Eighth Archivist's Speeches
Messages from John Carlin, Eighth Archivist of the United States and Deputy Archivist Relating to NARA's Strategic Plan
- "State of the Archives." Address to the staff of the National Archives and Records Administration by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States.
December 9, 2004.
- Remarks by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States, "Electronic Records Archives Contract Award Press Conference". August 3, 2004.
- "State of the Archives." Address to the staff of the National Archives and Records Administration by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States. December 4, 2003.
- Remarks by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States, for the Rededication of the Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom. September 17, 2003.
- Address by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States, to the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies Conference. July 20, 2003.
- Statements by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States, and L. Reynolds Cahoon, Assistant Archivist for Human Resources and Information Services, and Chief Information Officer, before the Subcommittee on Technology Policy, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations, and the Census of the Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives. July 8, 2003.
- Remarks by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States, to the National Press Club's "Newsmakers" Session. July 1, 2003.
- "State of the Archives." Address to the staff of the National Archives and Records Administration by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States. December 3, 2002.
- "Records Matter: Developing the U.S. National Archives Experience." Address to the International Conference of the Round Table on Archives, Marseilles, France, by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States. November 14, 2002.
- "State of the Archives." Address to the staff of the National Archives and Records Administration by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States. December 5, 2001.
- "Charting Our Future: Challenges and Issues That Confront Us in the 21st Century." Address to the North Carolina Statewide Conference on Records by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States. November 2, 2001.
- "Reaching Out— New Approaches, Best Practices, and Partnerships at NARA." Address to the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Government Archivists and Records Managers (NAGARA), Portland, Oregon, by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States. July 19, 2001.
- "Building the Archives of the Future." Address to the IEEE Mass Storage Technologies Symposium on Systems, San Diego, California, by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States. April 19, 2001.
- "Preserving Our Federal Heritage in the Digital Era: What is NARA's Role in Creating the Government's Digital Archive?" Address to the Federal Library and Information Center Committee, by Lewis J. Bellardo, Deputy Archivist of the United States. March 27, 2001.
- "State of the Archives." Address by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States. November 29, 2000.
- Remarks by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States, and remarks by Michael Beschloss at the ceremony to unveil page two of the U.S. Constitution in its new encasement. September 15, 2000, 8:30 a.m., in the Rotunda of the National Archives Building, Washington, DC.
- Statement by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States, before the Subcommittee on Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Congress of the United States. March 28, 2000.
- "State of the Archives." Address by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States. December 14, 1999.
- Statement by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States, to the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, Congress of the United States. October 20, 1999.
- "New Perspectives for the New Millennium: Addressing the Challenge of Managing Electronic Records." Address to the 7th Annual Managing Electronic Records Conference by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States. September 29, 1999.
- "Four Months to the Millennium: Are We Ready? The View from the National Archives." Address to the Society of American Archivists by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States. August 26, 1999.
- "What's New at the National Archives: Developments of Interest to Genealogists." Address to the Federation of Genealogical Societies by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States. August 12, 1999.
- "Honoring the Past, Imagining the Future: The View from the National Archives and Records Administration." Address to the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators (NAGARA) by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States. July 15, 1999.
- "The National Archives and Records Administration: Issues and Prospects." Address to the American Historical Association by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States, with commentary by William J. Maher, President, Society of American Archivists. January 9, 1999.
- "State of the Archives." Address by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States. November 19, 1998.
- Archival Strategies in the United States. Presentation by John W. Carlin to the International Conference of the Round Table on Archives, Stockholm, Sweden. September 10, 1998.
- Address to the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators by John W. Carlin in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. July 9, 1998.
- "Saving History: the Challenges We Face." Address to the Alabama Historical Association by John W. Carlin in Mobile, Alabama. April 17, 1998.
- "Challenges as We Move to the 21st Century." Keynote address by John W. Carlin to the Records and Information Management Symposium, Department of the Treasury. April 1, 1998.
- "Ready Access to Essential Evidence - The Meaning of Records in American Life." Lecture by John W. Carlin in Hutchinson and Emporia, Kansas. March 2, 1998.
- "State of the Archives." Address to the staff of the National Archives and Records Administration by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States. October 16, 1997.
- "NARA in a Changing World." Plenary address by John W. Carlin to the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators Annual Meeting. July 18, 1997.
- "Changing Organizations: NARA as a Case Study." Address by Lewis J. Bellardo, Deputy Archivist of the United States, to the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators Annual Meeting. July 17, 1997.