RG 156 - Office of Chief of Ordnance, Historical Reports - Holston Ordnance Works
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Historical Reports, 1942-1946
National Archives Identifier 6997147
This series consists of formerly classified historical reports from the Holston Ordnance Works in Kingsport, Tennessee. Records in this series concern subjects related to engineering and construction, procurement, and production. Included in some of the reports are photographs of installation activities and personnel and detailed production statistics.
Box 1: Historical Reports, 1941-1944
The historical reports all contain the history of Holston Ordnance Works from Tennessee Eastman Corporation to research and develop of acetic acid for production
Folder 1: 1941-1942
▪ Organization Charts
▪ Schedule and Progress Report for All Engineering Work Charts
Folder 2: 1942- June 1943
▪ Major problems securing required equipment and critical materials
▪ Increasing employment
▪ Schedule and Progress Report for All Engineering Work Charts
▪ Beginning of permanent work of Holston Ordnance Works on April 17, 1943 and on April 29, the initial operation of the first production line commenced
▪ Employing significant amounts of women
▪ Homes being constructed for Ordnance employees
▪ Purchase Orders Placed
▪ Production Statistics
▪ Lost Time Injury Record
▪ Transportation set-up to get employees to and from work during all operating shifts
▪ Photographs (8) of initiation ceremony for first line of production
▪ Plant B began production on May 27, 1943
▪ Development of a recreational program
▪ Employment Schedule Charts
Folder 3: September-October 1943
▪ Photograph of the works manager of Tennessee Eastman Corporation
▪ Photograph of the commanding officer of Holston Ordnance Works
▪ Visit from the National Defense Research Committee
- Told the work will hasten the end of the war
▪ Photographs (2) of anhydrous ammonia tanks
▪ Production Statistics
▪ Employment Schedule Chart
▪ Time Injury Record
▪ Receiving Reports Chart
▪ Photograph of Assistant Works Manager of Holston Ordnance Works
▪ Photograph of General Superintendent of Production of Holston Ordnance Works
▪ In October 1943 the attention was turned towards expansion
▪ Constant research and adjustments to find the best production method and to get the best product
▪ Photograph of X-Ray apparatus in Medical Department Building
▪ Photograph of Medical Building
Folder 4: October- December 1943
▪ Photograph Office Manager of Holston Ordnance Works
▪ Photograph of Executive Assistant to the Works Manager
▪ End product is Composition B for Army and Navy Requirements, foreign governments, and Composition B-2 for Navy Department
▪ Photograph of Superintendent of Explosives Division with an RDX Reactor Control Board
▪ Photograph of Reactor Platform
▪ Production Statistics
▪ Summary of Operations and Operating Data for each unit
▪ Photograph of Army and Navy Production Award
▪ Photograph of Chief Engineer of Holston Ordnance Works
▪ Photograph of Superintendent of the Chemical Control Division
▪ Breakdown of Personnel
▪ Photograph of RDX Sensitivity Machine
▪ Photograph of Laboratory
▪ Photograph of facility that makes Composition B from RDX
Folder 5: January-February 1944
▪ Summary of Operations
▪ RDX operating data
▪ Composition B operating data
▪ Primary Distillation operating data
▪ Acid Concentration operating data
▪ Summary of Chemical Analysis
▪ Medical Department data
▪ Fiscal Statistics
▪ Photograph of Commanding Officer Estate
▪ Photograph of magazine located in Solitude Area
▪ Photograph of protective fence surrounding Area B
▪ Requesting deferments for men of age to be drafted by Selective Services Act
▪ Source of Manpower
▪ Breakdown of personnel and terminated employees
Folder 6: December 1943- March 1944
▪ Placing women in men’s jobs as the war creates labor shortage
▪ Explosions accidents shut down operations for days in order to inspect and repair
▪ Photograph of protective fence surrounding Area B
▪ Photograph of magazine located in Solitude Area
▪ Material Consumption Conversion Cost Summary
▪ Summary of Operations and Operating Data for each unit
▪ Salary and Wage Statistics
Box 2: Historical Reports, 1944-1945
Folder 1: March- May 1944
▪ Photograph of Administration Building, Area B
▪ Personnel data
- 3.2% increase in colored employees
- Source of Manpower map
▪ Summary of accidents and injuries
▪ Summary of Operations and Operating Data for each unit
▪ Photograph of Superintendent of the Shops and Maintenance Division directing construction
▪ Photograph of a plate for a fractioning column showing the bubbling cups in place
▪ Absenteeism decreased sharply
▪ Photograph of Purification Building in Area B
▪ Photograph of Laboratory in Area B
Folder 2: May-July 1944
▪ Emergencies in Area A caused lost time
▪ Summary of Operations and Operating Data for each unit
▪ Personnel Data
▪ Summary of accidents and injuries
▪ Photograph of Guard Force in Area B
▪ Photograph of Office Manager of Holston Ordnance Works
▪ Fiscal Statistics
▪ Photograph of Steam Plant in Area B
▪ Photograph of the Medical Laboratory
▪ Rigorous Job Training program is described
▪ Letter from the Works Manager about the Fifth War Loans Drive
▪ Life Magazine photograph of Composition B from Holston to Japan
Folder 3: July-September 1944
▪ Photograph of Superintendent of the Payroll and Office Services Division
▪ Summary of Operations and Operating Data for each unit
▪ Photograph of an Addressograph Operator inscribing bonds
▪ Photograph of original and improved Automatic Transporter Trucks
