RG 156 - Office of Chief of Ordnance, Assorted Records - Mississippi Ordnance Plant
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Assorted Records, 1942-1944
National Archives Identifier 6997383
This series consists of formerly classified historical reports, general orders, memoranda, and staff bulletins of the Mississippi Ordnance Plant in Flora, Mississippi. Each historical report contains information from various offices and divisions at the plant: public relations, the adjutant division, the legal division, the personnel division, the security and intelligence division, the supply division, the maintenance division, the military personnel division, the military training division, the military supply coordinator, and the military training groups.
Box 1: Historical Reports
Folder 1: Historical Reports, August 1942-December 1942
▪ Ordnance Unit Training Center
Folder 2 and 3: Historical Report—General Orders and Memoranda, January 1943-March 1943
▪ Daily Bulletins: official side with orders from Lieutenant and unofficial side with recreational activities and events
▪ Assumption of Command
▪ Re-designation of Ordnance Companies
▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.
▪ Immunization requirements for overseas service
▪ Off Limits Locations in Jackson, MS
Folder 4: Historical Reports, January 1943-December 1943
▪ Training Program in full swing
▪ Presentation at Mississippi State Fair
▪ Organization chart- reorganization
▪ Displays of Ordnance material and training unit demonstrations in Jackson and Canton to make civilians more conscious of their efforts towards supporting the Third National War Loan Drive
▪ Training conferences held to view demonstrations of the training program—all ordnances adopted Mississippi’s training program
- Conference pamphlets
- Want to continue to move towards modern warfare practices and policies
▪ Give status updates about each section of the Ordnance Unit Training Center
Folder 5: Historical Reports, January 1944-June 1944
▪ Used newspaper articles to promote the Ordnance Department, all it is doing to help the war effort, and the community’s continued support
▪ Significant efforts to promote and improve recreational facilities for off-duty
▪ Chaplin branch established
▪ General Operating Procedure of Mississippi Ordnance Plant
▪ Status of Preactivation Training Program
▪ Chart of Movement of ASF Enlisted Men
▪ In the first quarter of 1944 put on standby status—maintenance and storage of ammunition and ammunition components
Folder 6: Historical Reports, January 1945-June 1945
▪ Discontinuation of Army Special Forces Training Center in April 1945
- Stopped receiving trainees
▪ All memoranda involved in the process of inactivation
- Inactivation information
- Work order requests
- Training and instruction areas map
▪ The Ordnance Plant was put back in operation
▪ Organization charts
▪ POM Requirements charts
Folder 7: Historical Report, October 1945-December 1945
▪ Third anniversary of the Mississippi Ordnance Plant
▪ Reports on the divisions and sections of the Ordnance Plant
▪ Ordnance Units trained in the history of the Army Special Forces Training Center
▪ Newspaper clippings
▪ Administrative Memoranda
▪ Photos of the Training Center and ammunition
▪ Discussion about the political front in Europe
▪ Field Training Report
Box 2: Historical Reports, General Orders
Folder 1: Historical Record, April 1943- June 1943
▪ Expansion of the training program
▪ Chronological Statement of Events
▪ General Orders
▪ Administrative Memoranda
▪ Unnumbered Memoranda
▪ Daily Bulletins
- Official business and unofficial information (recreation, etc.)
Folder 2: Historical Report I, August 1941- December 1942 (1 of 2)
▪ Contractual Set-Up
- Structure Flow Chart
- General Site Plan
▪ General Orders, 1942
- Ordnance unit training center activated August 1942
▪ Plant Memorandums, 1941
▪ Plant Memorandums, 1942
Folder 3: Historical Report I, August 1941- December 1942 (2 of 2)
▪ Plant Memorandums, 1942
▪ Post Bulletins
▪ Letters Relative to the Termination of Contract with General Tire Engineering Company
▪ Cost Estimates and Statements for Vicksburg Engineer
▪ August 17, 1942 Conference Notes
▪ Activation Letters
▪ Personnel Allotment Requests and Assignments
▪ Organization Charts
Folder 4: Historical Report II, August 1941-December 1942 (1 of 2)
▪ Contractual Set-Up
- Structure Flow Chart
- General Site Plan
▪ General Orders, 1942
- Organization chart
▪ General Orders Ordnance Unit Training Center, 1942
- Unit Activations
▪ Plant Memorandums, 1941
▪ Plant Memorandums, 1942
- Adoption of 24 Clock System
Folder 5: Historical Report II, August 1941-December 1942 (2 of 2)
▪ Plant Memorandums, 1942
▪ Post Bulletins, 1942
▪ Letters Relative to termination of contract with General Tire Engineering Company
▪ Cost Estimates and Statements for Vicksburg Engineer contract
▪ August 17, 1942 Conference Notes
▪ Memoranda
▪ Organization Charts
Folder 6: HQ General Orders #1-31, January-October 1945
▪ Command
▪ Discontinuance and Disbandment of Training Units
▪ VE Day Ceremony
▪ Establishment of Maintenance Division
Folder 7: HQ General Orders #1-69, January-December 1944
▪ Command
▪ Disbandment of Units
▪ Organization of Units
▪ Redesignation of Units
▪ Off Limits
▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.
