus Movements
F-20-4 Priorities for air shipments
F-20-5 Regulating stations
F-20-6 Deports for truck-borne export freight
F-20-7 Cars awaiting forwarding instructions
F-20-8 No folder
F-20-9 Car delay - Du Pont - Chickasaw
F-20-10 Freight - Accumulation
F-20-11 Freight - Delay and bunching
F-20-12 Freight - Staggering - shipping cotton
F-20-13 Freight cars - utilization of
F-20-14 Fort Bragg tank car delay
F-20-15 Freight - delay Wilson and Co.
F-20-16 Freight - Movement of alcohol
F-20-17 Freight - Movement of carbide Louisville
F-20-18 Frieght - Complaint of Smith and Smith
F-20-19 Frieght delay - handling gondola cars
F-20-20 Freight - delay unloading pogne district
F-20-21 No folder
F-20-22 Freight - Ability of railroads to handle fruits and vegetables into Memphis
F-20-23 Freight - Yazoo and Miss. Valley RR freight to Meridian and Bigbee River Ry., delay- military impediments
F-20-24 Freight - Movement to Acme Fast freight, Tampa domestic and export memo waybill
F-20-25 Freight - Special cotton letter by Flippen and Alexander - Memphis
F-20-26 Freight - delay cars Tuscaloosa, Alabama, awaiting approval contents by inspector
F-20-27 Freight - delay unloading, Chalmette, Louisiana, failure to inspect blitz cars
F-20-28 Freight - Waste Trans. Landing sugar mobile when destination another port
F-20-29 Freight - Accumulation empty drums Houston, Texas
F-20-30 Freight - Hauling aggregates north, South Carolina
F-20-31 Freight - Forwarding pip for export to Mobile for San Francisco Waste Trans. & Labor
F-20-32 Freight - Use of new form combined bill of Lading and Waybill
F-20-33 Freight - OWI release, ODT 316 rearrangement full 6 day a week receipt of carload and LCL shipments
Freight F-20 cont'd
F-20-34 Accumulation of grain cars shipped by commodity credit corporation
F-20-35 AAR release showing minimum transit time allowed on exports to ports
F-20-36 Complaints re handling LCL freight
F-20-37 Molasses from Cuba
F-20-38 Canadian grain to U.S.
F-20-39 Export to Russia
F-20-40 Freight - Shipments of aluminum concentrate routed Mobile to Vancouver
F-20-41 Movement of perishables in southern region
F-20-42 No folder
F-20-43 Congestion of less carload freight (Cincinnati Area) including delay to merchandise cars account congestion in freight houses
F-20-43 Congestion of less carload freight including delay to merchandise cars account congestion in freight houses
F-20-44 Use of freight cars at Tampa for storage of import freight
F-20-45 Handling of import traffic at Ports
F-20-46 Movement of import green coffee through New Orleans
F-20-47 Request of Joseph B. Eastman for Waybills, September 5, 1943, through ASL and AAR
F-20-48 Freight - Survey of Alcohol plants Use of tank cars
F-20-49 Freight - Land grant deductions
F-20-50 Handling of traffic by New Orleans public belt
F-20-51 No folder
F-20-52 Movement of traffic between Little Creek, Va., and Cape Charles, Va., by the Pa. RR car ferry
F-20-53 Handling of manganese ore at Mobile, Alabama
F-20-54 Transportation of Mexican Cotton in United States
F-40-1 Contractors - New Orleans
F-40-2 Freight - Handling of China defense materials
General G-10
G-10-1 Payroll Allotment form II
G-10-2 Gladiola Plants from Florida
G-10-3 No folder
G-10-4 Potatoes II
G-10-5 Information as to the arrival of ships - security
G-10-6 Air Force site selection board
G-10-7 Synthetic rubber from alcohol
G-10-8 Johnson complaint
G-10-9 Gathering Florida fruits and vegetables
G-10-10 State trade barriers
G-10-11 Charles E. Bertrand
G-10-12 J.J. Stein
G-10-13 Conservation Hose connections
G-10-14 Stewart and Berkshire Railroad
G-10-15 Sheffield and Tionesta service
G-10-16 Navy liason officers
G-10-17 Policy of ODT with regard to conservation of transportation
G-10-18 Waste and trash - New Orleans
G-10-19 Ecuador - recommendation, operating officer
G-10-20 Food rationing - Employees
G-10-21 Contribution to Red Cross by employees
G-10-22 Representatives - food distribution A.D.M
G-10-23 OWI report on transportation
G-10-24 Stuttgart, Arkansas, not in Southern Region. Instructions not invade territory other directors.
G-10-25 Instructions regarding correspondence with WPB
G-10-26 Investigations as to availability of car floats to be used by Army in Boston Harbor
G-10-27 Tickets for concerts, etc.
G-10-28 Conservatin activities undertaken by division of railway transport by boatner
G-10-29 First Aid instructions
G-10-30 Tax legislation
G-10-31 Community War Fund Drive
G-10-32 Group hospitalization
G-10-33 Blood bank
G-10-34 Black market operations in railroad accommodations
G-10-35 Relief and rehabilitation in areas liberated from enemy control
G-10-36 Legal service - ODT
G-10-37 W.S.A. operations regulation No. 23A
G-10-38 No folder
G-10-39 Recognition of Transportation Co. and Employees for accomplishments
Icing I-10I-10-1 Mutual Ice Company - Potomac Yard
I-10-2 Request for assistance in securing refrigerators to handle ice shipments
I-10-3 Icing of cars on RF&P at PotomacYard
I-10-4 Request for additional icing facilities at Montgomery, Alabama (Atlantis Company)
I-15-1 Furnishing telegraphic information to cosignee
I-15-2 ODT information - office of war information
I-15-3 Information requested by OPA regarding movement of potatoes
I-15-4 Furnishing information concerning operations of one railroad to executives of other railroads
Box 14
Interstate Commerce Commission I-30I-30-1 Service Order #85, Regarding train limit rules in various states
I-30-2 ICC Service Agents
I-30-3 Interstate Commerce Act (I.C.C.)
I-50-1 Monthly Inventories
Labor L-10L-10-1 National Railway Labor Panel Emergency Board
L-10-2 Starting time transfer crews
L-10-3 Labor requirements in railroad industry
L-10-4 Labor
L-10-5 Strike, Machinists SAL Ry.
L-10-6 Labor difficulties, SAL Ry. Freight handlers, Jacksonville
L-10-7 General file on strikes
L-10-8 Shortage of labor on Atlantic Coast Line Railroad
L-10-9 Shortage of manpower on A&EC
L-10-10 Assignment of traffic men on railroad offices
L-10-11 Additional men on train crews
L-10-12 Manpower situation on Winston-Salem Southbound railroad
L-10-13 Shortage of manpower on Atlanta & St. Andrews Bay railway
L-10-14 Labor - strike at Tennessee, Gas and Transmission Company, Burnaugh, Kentucky
L-10-15 Pooling railroad and steamship labor at New Orleans
L-10-16 Shortage of labor at cotton storage warehouse and compresses
L-15-1 Loading - Lights for loading
L-15-2 Loading - Follansbee Steel Corporation - Damage to loading and equipment
L-15-3 Complaints regarding improper loading of cars
L-20-1 Locomotives
L-20-1 Locomotives II
Locomotive L-20 cont'd
L-20-1 Atlanta and St. Andrews Bay Ry - Locomotives
L-20-1 Locomotive schedules
L-20-1 Broward County Port Authority
L-20-1 Locomotives - High point, Thomasville and Denton Railroad
L-20-1 Locomotives - Porto (Puerto) Rican RR
L-20-2 Statistics - Locomotives
L-20-3 B&O Locomotives - out of service
L-20-4 Leasing Birmingham Southern Locomotives
L-20-5 ACL and SAL locomotives through . . .