▪ Continued improvements to production
▪ Photograph of Presentee Bulletin Board
▪ Mobile medical unit put into practice
▪ Photographs (2) of Mobile Medical Unit
▪ Source of Manpower Map
▪ Photograph of Superintendent of the Plant A division
▪ Operating Hours Lost by Location Chart
▪ Photograph of new barricades at the Burning Ground in order to improve safety
▪ Photograph of the Diversion Bar that separates the North Fork from the South Fork of the Holston River
Folder 4: October-December 1944
▪ Newspaper Clippings about war explosives being made by Holston Ordnance Works
▪ Photograph of the Cottages in the Staff House Area
▪ Photograph of the “Accident Record” scoreboards for employees to keep track of safety
▪ Source of Manpower Map
▪ Summary of Operations and Operating Data for each unit
▪ Extension of contracts
▪ Employees now able to submit suggestions regarding safety
▪ Photograph of an employee receiving an award for his suggestion of improving the methods of his operation
▪ Photograph of Building 330 which was developed by Holston Engineers and saves money/time
▪ 100% participation in War Bond Purchasing
▪ Explanations of Recreational activities and facilities
▪ Photograph of Guard Forces
▪ Photograph of Women’s Softball Team
▪ Photograph of the “banding operation” in the N building, which is the end of the line of production for Composition B
Folder 5: January and August 1945
▪ Process Improvement Progress Report
- Process improvement work being carried out by the Chemical Control Division
- Greater safety, increased production, improved quality, and lower costs
- Effect of Temperature History of Hexamine Solution on RDX Yield Chart
- Effect of Acetamide on RDX Yield Chart
- Effect of Ammonium Nitrate Usage on RDX Yield Chart
- Solubility Data Charts
- Other Uses of RDX
- Vapor Liquid Equilibrium Diagram
▪ The Preparation of DINA by a Continuous Process
- A process for refining the crude material
- Variables Affecting Yield and Quality
- Photograph of Laboratory Continuous Reactor
- Purification of DINA
- Analytical Methods
Box 3: Historical Reports, 1945-1946
Folder 1: December 1944-February 1945
▪ Change of Contract with Tennessee Eastman
▪ Photograph of Pay Day Line
▪ Personnel Data
▪ Summary of Operations and Operating Data for each unit
▪ Photograph of the Clothing Store
▪ Preparations for Termination of both employees and excess government land
▪ Departments continue to be reduced and consolidated
▪ Photograph of female chauffeurs for the Mail Room, Car Pool, and Shuttle Service
▪ Photograph of the inter-plant railway system carrying the raw materials for Composition B
- Includes negative
▪ Photograph of TNT unloading docks
▪ Photograph of Hexamine being unloaded from a box car
Folder 2: February-April 1945
▪ Source of Manpower Map
▪ Summary of Operations and Operating Data for each unit
▪ Personnel Data
▪ Finance and budget estimates
▪ Production Reports
▪ Photograph of Commanding Officer of the Holston Ordnance Works
▪ New Safety practices put into place to make accidents rare
▪ Photographs (3) of the operations of Building D
▪ Organization Charts
Folder 3: April-June 1945
▪ Photograph of Commanding Officer of the Holston Ordnance Works
▪ Two years of operation in May 1945 and coincides with VE Day
- Honored for their great work in the production of Composition B and explosives
▪ Photograph of Area B
▪ Summary of Operations and Operating Data for each unit
▪ Finance and budget estimates
▪ Production Reports
▪ Photograph of Building E
▪ Photograph of pumps outside of Building E
▪ Source of Manpower Map
▪ Personnel Data
▪ Photographs (2) of Building G
▪ Work on a confidential explosive project
Folder 4: June-August 1945
▪ Personnel Data
▪ Excess material being shipped to other Ordnance Districts or back to the government
▪ Photographs (3) of Building H
▪ Summary of Operations and Operating Data for each unit
▪ Finance and budget estimates
▪ Production Reports
▪ Laboratory work on DINA, a new explosive, is almost complete
▪ On August 6, 1945 Composition B production was cut to one line and the rest of the lines to be in standby condition
▪ New insurance plan for accident and sickness offered to employees
▪ Reduction in Personnel—transferred to main Tennessee Eastman plant
▪ Photograph of operations in Building K
▪ Photographs (3) of TNT melting kettles
▪ Photograph of Building H
▪ Deactivation Organization
▪ Cleaning, decontamination, and final preparation for standby in all buildings not being used
▪ Organization Chart
Folder 5: August1945- June 1946
▪ On August 15, 1945 Holston Ordnance Works was ordered to stop production
▪ Personnel Data
▪ Summary of Operations and Operating Data for each unit
▪ Finance and budget estimates
▪ Production Reports
▪ Photograph of Composition B pellet cooling
▪ Photograph of tote box filled with Composition B
▪ Photograph of operations in Building N
▪ Photograph of a trailer transporting Composition B
▪ Photograph of loading docks
▪ Photograph of pallet loads of Composition B
▪ Deactivation Department to deal with preparing the plant for standby and storage
▪ Exit interviews were given to employees through Clinton Engineer Works and Eastman Kodak
▪ Deactivation Organization Chart
▪ On November 18, 1945 the contract between Tennessee Eastman and the US Government was completed and all standby and storage passed into the hands of the Ordnance Department
▪ Sold all recreation property and the funds were given to the Red Cross
▪ Photographs (2) of Army Navy E Award
▪ Photographs of reservoir hill before and after soil erosion control work