Folder 8: HQ General Orders, 1942-1944
▪ Command
▪ Organization and Disbandment of Units
▪ Inactivation of Units
▪ Activation of Ordnance Units
▪ Off Limits
▪ Designation of Area
▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.
Folder 9: Training Center General Orders #1-15, August-December 1942
▪ Activation of Ordnance Unit Training Center
▪ Unit Activations
▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.
Folder 10: Training Center General Orders #2-33, January-December 1943
▪ Unit Activations
▪ Unit De-Activation
▪ Organization of Ordnance Units
▪ Redesignation of Ordnance Companies
▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.
Box 3: Administrative Memoranda
Folder 1: Mississippi Ordnance Plant
▪ Historical Report up to December 1942
Folder 2: Post HQ Administrative Memoranda, June 1943-June 1944
▪ Each functional and troop unit must prepare a quarterly historical report
▪ Attachment of Units to Training Groups
▪ Operating Procedures for Ordnance Property
▪ Salvage activities
▪ Administrative Officer of the Day
▪ Duty Officer
▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.
Folder 3: Post HQ Administrative Memoranda, June 1944-December 1944
▪ Fiscal Procedures
▪ Attachment of Units to Training Groups
▪ Reduction of Enlisted Personnel
▪ Discharges
▪ Status of Units
▪ Promotion and Awards Board Establishment
▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.
Folder 4: Post HQ Administrative Memoranda, January-October 1945
▪ Transportation Facilities
▪ Federal Employees Pay Act 1945
▪ Officer of the Day
▪ Guard and Security
▪ Security Plan
▪ Property Inventory
▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.
Folder 5: Administrative Memoranda, January-September 1945
▪ Training Record
▪ Unit Personnel Officers
▪ Promotion of Privates to First Class
▪ Training Tests
▪ Trade Proficiency Testing Program
▪ Training for Enlisted Men Returned from Overseas
▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.
Folder 6: Training Center Administrative Memoranda, August-December 1944
▪ Promotion Policy
▪ Reduction of Enlisted Personnel
▪ Fiscal Procedures
▪ Screening Tests
▪ Discharges
▪ Guard Duty
▪ Field Training
▪ Attachment of Units to Training Groups
▪ Various Ordnance Policies for Employees- pay, recreation, hours, living inspections etc.
Folder 7: Training Center Administrative Memoranda, January-July 1944
▪ Procurement Policies
▪ Officer Requirements
▪ Attachment of Units to Training Groups
▪ Training Record Cards
▪ Status and Pay of Enlisted Personnel
▪ Procedures for Ordnance Property
▪ Salvage Activities
▪ Reporting Officer Duty Codes
▪ Officer Candidate School
Folder 8: Training Center Memoranda #1-49, January-November 1943
▪ 24 Hour Clock System
▪ Physical Fitness Program
▪ Absence of Personnel from Units in Training
▪ Requisitions for Personnel Replacements
▪ Use of Government Transportation
▪ Administration Center
▪ Interior Guard Duty
Folder 9: Training Center Memoranda (Unnumbered), January-December 1943
▪ Efficiency Reports
▪ Temporary Operating Procedure
▪ Furloughs
▪ Vehicle Policies
▪ Training Requirements
▪ Reduction in Field Rations
▪ Discharge of Enlisted Men
▪ Correspondence with POWs
▪ Supervision of mess and elimination of waste
Box 4: Bulletins, Memoranda
Folder 1: Staff Officers Informational Bulletin #1-70, January-September 1944
▪ Daily Bulletins
- Assignments of Officers
- Policies about enlisted personnel and individual units
Folder 2: Inter-Office Memoranda, November 1942- December 1943
▪ Civilian Nurses
▪ Post Surgeons
▪ Health of Troops
▪ Rubber Stamp Requests
▪ Building Vacancies
▪ Results of Third War Loan Drive
▪ Air Raid Blackout
▪ Efficiency Reports
▪ Daily Bulletin Requests
▪ Errors in Sick Books
Folder 3: Outgoing Memoranda, January-December 1943
▪ Narrative Report for November
▪ Absence during duty hours
▪ Units Departed
▪ Revision of Post Regulations
▪ Inspection Report
Folder 4: Hospital Memoranda, January-December 1944
▪ Request for Publications
▪ Monthly Staff Conference
▪ Proposed By-Laws of the Officers Club
▪ Assignment of Buildings
▪ Signs for Station Hospital
▪ Release of Patient
▪ Tools
▪ Matters of Historical Value
▪ Report of Overage and Shortage, Medical Supply Property
▪ Setup for new telephone activity
▪ Replacement of Hospital Equipment
▪ Location of Wards for Colored Soldiers
▪ Flu Warning