L-20-6 Report indicating poor power conditions on L&N and GM&O RR
L-20-7 Request for information regarding export locomotives at Southern region ports
L-20-8 Locomotives leased
L-20-9 Survey of locomotive and car shops
L-20-10 Survey of locomotive and car shops (Reports) 1of 2
L-20-10 Survey of locomotive and car shops 2 of 2
M-5-1 Mailing lists
M-5-2 Mail in Mobile office
M-5-3 Mail instructions - Prompt reply to
M-5-4 Designation of postal delivery zones - facilitating delivery within large cities
M-5-5 Addresses Regional Offices ODT
M-5-6 Complaints handling mail
M-5-7 Mail - Origin of communications
M-5-8 Deadline - Mail Christmas packages
M-10-1 Map of Southern Freight Association
Box 16Meeting M-20
M-20-1 WPB Salvage Committee Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia
M-20-2 Staff Meetings
M-20-3 Handling of Wool
M-20-4 Dinner meetings
M-20-5 Meeting DAR at Cincinnati
M-20-6 Meeting grain and grain products transportation Conservation Committee
M-20-7 Motor truck meeting, Memphis
M-20-8 Eastman attends luncheon meeting, Cincinnati
M-20-9 Monthly meetings of regional representatives of ODT
M-20-10 Cancellation of meetings, conventions etc. to conserve transportation
O-5-1 Oil - General V
O-5-2 Circular No. TCS-1
O-5-3 Symbol #1
O-5-4 Symbol #2
O-5-5 Symbol #4
O-5-6 Symbol #5
O-5-7 Symbol #6
O-5-8 Symbol #7
O-5-9 Symbol #8
O-5-10 Symbol #9
Oil O-5 cont'd
O-5-11 Symbol #11
O-5-12 Symbol #12
O-5- 13 Symbol #15
O-5-14 Symbol #16
O-5-15 Symbol #17
O-5-16 Symbol #18
O-5-17 Symbol #19
O-5-18 Symbol #20
O-5-19 Symbol #22
O-5-20 Symbol #23
O-5-21 Symbol #25
O-5-22 Symbol #26
O-5-23 Symbol #27
O-5-24 Symbol #28
O-5-25 Symbol #29
O-5-26 Symbol #30
O-5-27 Symbol #31
O-5-28 Symbol #32
O-5-29 Symbol #36
O-5-30 Symbol #37
O-5-31 Symbol #39
O-5-32 Symbol #45
O-5-33 Symbol #46
O-5-34 Symbol #47
O-5-35 Symbol #49
O-5-36 Symbol #50
O-5-37 Symbol #60
O-5-38 Symbol #64
O-5-39 Symbol #67
O-5-40 Symbol #70
O-5-41 Symbol #73
O-5-42 Symbol #74
O-5-43 Symbol #75
O-5-44 Symbol #76
O-5-45 Symbol #77
O-5-46 Symbol #78
O-5-47 Symbol #79
O-5-48 Symbol #102
O-5-49 Symbol #104
Oil O-5 cont'd
O-5-50 Symbol #103 and #106
O-5-51 Symbol #107
O-5-52 Symbol #110
O-5-53 Symbol #114
O-5-54 Symbol #115
O-5-55 Symbol #116
O-5-56 Symbol #117
O-5-57 Symbol #118
O-5-58 Symbol #120
O-5-59 Symbol #122
O-5-60 Symbol #134
O-5-61 Symbol #202
O-5-62 Symbol #203
O-5-63 Symbol #204 and #205
O-5-6-1 Atlanta, Birmingham and Coast RR
O-5-6-2 Atlanta and West Point RR
O-5-6-3 Atlantic Coast Line RR
O-5-6-4 Baltimore and Ohio RR
O-5-6-5 Central of Georgia RR
O-5-6-6 Chesapeake and Ohio RR
O-5-6-7 Chesapeake Western Railway
O-5-6-8 Georgia Railroad
O-5-6-9 Gulf, Mobile and Ohio RR
O-5-6-10 Illinois Central System
O-5-6-11 Louisiana and Arkansas RR
O-5-6-12 Louisville and Nashville RR
O-5-6-13 Meridian and Bigbee River RR
O-5-6-14 Mississippi Central RR
O-5-6-15 Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis RR
O-5-6-16 Norfolk and Western RR
Symbol Oil Performance O-5-6 cont'd
O-5-6-17 Norfolk Southern RR
O-5-6-18 Piedmont Northern
O-5-6-19 Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac
O-5-6-20 Seaboard Air Line
O-5-6-21 Southern Railway System
O-5-6-22 The Virginian Railway
O-5-6-23 Performance - Symboled Oil trains
O-5-7-1 Atlanta, GA (Reports)
O-5-7-2 Atlanta, GA (Correspondence)
O-5-7-3 Birmingham
O-5-7-4 Charleston
O-5-7-5 Chattanooga, Tennessee
O-5-7-6 Cincinnati
O-5-7-7 Columbia
O-5-7-8 Jacksonville
O-5-7-9 Louisville
O-5-7-10 Memphis, Tennessee II
O-5-7-11 Mobile
O-5-7-12 Montgomery (Reports)
O-5-7-13 Reports of oil through New Orleans III
O-5-7-14 New Orleans (Correspondence) II
O-5-7 Series cont'd
O-5-7-15 Norfolk, VA
O-5-7-16 Panama City, Florida
O-5-7-17 Parkersburg, West Virginia
O-5-7-18 Richmond
O-5-7-19 Potomac Yard
O-5-7-20 Savannah
O-5-7-21 Tampa
O-5-7-22 Washington, D.C.
O-5-7-23 Wilmington
O-5-8 International Chemical Co. Permit
O-5-9 Washington Oil Receivers
O-5-10 International Lubricant Corp. delays
O-5-11 Helena, Arkansas to Cincinnati - Barges (Reports)
O-5-12 Diversion - Empty tanks - Anding, Mississippi
O-5-13 Information for field men on oil tanks
O-5-14 Empty tanks - Pickens, Mississippi
O-5-15 Defense Supplies Corp. - tank car delay
O-5-16 Oil from Norris City, Indiana, pipe line
O-5-17 Interchange - Baton Rouge
O-5-18 Potomac Yard tank cars
O-5-19 Standard Oil complaint - empty tanks - Baton Rouge
O-5-20 Oil - Chalmette - Alabama City (Gadsden)
O-5-21 Oil - routing of oil
O-5-22 Oil from Friendship, N.C. to Richmond, VA
O-5-23 Oil - diversion - empty - surplus tanks - floods
O-5-24 Delay in handling oil
O-5-25 Disposition empty tank cars Waybill lost
O-5-26 Spot checks of handling petroleum including time consumed loading and unloading
O-5-27 Routing of petroleum products, Jacksonville, Florida, to Norfolk, VA II
O-5-27 Routing of petroleum products, Jacksonville, Florida, to Norfolk, VA II
Petroleum Movement to East Coast O-5 cont'd
O-5-28 Re-routing - floods - big inch pipe line
O-5-29 Delay acct. irregular movement barges assigned to petroleum products
O-5-30 Accumulation cars loaded with empty drums at St. Rose, LA
O-5-31 Accumulation cars loaded with empty drums at St. Rose, LA
O-5-32 Barium Reduction Co., S. Charleston, W. VA - release tank cars for which no immediate use
O-5-33 Outline of duties ODT in transportation petroleum products
O-5-34 Handling as to failure to properly prepare tank cars for movement
O-5-35 Reconsigning tank cars due to surplus
O-5-36 Change in routing of symbol oil
O-5-37 "Relation of tank cars gross mile with total gross miles" (Report)
O-5-38 Assignment of tank cars for handling oil
O-5-39 Fuel oil for St. Louis - San Francisco RR - Baton Rouge to Memphis
O-5-40 Movement of oil from Anding, Mississippi, to Covington, Kentucky
O-5-41 Joint check by ODT, AAR and ICC of tank car performance July 1944
O-7-1 General Order No. 18 II
O-7-2 General Order No. 19
O-7-3 I.C.C. Service Orders (correspondence)
O-7-4 General Orders (correspondence)
O-7-5 General Order No. 7
O-7-6 No folder
O-7-7 Box 22
O-7-8 Restricting special freight trains (See O-7-11)
Orders O-7 cont'd
O-7-7 General Order #1 Movement of LCL freight
O-7-8 Box 21
O-7-9 Service Order #115 Diversion and Reconsignment of fruits and vegetables
O-7-10 I.C.C. Service Orders (Correspondence)
O-7-11 Service Order #3 150v151 Special freight train movements
O-7-12 Service Order #147 Icing restrictions on fruits and vegetables from West
O-7-13 Car Service Order #46 Regarding shortage of box car equipment
O-7-14 Transportation of corn
O-7-15 Movement of export grain to Port of New Orleans via rail and barge
O-10-1 No folder
O-10-2 Transportation Corps, War Department
O-10-3 Regional Administrative Offices
O-10-4-1 Anderson, Margaret D. Washington, D.C.
O-10-4-2 Booth, Mary A. Personnel and Appointments Norfolk, VA
O-10-4-3 Barwell, W.F. Norfolk, VA
O-10-4-4 Bostain, Betty Tampa, Florida Personnel and Appointments
O-10-4-5 Brown, Edwin Rice Mobile, Alabama
O-10-4-6 Cavey, E.C. Washington, D.C.
O-10-4-7 Brower, Harvey G. Norfolk, VA
O-10-4-8 Hazel R. Chamberlain
O-10-4-9 Coons, Earl L.
O-10-4-10 Coupe, Anna E.
O-10-4-11 Crowe, Maude
O-10-4-12 Devereux, Mary A. Personnel and Appointments Norfolk, VA
O-10-4-13 William H. Eggleston Norfolk, VA
Organization - Field Offices - Personnel O-10-4 cont'd
O-10-4-14 Fleming, Claude C. Richmond, VA
O-10-4-15 Flippin, John R. Memphis, Tennessee
O-10-4-16 Fush, John M. New Orleans
O-10-4-17 Vivian Grams Washington, D.C.
O-10-4-18 Garts, Lilliam P. Mobile, Alabama Personnel and Appointments
O-10-4-19 Gibbs, Fred T. Cincinnati
O-10-4-20 Gibson, Ruth M. Personnel and Appointments Cincinnati, Ohio
O-10-4-21 Imlay, J.P. Jacksonville, Florida
O-10-4-22 Jett, L. Archie Norfolk, VA
O-10-4-23 Johnson, Archie E. Richmond, VA
O-10-4-24 Kirby, W.C. Norfolk, VA
O-10-4-25 Lamborne, Martha V. Washington, D.C.
O-10-4-26 Legg, Ralph J.
O-10-4-27 Lockenberg, E.H. New Orleans
O-10-4-28 Lord, B.H. Washington, D.C.
O-10-4-29 Mann, Earl L.
O-10-4-30 Helena E. Markey New Orleans
O-10-4-31 Mayton, Wallace H. Columbia, S.C.
O-10-4-32 McLeod, B.T. New Orleans
O-10-4-33 Ruby W. Mengel Louisville, KY
O-10-4-34 Nash, Mrs. Madge H. Birmingham, Alabama
O-10-4-35 Nottingham, Thos. H. Jr.
O-10-4-36 Nusz, J.E. Birmingham, Alabama
O-10-4-37 O'Dea, A.E. Louisville, KY
O-10-4-38 Oliver, Kenneth D.
O-10-4-39 Parsons, A.D.
O-10-4-40 Parsons, Paul E.
O-10-4-41 Parvin, Victor
O-10-4-42 Peters, Hazel B. Personnel and Appointments Mobile, Alabama
O-10-4-43 Powell, Edwin H. Columbia, S.C.
Organization - Field Offices - Personnel O-10-4 cont'd
O-10-4-44 Pursell, Reginald F. New Orleans, LA
O-10-4-45 Quigley, Bernard Cincinnati, Ohio
O-10-4-46 Schamberger, Geo. Norfolk, VA
O-10-4-47 Shanafelt, M. Corrine Washington, D.C.
O-10-4-48 C.A. Simpson Columbia
O-10-4-49 Von Dohlen, J.A. Columbia
O-10-4-50 Warvel, H.G. Washington, D.C.
O-10-4-51 White, Mary K. Washington, D.C.
O-10-4-52 Williamson, Elizabeth C.
O-10-4-53 Wilson, Margaret E. Jacksonville, Florida Personnel and Appointments
O-10-4-54 Young, O.L. Memphis, Tennessee
O-10-5 Emergency Offices, ODT
O-10-6 Territorial Assignments
O-10-7 Duplication and conflict between ODT and other government agencies
O-10-8 ODT organization charts showing assignments to divisions
O-10-9 Southern Region Budget
O-10-10-1 Atlanta, GA
O-10-10-2 Birmingham, AL
O-10-10-3 Charleston, S. Carolina
O-10-10-4 Cincinnati, Ohio
O-10-10-5 Columbia, South Carolina
O-10-10-6 Jacksonville, FL
O-10-10-7 Louisville, KY
O-10-10-8 Memphis, Tennessee
O-10-10-9 New Orleans, LA
Organization - Field Offices O-10 cont'd
O-10-10-10 Mobile, AL
O-10-10-11 Norfolk, VA
O-10-10-12 Richmond, VA
O-10-10-13 Savannah, GA
O-10-10-14 Tampa, FL
O-10-10-15 Washington, D.C.
O-10-11 ICC Organization
O-10-12 Designation of titles in division of railway transport
O-10-13 Organization - Reorganization of Div. of Ry. Trans. & Consolidation with Div. of Traffic movement
P-5-1 Washington and Old Dominion RR Passenger Service
P-5-2 Millington Naval Training Station Passenger Service
P-5-3 Commuter Service on Georgetown Branch of B&O
P-5-4 Tennesse Central Railroad Passenger Service (Camp Campbell)
P-5-5 No folder
P-5-6 Dining car service for colored people (Thurgood Marshall)
P-5-7 Florida East Coast "Tiresaver" passenger service
P-5-8 Commuter Service between Richmond and Oriana, VA
P-5-9 Rehabilitation of "City of Lowell"
P-5-10 Commuter Service between Newport News and Grove, VA
P-5-11 Station Work - Atlanta Joint Terminal
P-5-12 Princeton to Albany, Indiana, Southern Railway Passenger Service
P-5-13 Illinois central operation between Effingham, Ill., and Indianapolis, Indiana
P-5-14 Exclusion of troop trains from Washington Terminal
P-5-15 Additional passenger service camp Vandorn, Miss.
P-5-16 Transportation of colored persons in Florida
P-5-17 Passenger Service - Southern Railway Orangeburg, S.C. to Charleston, Navy Yard
P-5-18 Passenger Service - Menon French Link, Ind., to Orleans, Indiana
P-5-19 Commuter Service - Between Macon, GA and Wellston Air Depot
P-5-20 No folder
P-5-21 Passenger Service - Southern Ry. South Carolina Divisions
Passenger Service P-5 cont'd
P-5-22 Chicago and Illinois Midland Ry. Co. Passenger Sevice (train blueprints)
P-5-23 Yazoo City, Mississippi Passenger Service
P-5-24 Blacksburg, Virginia Passenger Tunnel
P-5-25 Procedure for discontinuance of Passenger service
P-5-26 Passenger Service for Farm Surplus Adminstration on Tennesse Central RR
P-5-27 Passenger Service - C&O Richmond and Williamsburg, VA
P-5-28 Discontinuance of Passenger Service between Birmingham and Childersburg, Alabama
P-5-29 Troop movement - Information
P-5-30 Passenger Service - Yazoo and Mississippi Valley RR
P-5-31 Rationing of passenger travel
P-5-32 Additional sleeper for W.T. Edwards
P-5-33 Warrior River Terminal Co. Passenger Service
P-5-34 Survey on Yazoo and Mississippi Valley RR Passenger Service
P-5-35 Air Corps Personnel to pass thru Naval area-Norfolk
P-5-36 Delay opening gates Washington Union Station
P-5-37 Inadequacy of transportation Norfolk to Washington
P-5-38 Atlantic Coast Line railroad service between Sumter, S.C. and McColl, S.C.
P-5-39 Bureau of Census survey, May 1943, Passenger travel on railway and bus lines
P-5-40 Shuttle service between Knoxville, Tennessee and Clinton, Tennessee (L&N)
P-5-41 Service on Illinois Central between Louisvill, KY., and Fort Knox, KY
P-5-42 Additional passenger service Atlantic and East Carolina Railway
P-5-43 Dining Car Service
P-5-44 Restoration of passenger service on Illinois Central between Water Valley and Grenada, Mississippi
P-5-45 Sleeper service between Mobile and Montgomery and Birmingham, Alabama
P-5-46 Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac RR request for additional passenger service, Washington to Richmond
P-5-47 General file on commuter service for civilian personnel to war plants and industries
P-5-48 Service for workers employed at Brunswick , GA ship yards
P-5-49 Atlanta and St. Andrews Bay request to operate additional passenger service between Dothan and Panama City
P-5-50 Passenger service at Chase City, VA (Southern)
P-5-51 Bessemer and Lake Erie RR passenger service
Passenger Service P-5 cont'd
P-5-52 Passenger service on Yazoo and Mississippi Valley at Natchez, Miss.
P-5-53 Transportation for disabled military, Naval and Merchant Marine personnel
P-5-54 Shuttle train service on Miss. Central RR between Hattisburg and Camp Shelby
P-5-55 Request of N&W for assignment of additional Pullman Car on Lynchburg Cincinnati line and extension of line to Norfolk
P-5-56 Restriction of passenger service under ODT General Order 47
P-5-57 Restriction of bus service to conserve equipment
P-5-58 General order #55 re: pool of railway passenger equipment for use of armed forces
P-15-1 Permits for superphosphate fertilizer
P-15-2 Babbit - Cotton Mill shipments
P-15-3 Permit Control - June 1945
P-15-3-1 Permit Control - December 1944
P-15-3-2 Permit Control - November 1944
P-15-3-3 Permit Control - October 1944
P-15-3-4 Permit Control - September 1944
P-15-3-5 Permit Control - August 1944
P-15-3-6 Permit Control - July 1944
P-15-3-7 Permit Control - June 1944
P-15-3-8 Permit Control - May 1944
P-15-3-9 Permit Control - April 1944
P-15-3-10 Permit Control - March 1944
P-15-3-11 Permit Control - February 1944
P-15-3-12 Permit Control - January 1945
P-15-3-13 Permit Control - January 1944
P-15-3-14 Permit Control - December 1943
Permits P-15 cont'd
P-15-3-15 Permit Control - November 1943
P-15-4 In box 28
P-15-5 Martinique Coal DeBardeleben Coal Co.
P-15-6-1 "66" Series Permits (Navy)
P-15-6-2 "77" Series Permits (Local)
P-15-6-3 "88" Series Permits
P-15-6-4 "99" Series Permits ( Storage)
P-15-7 Port bulletins issued by A.A.R.
P-15-8 Special permit ODT - 24 Authorizing operation of Special Passenger Service
P-15-9 Movement of fruits and vegetables, particularly potatoes, into Tampa w/o ODT permits
P-15-10 Movement of loose fire brick into New Orleans
P-15-11 Permitting U.S. Engineers Lumber destined for overseas
P-25-1 Form PQ-1 II
P-25-1 Personnel - General III
P-25-2 Personnel of Division of Railway Transport
P-25-3 Civil Service Retirement Act
P-25-4 List of Navy Commandants
P-25-5 Auto tires for Field Personnel
P-15-4 Procedure for handling violations of General Order ODT 16 (1 of 2)
P-15-4 Procedure for handling violations of General Order ODT 16 (2 of 2)
P-25-6 Gasoline for field men
P-25-7 Personnel of motor transport
P-25-8 Personnel - Calling on RR and other officials
P-25-9 Personnel - Request for FBI investigation of all port supervisors
P-25-10 Personnel - Pooling autos in D.C. area
P-25-11 Division of transport of personnel
P-25-12 Procedure re: compensation for ODT employees
P-25-13 Appointment of regional counsels
P-25-14 ODT personnel
P-40-1 Railway protective system
P-40-2 OCD Protection of railway facilities
P-40-3 Police - Handling stringent Coast Guard requirements at Mobile which danger loadings
and unloadings (labor)
(Un-numbered pamphlet) P.O.S. Report #18
P-47-1 Form P-O-S Reports
P-47-2 Foreign trade zones
P-47-3 A.A.R. survey of gulf port facilities
P-47-4 Survey of Port and Labor facilities at South Atlantic Ports
P-47-5 Average daily export capacity of ports in Southern Region
Publications P-50
P-50-1 Publications - General
P-50-2 Weekly bulletin Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce
P-50-3 Article by Lew Heck
P-50-4 Florida fruit and vegetable report
P-50-5 Publications - "The Other Fellows Job" pamphlet on troop movement
P-50-6 Publications - Weekly info. Letter - Association American RR
P-50-7 Publications - Trade press clip sheet released by OWI
P-50-8 Publications - Report "Railroad traffic and other traffic data, Transportation Section of W.P.B.
P-50-9 Publications - List of publications available through O.E.M. library
P-50-10 Publications - Editorial in July issue of "Motor Bus Transportation"
P-60-1 Elimination Pullman Service
Questionnaires Q-30Q-30-1 Questionnaires - Submission to Budget Bureau
Railroads R-12R-12-1 Allocation of rail
R-12-2 W.B. & Pt. L. Railroad - Navy requisitioning
R-12-3 Gasoline shortage on railroads
Railroads R-12 cont'd
R-12-4 Possession and operation of railroads by War Department
R-12-5 Violations of safe operating practices on railroads
R-15-1 FSA - 19929 - L&N - Chattanooga Coal
R-15-2 Joint rates and reciprocal switching
R-15-3 Anti-trust Act re: freight and passenger rates
R-20-1 Weekly report to E.J. Connors on port and rail conditions in the Southern and Western Regions
R-20-2 Review of SC-1 reports
R-20-3 Form B report on Port conditions (correspondence)
R-20-4 Pelly's daily report on transportation items of interest
R-20-5 SC-1 Correspondence III
R-20-5-1 SC-1 Reports (correspondence) IV
R-20-6 No folder
R-20-7 No folder
R-20-8 Progress report of S. Region to President
R-20-8-1 Progress report of division of railway transport to the President
R-20-9 Reports - Railroads to supervisor
Reports R-20 cont'd
R-20-10 Manpower shortages (Reports on)
R-20-11 Passing reports December 22 and 23, 1942
R-20-12 AAR PT reports correspondence
R-20-12-1 AAR PT Report #1
R-20-12-2 AAR PT Report #2
R-20-12-3 AAR PT Report #3
R-20-12-4 AAR PT Report #4
R-20-12-5 No folder
R-20-12-6 AAR PT Report #6
R-20-12-7 AAR PT Report #7
R-20-12-8 No folder
R-20-12-9 No folder
R-20-12-10 AAR PT Report #12
R-20-13 P-5 Daily Summary
R-20-13-1 P-5 Daily Summary (Correspondence) II
R-20-14 No folder
R-20-15 General transportation situation (Buford-AAR)
R-20-16 Monthly freight traffic forecast (traffic movement)
R-20-16-1 Freight traffic forecast (correspondence)
R-20-17 Car detention at South Atlantic Ports
R-20-18 P-6 Inventory - cars held in port 30 days or more
R-20-19 "Transportation by Rail" condition report reflected by SC-1 reports - bi-monthly
R-20-20 Port activity record Division of traffic movement (correspondence)
R-20-20-1 Port activity record Division of traffic movement (correspondence)
R-20-21 Daily situation at Shenandoah and Hagerstown
Reports R-20 cont'd
R-20-22 No folder
R-20-23 Estimated box car shipments to California (correspondence)
R-20-24 Tank cars held over 24 hours (correspondence) (AAR)
R-20-25 Cars erroneously reported (correspondence)
R-20-26 Weekly reports of supervisors on rail constructions (corres.)
R-20-26-1 Weekly reports of district rail directors January 1, 1944
R-20-26-2 Weekly reports of supervisors on port conditions (corres.)
R-20-27 Reports covering construction and expansion of military projects in Southern Region
R-20-28 Handling with demurrage and storage Bureau for copies of report to be sent to supvs.
R-20-29 P-1 summary. ODT export permits issued authorizing arrivals at ports
R-20-29-1 Comparison P-1 forecast with P-5 daily activity report of total arrivals
R-20-29-2 P-1 summary. ODT export permits issued authorizing arrival at ports (corres.)
R-20-30 Anticipated imports PI-1 report (corres.)
R-20-31 No folder
R-20-32 AAR car efficiency sub-committee reports
R-20-33 Current export bulletins of foreign administration
(Unnumbered pamphlet) Port of Hampton Roads brochures May 15, 1937 and June 1, 1940
Routing R-40R-40-1 Chesapeake Western-Diversion
R-40-2 Circuitous routing
R-40-3 Childersburg Limestone
R-40-4 Routing TAG line
R-40-5 Routing steel plates - Birmingham to Oregon
R-40-6 Hauling cement - Atlanta to Marietta, GA
R-40-7 Amphibious Base - Carrabel, FL
R-40-8 Army - cross hauling - Atlanta
R-40-9 Troop trains through Atlanta
R-40-10 Winston Salem Southbound
R-40-11 Routing of barges - Higgins to Coast
R-40-12 Routing of bauxite
Routing R-40 cont'd
R-40-13 Routing via S. Georgia
R-40-14 Routing - circuitous
R-40-15 Routing - oil by New Orleans P.B. RR
R-40-16 Division of traffic movement
R-40-17 Greater use of Short Line RR
R-40-18 Gas from Los Angeles, California, to Newark, N.J., Account accident
R-40-19 Woodward Iron Company via L&N instead of Southern Ry.
R-40-20 Marked Tree - Arkansas to New Orleans Service Order #125
R-40-21 Routing of granite from Georgia to Chicago for cemetary vault
R-40-22 Routing and handling of traffic (government)
R-40-23 Use of Mississippi Export RR in serving Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp. at Pascagoula, Miss.
R-40-24 Shipments of California Cotton to Compresses in Missouri and Arkansas
R-40-25 Routing of export traffic into ports
R-40-26 Movement of limestone into South Carolina
R-40-27 No folder
R-40-28 No folder
R-40-29 No folder
R-40-30 No folder
R-40-31 Reports received from railroads in Southern Region
S-3-1 Rubber tires
S-3-2 Salvaging scrap or obsolete materials - Fort Benning
S-5-1 American cars in Cuba II
S-5-2 Seatrain daily report II
S-5-3 Seatrain daily report correspondence
S-5-4 Car of marble
S-10-1 Atlanta, Birmingham & Coast RR
S-10-1-2 Atlantic and East Carolina Ry
S-10-1-3 Atlanta and St. Andrews Bay Railway Co.
S-10-1-4 Atlantic Coastline Railroad
S-10-1-5 Baltimore and Ohio RR
S-10-1-6 Carolina Southern
Service - Railroad S-10 cont'd
S-10-1-7 Central of Georgia Ry
S-10-1-8 Charleston and Western Carolina Railway Co.
S-10-1-9 Chesapeake and Ohio RR
S-10-1-10 Clinchfield Route
S-10-1-11 No folder
S-10-1-12 Florida East Coast Railway
S-10-1-13 No folder
S-10-1-14 Georgia & Florida Railroad
S-10-1-15 No folder
S-10-1-16 Gulf, Mobile & Ohio RR
S-10-1-17 No folder
S-10-1-18 Kentucky and Illinois terminal
S-10-1-19 Louisville and Nashville RR
S-10-1-20 Meridian and Bigbee River
S-10-1-21 No folder
S-10-1-22 Missouri Pacific
S-10-1-23 Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis RR
S-10-1-24 Norfolk Southern
S-10-1-25 Norfolk and Western
S-10-1-26 Piedmont and Northern Ry
S-10-1-27 St. Louis - San Francisco Ry
S-10-1-28 Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac RR
S-10-1-29 Seaboard Air Line Ry.
S-10-1-30 Southern Railway System
S-10-1-31 No folder
S-10-1-32 Virginian Railway
S-10-1-33 Virginia Blue Ridge Railway
S-10-1-34 Wilmington, Brunswick and Southern RR
S-10-2 Interruptions to service on RR in Southern Region
S-10-2-1 Atlanta, Birmingham and Coast
S-10-2-2 Atlantic and Carolina RR
S-10-2-3 Atlantic Coast Line
S-10-2-4 Baltimore and Ohio RR
S-10-2-5 Central of Georgia RR
S-10-2-6 Chesapeake and Ohio RR
S-10-2-7 Florida East Coast Ry.
S-10-2-8 Kentucky and Indian Terminal
Service - Railroad S-10 cont'd
S-10-2-9 Louisville and Nashville RR
S-10-2-10 Meridian and Bigbee River RR
S-10-2-11 Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Ry.
S-10-2-12 Norfolk Southern RR
S-10-2-13 Norfolk and Western
S-10-2-14 Pennsylvania RR
S-10-2-15 Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac
S-10-2-16 St. Louis - San Francisco Ry.
S-10-2-17 Deaboard Airline Ry.
S-10-2-18 Southern Railway
S-10-2-19 Virginian Railway
S-10-3 Performance of switching operations by common carrier within any depot. Letter by Captian Brinkman.
S-10-4 Shuttle service for Higgins Plant, New Orleans
S-10-5 Auto Graveyard Section (WPB) Switching
S-10-6 Fast freight and passenger service
S-10-7 Delay to tanks of sulphuric acid between Baton Rouge and Alabama Ordnance Works
S-10-8 Emergency Service enemy bombing
S-10-9 Operations over L&N Montgomery-New Orleans-Pensacola Division, including Marianna Air Base.
S-10-10 Complaints regarding railroad service
S-10-11 Railroad service for U.S. Air Base, Key Field, Meridian, Mississippi, via I.C.
S-10-12 War department transportation regulations
S-10-13 Mixed train service between Blue Ridge, Ga. and Murphy, N.C. on the L&N
S-10-14 Switching service by Yazoo and Mississippi Valley RR for Belmont Lumber Co., Charleston, Mississippi
S-10-15 Taxicab service at Union Station (Washington, D.C.)
S-20-1 Johnson Lumber Company Side track
S-20-2 Interstate Metal Company side track
S-20-3 Siding for Kenneth Hospital
S-20-4 Sidings - Priority
S-30-1 C.T.C - NC & St. L
S-30-2 C.T.C. - N&W
Signals S-30 cont'd
S-30-3 C.T.C. - L&N
S-30-4 Signals - Dictaphone Electricord Equipment
S-30-5 Signals - C.T.C. signals Alberta, Virginia - Norlina, N. Carolina
S-30-6 Signals - General file on C.T.C. signal installations
S-30-7 Signals - C.T.C. Installation CofG Railway - Ochillee, GA and Weems, Alabama
S-30-8 Signals at Savannah, GA on Central of Georgia
S-30-9 Signaling changes at Fredericksburg, VA on RF&P
S-30-10 Signals at Potomac Yard (RF&P)
S-30-11 Application of Central of Georgia for signal installation between Columbus, GA and Vandiver, AL
Stations S-110
S-110-1 Passenger Station-Millington, Tennessee
Statistics S-120S-120-1 Statistical Section-Railway transport
S-120-2 Statistics - Report covering employment on class railroads
S-120-3 Monthly comment on transportation statistics by ICC (report)
S-120-4 Freight revenue and value of commodities transported
S-120-5 Respect to car miles locomotive miles and gross ton miles
S-120-6 Report on freight car detentions by industrial users
S-120-7 "Selected operating statistics of selected southern railroads"
S-120-8 "Transportation of forest products in the U.S. 1941-1944
S-140-1 Lorain and Southern storage
S-140-2 Storage of canned goods in transit
S-140-3 Army holding and reconsignment depots
S-140-4 Storage of pipe by brazilian purchasing commission - Birmingham
S-140-5 Storage practices of railroads at North Atlantic Ports, Baltimore, MD
S-140-6 Pier storage space-Baltimore
S-140-7 General instructions re:storage
S-140-8 Reports on hand
S-140-9 No folder
S-140-10 General file on storage of Army export freight
S-140-11 No folder
S-140-12 Procedure for disposition of frustrated port
S-140-13 Condemnation-Waterfront property of FEC Navy
S-140-14 Acquisition Piers Miami Navy
S-140-15 Investigation as to iron and steel plates ground storage back of ports
S-140-16 Government owned iron and steel
S-140-17 Forced-off-loading of in-bound export cargo
S-140-18 Storage in transit of Nitrate of Soda
S-140-19 Acquisition by Navy of Virginian and Norfolk and Western property at Norfolk
S-140-20 Acquisition by Navy of Mallory Pier, Tampa, Florida
S-140-21 Storage orders - New Orleans, LA
S-140-21-1 Storage orders - Savannah
S-140-21-2 Storage orders - Mobile
S-140-21-3 Storage orders - Tampa, FL
S-140-22 Acquisition by Navy of pier at New Orleans
S-140-23 Space control committee of the surplus war property administration
S-140-24 Storage in transit of government export traffic
S-140-25 Acquisition by Navy of commodores Point Terminal, Jacksonville
S-140-26 Acquisition by Maritime Commission of fertilizer warehouse at Panama City, FL
Switching S-175
S-175-1 Movement to Army Base - Norfolk
S-175-2 Interchange - Moultrie, GA (Moultrie)
S-175-3 General instructions regarding switching at Ordnance, Marine and Naval plants
S-175-3-1 Alabama Ordnance Works Plants 1 and 2 Sylacauga, Alabama
S-175-3-2 Bluegrass Ordanance Plant Fort Estill, Richmond, KY
S-175-3-3 Chicksaw Ordance Plant Millington, TN
S-175-3-4 Coosa River Ordnance Plant Talladega, AL
S-175-3-5 Gadsden Ordnance Plant Gadsden, AL
S-175-3-6 Gulf Ordnance Plant Aberdeen, MS
S-175-3-7 Holston Ordnance Plant Kingston, TN
S-175-3-8 Hoosier Ordnance Works Indiana Ordnance Works Charlestown, Indiana
S-175-3-9 Mississippi Ordnance Plant Jackson, MS
S-175-3-10 Morgantown Ordnance Works Morgantown, West Virginia
Switching S-175 cont'd
S-175-3-11 New River Ordnance Plant Dublin, Virginia
S-175-3-12 Ohio River Ordnance Works Henderson, Kentucky
S-175-3-13 Radford Ordnance Works Radford, VA
S-175-3-14 Redstone Ordnance Works Huntsville, AL
S-175-3-15 Volunteer Ordnance Plant Tyner, TN
S-175-3-16 West Virginia Ordnance Works Point Pleasant, W. VA
S-175-3-17 Wolf Creek Ordnance Plant Milan, TN
S-175-4 Switching cost formula developed by ICC
S-175-5 Switching to Charleston, SC
S-175-6 Duplicate switching operations
S-175-7 Definition "inter-plant" and "intra-plant"
S-175-8 General file regarding investigation of switching operations at Navy Yards in Southern Reg.
S-175-8-1 US Naval Ammunition Depot Burns City, IN
S-175-8-2 US Naval Proving Grounds Dahlgren, VA
S-175-8-3 Naval Ammunitions Depot St. Juliens Creek, VA
S-175-8-4 Naval Training Station Bainbridge, Maryland
S-175-8-5 Naval Supply Depot Penniman, VA
S-175-8-6 Naval Air Station Pensacols, FL
Switching S-175 cont'd
S-175-8-7 US Navy Yard Charleston, SC
S-175-8-8 Washington, DC Navy Yard
S-175-8-9 US Naval Air Station Opa-Looka, FL
S-175-8-10 US Naval Station New Orleans (algiers), LA
S-175-8-11 US Naval Station Advance Depot Gulfport, MS
S-175-8-12 US Naval Supply Depot New Orleans, LA
S-175-8-13 Naval Ammunition Depot Innes, SC
S-175-8-14 US Naval Air Station Jacksonville, FL
S-175-8-15 Naval Mine Depot Yorktown, VA
S-175-8-16 Naval Operating Base Norfolk, VA
S-175-8-17 Navy Yard Norfolk (Portsmouth), VA
S-175-9 General file regarding investigation of switching operations at Maritime Commission Plants or shipyards
S-175-9-1 Alabama dry dock and shipbuilding company plant Mobile, AL (Maritime)
S-175-9-2 Delta shipbuilding company New Orleans, LA Maritime Commission
S-175-9-3 Ingalls Shipbuilding Corporation Pascagoula, MS (operated for Maritime Comm.)
S-175-9-4 J.A. Jones construction company Brunswick, GA (operated for Maritime Comm.)
S-175-9-5 J.A. Jones construction company Panama City, FL Maritime Comm.
S-175-9-6 McClosky and company Tampa, FL (Maritime)
S-175-9-7 North Carolina shipbuilding company Wilmington, NC (Maritime)
S-175-9-8 St. Johns River shipbuilding co. Jacksonville, FL (operated for Maritime Comm.)
S-175-9-9 Southeastern shipbuilding corp. Savannah, GA (maritime)
S-175-10 General file regarding investigation of switching operations at Marine camps
S-175-10-1 Camp Le Jeune Jacksonville (New River), NC (Marine)
S-175-11 General file investigation of switching operations at Army camps
S-175-11-1 Army Air Force Transit depot No. 1 Moncks Corner, SC
S-175-11-2 Atlanta Army Forces storage depot Atlant, GA
S-175-11-3 Fort Belvoir, VA
S-175-11-4 Fort Benning, Columbus, GA
S-175-11-5 Fort Bragg, NC
S-175-11-6 Camp Breckenridge Morganfield, Ky
S-175-11-7 Camp Butner, NC
S-175-11-8 Camp Campbell, KY
S-175-11-9 Camp Croft Spartanburg, SC
S-175-11-10 Camp Davis Holly Ridge, NC
S-175-11-11 Charleston, SC Ordnance Depot and Port Embarkation
S-175-11-12 Dyersburg Army Air Force Dyersburg, TN
S-175-11-13 Fort Eustis, Lee Hall, VA
Switching S-175 cont'd
S-175-11-14 Camp Forrest Tullahoma, TN
S-175-11-15 Army Air Force Depot Gadsden, AL
S-175-11-16 Camp Gordon Groveton, GA
S-175-11-17 Greenville Army Air Base Greenville, SC
S-175-11-18 Jackson Army Air Base Jackson, MS
S-175-11-19 Fort Jackson Columbia, SC
S-175-11-20 Fort John Custic Kiptopeke, VA
S-175-11-21 Fort Knox KY US Army Post
S-175-11-22 Langley Field, VA
S-175-11-23 Laurinburg-Maxton Army Air Base Maxton, NC
S-175-11-24 Camp Lee Petersburg, VA
S-175-11-25 Lexington signal depot Lexington, KY
S-175-11-26 Loiusville Medical Depot, Louisvill, KY
S-175-11-27 Camp Mackall NC
S-175-11-28 Fort McClellan, AL
S-175-11-29 Memphis AAFSD Memphis, TN
S-175-11-30 Memphis ASFD
S-175-11-31 Fort Monroe Old Point, Comfort, VA
S-175-11-32 New Orleans Port of Embarkation New Orleans LA
S-175-11-33 Norfolk Army Base Norfolk, VA
S-175-11-34 Oyster Point VA (BSD)
S-175-11-35 Camp Patrick Henry VA
S-175-11-36 Camp Pendleton Virginia Beach, VA
S-175-11-37 Camp Pickett Blackstone, VA
S-175-11-38 Quartermaster Sub Depot Cameron, VA
S-175-11-39 Richmond Air Base Richmond VA
S-175-11-40 Richmond Holding and Reconsignment Depot Richmond,VA
S-175-11-41 Camp Rucker Ozark, AL
S-175-11-42 Camp Sibert Sibert, AL
S-175-11-43 Smyrna Air Base Smyrna, TN
S-175-11-44 Fort Story Cape Henry, VA
S-175-11-45 Camp Tyson Paris, TN
S-175-11-46 Camp Wheeler Macon, GA
S-175-12 Prisoner-of-war camps
S-175-13 Intra-city switching service at Louisvill, KY (to and from barges)
S-175-14 Intra-city switching at Richmond
Telephone Service T-22
T-22-1 Telephone Service
Terminal conditions T-25T-25-1 Potomac Yard (reports)
T-25-1-1 Potomac Yard (corres.)
T-25-2 Clifton Forge, VA
T-25-3 Birmingham, AL II
Terminal Conditions T-25 cont'd
T-25-4 Cincinnati, Ohio III
T-25-5 Atlanta
T-25-6 Memphis
T-25-7 Louisville
T-25-8 Chattanooga, TN
T-25-9 Meridian, MS
T-25-10 Roanoke, VA
T-25-11 Mobile
T-25-12 Charleston, SC
T-25-13 Norfolk, VA
T-25-14 New Orleans
T-25-15 Jacksonville
T-25-16 Columbia, SC
T-25-17 Tampa
T-25-18 Washington, DC
T-25-19 Cumberland
T-25-20 Hagerstown, MD
T-25-21 Pensacola
Terminal Conditions T-25 cont'd
T-25-22 Knoxville, TN
T-25-23 West Henderson, KY
T-25-24 Elza, TN
T-25-25 Owensboro, KY
T-25-26 Paducah, KY
T-25-27 New Haven KY
T-25-28 Kevil, KY
T-25-29 Stagg, KY
T-25-30 Morehead, KY
T-25-31 Mt. Sterling, KY
T-25-32 Leach, KY
T-25-33 Lexington, KY
T-25-34 Taylor KY
T-25-35 Winchester KY
T-25-36 Frankfort, KY
T-25-37 Cleves, OH
T-25-38 Russell KY
T-25-39 Latonia KY
T-25-40 Covington KY
T-25-41 Lawrenceberg , IN
T-25-42 Indianapolis IN
T-25-43 Newport KY
T-25-44 Richmond VA IV
Terminal Conditions T-25 cont'd
T-25-45 Montgomery, AL
T-25-46 South Portsmouth, Ky
T-25-47 Bowling Green KY
T-25-48 Milan TN
T-25-49 Charlotte NC
T-25-50 Anniston, AL
T-25-51 Gadsden, AL
T-25-52 Jeffersonville IN
T-25-53 Viola KY
T-25-54 Maysville Ky
T-26-1 Car detention at Oyster Point, VA Army holding point for explosives
Terminal Reports T-30T-30-1 Improvements in Memphis TN Terminal facilities
T-30-1-1 Request of Fernwood, Columbia and Gulf RR for tieplates
T-30-2 Production of railroad cross ties
T-50-1 Southern Railway tracks Shrewsberry, MS
T-50-2 Complaint, Riverdale, Maryland
T-50-3 Proposal of Army for track connection with B&O at Aberdeen, MD
T-50-4 Emergency crossing ACL. Orlando, FL to server Orlando Utilities Commission
T-80-1 Motor truck efficiency committee, Memphis TN
T-80-2 Restrictions on motor truck deleveries
T-80-3 Over-the-road truck drivers strike in Southeast October 1943
W-10-1 Southern Railway Water Supply
W-10-2 Water supply at Olive Hill KY
W-10-3 Request of Southern RY for additional tank cars to haul water for Louisville Division
W-10-4 Emergency substitution of rail for truck service
Weighing W-20W-20-1 Weighing - Shippers Weigh
Yards Y-10Y-10-1 Bourbon stock yards - Louisville
Y-10-2 Tank cars
Y-10-3 Airplane runway - Hialeah
Y-10-4 Trains held out of yards
Y-10-5 GM&O transfer to SAL yard at Birmingham
Y-10-6 Yard - Securing land eminent domain proceedings
I-10-1 Checks made by VE Lovett at Military or Naval installations
I-10-2 Baltimore and Ohio RR
I-10-3 Coal Meeting - movement of coal, B&O
Maps M-10
M-10-1 Charleston, SC
M-10-2 Wilmington NC
M-10-3 O.D.T. Division of traffic movement zone territory map
M-10-4 Charleston SC
M-10-5 Jacksonville FL (1934)
M-10-6 MS railroads and road map
M-10-7 Municapal docks and terminals Jacksonville FL
M-10-8 Virginia Seashore
M-10-9 Rail lines Savannah, GA
M-10-10 Short line map
M-10-11 SAL Ry. Map of Connections
M-10-12 Atlanta 1934
M-10-13 New Orleans 1943
M-10-14 Tampa and Seddon Island, SAL
M-10-15 Savannah, GA
M-10-16 Port Tampa (photo)
M-10-17 Port Tampa Terminal (map)
M-10-18 Map of Southern Freight Assoc.
M-10-19 D.C. Travel Map
M-10-20 W. Maryland Railway
M-10-21 Hagerstown, MD (handdrawn)
M-10-22 Hagerstown, MD
M-10-23 Georgia and Florida RR and connections
M-10-24 Charleston SC (1923)
M-10-25 Industrial locations Savannah GA 1931
M-10-26 Wilmington NC 1918
M-10-27 Malory-Gulf terminal Co. Tampa, FL property plan
M-10-28 A.H. Bull steamship co. Tampa, FL 1934
M-10-29 South Boca Grande Terminal Charlotte Harbor and Northern Ry.
M-10-30 (1921) SAL Ry Co. Map of Tampa and Seddon Island
M-10-31 Wilmington NC A.C.L.
M-10-32 Wilmington NC
M-10-33 Wilmington NC
M-10-34 Wilmington NC
M-20-1 ODT S. Reg. Symbol petroleum performance form
M-20-2 Alabama State Dock photos
M-20-3 Port of Mobile News (1943)
M-20-4 Alabama State docks map
M-20-5 State owned ocean terminals at Mobile, AL
M-20-6 map of greater Mobile, AL
M-20-7 Alabama state docks Mobile, AL (1940)
M-20-8 Mobile, AL 1929
M-20-9 B&O RR Map
M-20-10 Right-of-way and track map 1918 B&O RR
M-20-11 Potomac Yard Alexandria, VA 1940
M-20-12 Potomac Yard Alexandria, VA 1942
Accidents A-4
A-4-1 Accidents VI
A-4-1-1 Accidents V
A-4-1-2 Accidents IV
A-4-1-3 Accidents III
A-4-1-4 Accidents #2 March 1, 1943
Box 47
Accidents A-4 cont'dA-4-5 Accident I February 1943
C-40C-40-1 Government construction projects
C-40-4 Blue Grass Ordnance Plant government construction II
C-40-4-1 Government construction Blue Grass I
C-75-8 Manpower priorities committees VII
C-75-8 Manpower priorities committees VII March 10, 1945 to April 9, 1945
Box 48
Manpower Priorities Committes C-75 cont'dC-75-8-2 MPC V
C-75-8-3 MPC IV
C-75-8-4 MPC III
C-75-8-5 MPC II
Box 49
Manpower Priorities Committee C-75 cont'dC-75-8-6 MPC
Coordination C-90C-90-4 Coordination - Augusta to Greenwood I
C-90-4-1 Coordination - Augusta to Greenwood II
Box 50
D-15D-15-1 No folder
D-15-2 No folder
D-15-3 J.M. Hood's diversion authority
E-20-1 Embargoes
Freight F-20-43
F-20-43-1 Congestion of less carload freight including delay to merchandise cars account congestion in freight houses I
F-20-43-2 Congestion of less carload freight including delay to merchandise cars account congestion in freight houses II
F-20-43-3 Congestion of less carload freight including delay to merchandise cars account congestion in freight houses III
F-20-43-4 Congestion of less carload freight including delay to merchandise cars account congestion in freight houses IV
Box 51
Freight F-20-43 cont'dF-20-43-5 Congestion of less carload freight including delay to nerchandise cars account congestion in freight houses V
G-10G-10-4 Potatoes I
G-10-5 Information as to Arrival of Ships
O-5-1-1 Oil - General IV
O-5-28 Messages accounts - oil trains
Oil O-5 cont'd
O-5-1-2 Oil general June 1, 1943
O-5-1-3 Oil general II
O-5-1-4 Oil to East Coast I
O-5-1-5 Symbols #6 and #7 January 1944, December 1944
O-5-1-6 S. Region Symbol trains
O-5-1-7 Symbol train performance June 1945
Oil O-5 cont'd
O-5-1-8 Symbol #6 and #7
O-5-1-9 Symbol #32 and #33 December 1942 - February 26, 1945
O-5-4 Oil barges - Panama City
O-5-7 Atlanta
O-5-7-1 Cincinnati
Oil O-5 cont'd
O-5-7-2 Memphis
O-5-7-3 New Orleans (Reports)
O-5-7-4 No folder
O-5-7-5 New Orleans I
O-5-7-6 No folder
O-5-7-7 No folder
O-5-7-8 Norfolk (Reports)
O-5-27 Routing of petroleum products Jacksonville, Florida to Norfolk, VA
O-5-27-1 Routing of petroleum products Jacksonville, Florida to Norfolk, VA (Reports)
O-5-28 Rerouting - floods - Big Inch Pipeline
O-7-1 Symbol trucks January –June 1944
O-7-2 General Order #18
O-7-2-1 General Order #18
P-15-3-1 Permit control October 1943
P-15-3-2 Permit control September 1943
P-15-3-3 Permit control August 1943
P-15-3-4 Permit control July 1943
P-15-3-5 Permit control June 1943
P-15 cont'd
P-15-3-6 Permit control May 1943
P-15-3-7 Permit control March and April 1942
P-15-3-8 Permit control January and February 1943
P-15-3-9 Permit control November and December 1942
P-15-3-10 Permit control October 1942
P-15-3-11 Permit control September 1942
P-15 cont'd
P-15-3-12 Permit control August 1942
P-15-3-13 Permit control July 1942
P-15-3-14 Texas and Pacific Railway Company Permits
P-15-3-15 St. John's River Terminal permits
P-45-1 General
P-45-2 Port Hueneme
P-45-3 Los Angeles Long Beach
P-45-4 Portland
P-45-4-1 Flour Shipments - Portland, use of Peir 1, term 4
P-45-5 Seattle
P-45-6 Beaumont, Galveston, Houston
P-45-7 Hampton Roads
P-45-8 San Francisco
P-45-9 Charleston, South Carolina
P-45-10 Wilmington, North Carolina
Port conditions P-45 cont'd
P-45-11 Port bulletins - permit instructions
P-45-12 Gulfport, MS
P-45-13 Hampton Roads (correspondence) June 1, 1944 - March 31, 1945
P-15-6 #99 permits - reports
P-15-6-1 #99 series permits
P-15-7 No folder
P-15-8 Special permit ODT-24 Authorizing operation of special passenger service
Port conditions P-45 cont'd
P-45-14 Hampton Roads IV (Correspondence)
P-45-15 Hampton Roads II
P-45-16 Hampton Roads, VA (Correspondence)
P-45-17 Hampton Roads (Storage) September 1, 1943
P-45-18 Portsmouth, VA
P-45-19 Hampton Roads Storage - Army Basic
P-45-20 Norfolk, VA Reports
P-45-21 Hampton Roads #4 July 1943
P-45-22 Hampton Roads cars held by foreign forwarders
Port conditions P-45 cont'd
P-45-23 Hampton Roads storage orders
P-45-24 Hampton Roads #3
No number Symbol train performance (August)
No number Symbol trains (June 1945)
P-45-25 Savannah, GA January 1945-May 1945
P-45-26 Savannah, GA April 17, 1944 - December 23, 1944
P-45-27 Savannah, GA Port conditions September 1, 1943
P-45-28 Savannah, GA Daily reoports
Port conditions P-45 cont'd
P-45-29 Savannah, GA (Miscellaneous)
P-45-30 Savannah, GA
P-45-31 Jacksonville, FL September 1, 1943 Port Conditions
P-45-32 Jacksonville, FL
P-45-33 Jacksonville, FL
P-45-34 Panama City, FL
P-45-35 Port conditions - Port Everglades, FL
P-45-36 Port conditions - Miami, FL
P-45-37 Port conditions - Port St. Joe, FL
P-45-38 Port conditions - Fernandina, FL
P-45-39 South Florida Ports
P-45-40 Port conditions - South Boca Grande, FL
P-45-41 South Florida Ports
Port conditions P-45 cont'd
P-45-42 South Florida Ports (Everglades, Miami, Lauderdale)
P-45-43 Tampa, FL
P-45-44 Port conditions - Tampa, FL September 1, 1943
P-45-45 Port conditions - Tampa, FL
P-45-46 Tampa - December 1, 1942
P-45-47 Tampa, FL
Port conditions P-45 cont'd
P-45-48 Mobile, AL (correspondence) June 1, 1944 to June 1, 1945
P-45-49 Mobile, AL (correspondence)
P-45-50 Port conditions - Mobile, AL
P-45-51 Pensacola, FL
P-45-52 Port conditions - Pensacola, FL
P-45-53 Port conditions - Pensacola inventory
P-45-54 Mobile, AL May 1943
Port conditions P-45 cont'd
P-45-55 Mobile, AL daily reports
P-45-56 Mobile, AL January 1943
P-45-57 Lake Charles, LA
P-45-58 Mobile, AL (corres.) June 1, 1945
P-45-59 New Orleans, LA IX (corres.)
P-45-60 New Orleans, LA VIII (corres.) storage
P-45-61 New Orleans, LA VII (corres.)
Box 65
Port conditions P-45 cont'd
P-45-62 Port conditions - New Orleans, LA VI Storage
P-45-63 New Orleans III
P-45-64 New Orleans, LA
P-45-65 New Orleans, LA X
P-45-66 New Orleans III July-August 1942
Port conditions P-45 cont'd
P-45-67 New Orleans LA Daily reports March 1942-August 1942
P-45-68 New Orleans LA Daily reports September 1942
P-45-69 New Orleans hold order July 10th
P-45-70 New Orleans LA Reports
P-45-71 N.O. Inventory (Corres.)
P-45-72 N.O. Inventory Report
P-45-73 Weekly report to V.V. Boutner on port and rail conditions in S. Region
R-20-1 Weekly Report
R-20-2 No folder
R-20-3 Form B Correspondence
R-20-4 No folder
R-20-5 SC –1 Reports (Corres.)
R-20-5-1 SC –1 Reports (Corres.)
R-20-5-2 Final Reports (2 folders)
R-20 cont'd
R-20-5-2 Final Reports (2 folders)
R-20-6 Reports - RR's to Supervisors
R-20-7 P-5 Daily Summary (Corres.)
R-20-8 Weekly reports from field supervisors Southern region
R-20-9 Weekly reports of district rail directors
Seatrain S-5
S-5-1 Seatrain Daily reports
S-5-2 Seatrain daily reports
S-10-1 Instructions - Interruptions to service
S-10-2 A.B. & C.
S-10-3 A.C.L.
S-10-4 A. & St. A. Bay
S-10-5 B & O
S-10-6 Central of Georgia
S-10-7 C&O
S-10-8 Clinchfield
S-10-9 C & W.C.
S-10-10 GM & O
S-10-11 G & SI
S-10-12 Illinois Central
S-10-13 L&N
S-10-14 M& BR
S-10-15 Mississippi Central
S-10-16 Norfolk Southern
S-10-17 N&W
S-10-18 Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac
S-10-19 Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac
Seatrain S-5 cont'd
S-5-3 Cars at Belle Chasse
S-5-4 Seatrain corres. October 1942-March 1944
S-5-5 American Cars in Cuba
S-5-6 Cars in Cuba
S-5-7 American Cars in Cuba
S-5-8 Seatrain corres.
Service Interruptions S-10 cont'd
S-10-20 RF & P
S-10-21 SAL
S-10-22 Southern Railway
S-10-23 Tennessee Central
S-10-24 Virginian
S-10-25 Fast freight and passenger service
S-140-1 General instructions - export traffic
S-140-2 General instructions - storage
S-140-3 General instructions - storage
S-140-4 General instructions - storage
S-140 cont'd
S-140-5 General instructions - storage
S-140-6 Request for office supplies
T-25-1 Potomac Yard
T-25-1-2 Potomac Yard
T-25-2 Charleston, S.C.
T-25-3 Birmingham
T-25 cont'd
T-25-3-1 Birmingham
T-25-4 Cincinnati Terminal
T-25-4-1 Cincinnati
T-25-5 Atlanta - corres.
T-25-6 Memphis
T-25-6-1 Memphis
T-25 cont'd
T-25-7 Louisville
T-25-7-1 Louisville
T-25-7-2 Louisville
T-25-8 Terminal conditions - Louisville
T-25-9 Charleston
T-25 cont'd
T-25-10 Richmond, VA
T-25-10-1 Richmond, VA
T-25-10-2 Richmond, VA
T-60-1 Travel Record of Personnel
T-60-2 Travel corres.
T-60 cont'd
T-60-3 Travel record of personnel
T-60-4 Travel - October 1943
T-60-5 Travel
T-60-6 Travel
Ports P-10
P-10-1 Savannah GA Port conditions correspondence
P-10-2 Savannah GA Office equipment and rental inventory
P-10-3 Savanna GA Organization
P-10-4 Port Everglades, FL Seatrain management corp. (Gen. Corr.)
P-10-5 Port Everglades, FL Seatrain wire reports - 4 days
P-10-6 Port Everglades, FL Seatrain reports
P-10-7 Instructions - Admin. Office
P-10-8 Tampa, FL Port conditions and weekly letters
P-10-9 General orders ODT No. 12
Ports P-10 cont'd
P-10-10 Savannah GA Port terminal central committee minutes
P-10-11 Savannah GA ODT X permits - storage
P-10-12 Savannah GA Bills
P-10-13 Postage stamps
P-10-14 Port everglades ODT X storage permits
P-10-15 Outward loading program
P-10-16 ODT export permits - corres.
P-10-17 Miami, FL Port conditions and weekly letters
P-10-18 Miami ODT X storage permits
P-10-19 Jacksonville, FL Port conditions committee minutes
P-10-20 Jacksonville, FL Storage
P-10-21 Jacksonville, FL Port conditions and weekly letters
P-10-22 Fort Lauderdale, FL ODT X storage permits
P-10-23 Port Storage permits - domestic Savannah
P-10-24 supplementary storage orders
P-10-25 Charleston, SC Port conditions
Ports P-10 cont'd
P-10-26 Charleston SC X storage permits ODT
P-10-27 No folder
P-10-28 No folder
P-10-29 Florida
P-10-30 Misc.
P-10-31 Fort Lauderdale, FL Port storage permits
P-10-32 South Charleston, SC Port storage permits - domestic
P-10-33 Jacksonville, FL Port storage permits
P-10-34 Port storage permits - domestic Jacksonville
P-10-35 Savannah GA Port storage permits
P-10-36 Tampa, FL Port storage permits
P-10-37 W. Palm Beach FL Port storage permits
P-10-38 Storage permits general corres.
P-10-39 Port storage forwarding permits numerical Savannah
P-10-40 Port storage forwarding permits numerical Savannah
P-10-41 Port storage forwarding permits numerical Savannah
P-10-42 Port storage forwarding permits numerical Savannah
P-10-43 West Palm Beach FL Port conditions
P-10-44 Port storage permits - instructions Savannah
P-10-45 Telegraph and telephone
P-10-46 Travel authority and requests for transportation
P-10-47 Travel vouchers
P-10-48 Savannah, GA corres. Misc.
P-10-49 Savannah, GA storage
P-10-50 Port storage permits Savannah
P-10-51 Port storage permits Savannah
P-10-52 Port storage permits Correspondence
Port conditions P-10 cont'd
P-10-53 Jacksonville, FL Tank car pool
P-10-54 Jacksonville, FL ODT X permits-storage
- Seaboard Railway switching
- Symbol movement via SAL
- Train delays
- Southern RR
- Southern RR - Employment of Labor - Compliance w/ WMC
- Southern RR - Merchandise Cars
- Yard congestion
- Virginian RR
- No folder
- Virginia Central RR
- No folder
- Association of American Railroads
- Atlantic States Shippers Advisory Board
- Atlantic States Shippers Advisory Board Corres.
- Advisory Board - Southeast shippers
- Advisory Board - Southeast shippers - corres.
- Chamber of Commerce
- No folder
- Chamber of Commerce - Roanoke, VA
- Pullman Co.
- Railway Express Co.
- No folder
- No folder
- Military installations
- Fort Bragg, NC
- Railway Highway Commission
- Car detention Raleigh Wyoming Mining Co.
- Refrigerators for west bound loading
- Utilization of freight car equipment
- Mathieson Alkali Works Saltville, VA
- Old Dixie Distilling Company Tank car detention reports
- Peanut companies Suffolk, VA
- Petersburg box and lumber company
- Peidmont Sales Co
- Reynolds Metal Co. Richmond VA and subsidiaries
- Richmond Quartermaster Market Center
Individual folder labels
- Royal Manufacturing Co. Charlotte, NC
- "S" Misc.
- Safeways, Inc. Warehouse Market
- A.G. Shore and company Winston-Salem NC (car detention)
- State road comm. Car detention
- Storage of govt. owned iron and steel products
- Mr. George Shamberger Port director Norfolk, VA
- Sylvania Industrial Corp. Fredericksburg, VA
- Tank car delays
- Taylor and Sledd, Inc. Richmond, VA
- Virginia Lumber Co. Hopewell, VA
- Virginia Products Co.
- Virginia Asphalt Paving Co. Roanoke, VA tank car detention
- "W" Misc.
- Western Union Telegraph Service
- West Vaco South Charleston WVA
- Wyatt Transfer Co.
- Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Gen. Corres.
- Atlantic Coast Line Railway Tank car detention
- No folder
- No folder
- Chesapeake and Ohio RR Gen. Corres.
- Chesapeake and Ohio RR Tank car detention
- No folder
- New York Central RR
- Norfolk and Southern Ry Raleigh NC
- Norfolk and Western RR General Corres.
- Norfolk and Western RR Tank Car detention
- Pennsylvania RR
- RF & P RR General Corres.
- SAL Ry General Corres.
- SAL Ry Improvements in existing set up Hamlet, NC
- Southern Ry General Corres.
- Southern Ry Tank car detention
- Virginian Railway General Corres.
- Virginian Railway Tank car detention
- Gulf states creosoting company
- Kentwook Lumber Co.
- Montgomery Holding and Reconsignment Point
- Movement of pyrite cinder from Pulaski, VA
- Refrigerator cars 1943
- Shifting of dunnage lumber on flats and gonds
- Birmingham terminal company
- Pullman - standard car manufacturing co. Bessemer plant
- Tobacco by products co.
Individual folder labels
- Hood, JM Washington DC
- Director ODT Col. JM Johnson
- Atlantic States Shippers Advisory Board
- Accumulations - Recommendation for embargo or not
- ACCA yard accumulations
- ACCA yard - RF &P RR application for new lead track
- "B" Misc.
- Barium Reduction Corporation
- Blythe Brothers Tank Car detention Greenville, NC
- Brower, HG Supervisor of rail terminals Norfolk, VA
- Bullington R. McC Jr. Misc. memoranda
- Car detention General info
- Marine corps Air station, Cherry point NC
- Loading and unloading of cars
- Camp Patrick Henry, VA
- Camp Davis, NC
- Camp Lee, VA
- Camp Mackal, NC
- Camp Butner, NC
- 1353rd Service Unit (Repair Shop) Fairgrounds, Richmond VA
- Navy Ordnance Depot Annex Penhammon, VA
- Camp Pickett, VA
- No folder
- Richmond Army Service Forces Depot, Bellbluff, VA
- Richmond holding and reconsigning depot, Bellbluff, VA
- Southern Cotton Oil co. Charlotte, NC
- Southern Frozen Foods, Statesville, NC
- Southern States Cooperative - NC, VA, MD
- Southgate Brokerage Co. Greensboro, NC
- JC Spack Wagon works Winston-Salem NC
- Standard Bended Warehouse Co. Charlotte NC
- Standard Ice and Fuel Co. Charlotte NC
- Statesville Brick Co. Statesville NC
- Statesville Flour Mills Statesville NC
- Statesville Plywood and Veneer Co. Statesville NC
- Superior Yarn Mills Statesville NC
- Swift and Co. Fertilizer Works Wilmington NC
- Thomas and Howard Co. Charlotte NC
- Transit mix concrete co. Charlotte NC
- Tucker Kirby Co. Charlotte NC
- Turner Manufacturing Co. Statesville, NC
- Watson Feed Co. Greensboro, NC
- Hercules Powder Co. Hopewell, VA
- Hopewell shippers 1945
- Petersburg shippers 1945
- Lynchburg shippers 1945
- Suffolk shippers 1945
Individual folder labels
- Richmond shippers 1945
- American Tobacco Company
- Brown Williamson Tobacco Company Petersburg VA
- "C" Misc.
- Improper Car handling correspondence
- Carbide and Chemical Corporation
- Chesapeake Corporation West Point VA
- L.A. Clarke and Sons
- Car cleaning reports
- Cline contractors Wilkins NC
- Columbian Paper Co.
- County extension Agents
- Demurrage problems Misc.
- Detention problems Fredericksburg Va
- A&P Tea Company
- Abbot Construction Company
- Detention problems at Hopewell VA
- Detention problems at Petersburg VA
- Dixie Portland Flour Mills
- Dupont Co. Tank Car detention Waynesboro, VA
- "E" Misc.
- Embargo procedures
- "G" Misc.
- Camp Hollywater Co. - Richmond Ice Co. Invoices
- General Chemical Co.
- William H. Hall, Petersburg VA
- John H. Heald Co. Radford VA Car detention
- Hercules Powder Co.
- Hummel-Ross Fibre Co.
- Kingan and Co. Re: Issuance of ODT permits
- Larus and Brothers Co.
- Liggette Meyers Tobacco Co.
- "M" Misc.
- Roanoke shippers
- Albergotti Brothers
- Rail Inquiries regarding delay
- American Houses, Inc. Roanoke, VA
- C.C. Bova Co. Roanoke VA
- "M" Misc.
- Carpel Co. Roanoke Va
- Clement Brokerage Co. Roanoke VA
- Clover Creamery Co. Roanoke VA
- Conner, A.L. Roanoke VA
- Continental Can Co. Roanoke VA
- "M" Misc.
- Cooperative Mills Roanoke VA
- "M" Misc.
- R.F. Cunningham Produce Exchange - New York, NY
- Roanoke Farm Supply Center Roanoke VA
- Roanoke Fruit and Produce Co. Roanoke VA
- Roanoke Gas Company Roanoke VA
- Hodges Lumber Co. Roanoke VA
- Huff and Cook Inc. Roanoke VA
- Johnson-Carper Furniture Co. Roanoke VA
- Kroger Grocery Co. Roanoke VA
- Lindsay-Robinson Grain Co. Roanoke VA
- Martin Owens Co. Roanoke VA
- Nonald and Company Roanoke VA
- Peoples Ice and Cold Storage Co. Roanoke VA
Individual folder labels
- Pitzer Transfer Corporation Roanoke VA
- Roanoke Public Warehouse Roanoke VA
- Valley Roofing Company Roanoke VA
- Valley Lumber Co. Roanoke VA
- Virginia Wrecking Co. Roanoke VA
- Walker Machine and Foundry Co. Roanoke VA
- Barger Brothers Coal Co. Roanoke VA
- Skyline Lumber Company Roanoke VA
- Southwest Fuel Co. Roanoke VA
- Sam Finley, Inc. Tank detention Roanoke VA
- No folder
- Rail inquiries regarding delay
- Wheelwright power plant Bellbluff VA
- Rail inquiries regarding delay
- Rail inquiries regarding delay
- Bristow Brothers Trucking Co. Fredericksburg, VA
- Rail inquiries regarding delay
- Rail inquiries regarding delay
- Tank car delay
- Rail inquiries regarding delay
- Rail inquiries regarding delay
- Rail inquiries regarding delay
- Rail inquiries regarding delay
- Association of American Railroads
- Shippers - State of NC
- Acme Coal Co. Greensboro, NC
- American Agricultural Chemical Co. Wilmington, NC
- Arnold Stone Co. Greensboro, NC
- Bahnson Co. Winston-Salem NC
- Ballenger Brothers Charlotte NC
- Barger Mill Works Statesville, NC
- Barnhardt Manufacturing Company Charlotte NC
- Berry Coal Co. Greensboro NC
- Blythe Brothers Co. Charlotte NC
- C.C. Bova and Company Roanoke VA
- Briggs-Shaffner Co. Winston-Salem NC
- Delta Refining
- Empty Tanks
- Grand Junction
- Jackson
- IC improvements at Grand Central
- IC passenger trains, Water Valley to Grenada
- Military projects, camps, etc.
- Milan and Camp Shelby Depots
- Illinois Central - Misc.
- IC Truck file
- IC situation report
- Helena
- LCL Merchandise Reports
- Mechanical situation
- Main trains
- Pickens
- Pipe
Individual file labels
- Reading file from November 1st to …
- Recent Corres.
- Quaker Oats
- Oil Report Correspondence and Schedules 1944
- Ordnance plants
- NC&St.L C.T.C.
- Nashville Ticket Office
- Oil diversion
- Calhous St. Canopy
- Oil schedules and correspondence
- Delays over bridge
- Diversion Manufacturing Army Service Forces Depot
- Mr. J.M.Hood
- KC Junction
Individual file labels
- KC Junction - Blueprints and Plans
- MOP 219
- Merchandise cars
- Misc. year 1945
- Refrigerators
- RI 45 and other RI trains
- Rail truck local situation
- Rice permit situation file
- Report info
- Merchandise reports - Memphis
- Wrecks and Accidents
- Trap cars
- Symbol oil
- Southern Train
- Southern railway system
- Symbol 19 correspondence
- Train delays
- Southland Co. - Corres.
- Switching complaints
- Weekly reports