Guide to Federal Records

Records of the Office of Saline Water

(Record Group 380)


Table of Contents

  • 380.2 GENERAL RECORDS 1955-72


Established: Under the jurisdiction of the Assistant Secretary-- Water and Power Development, Department of the Interior, pursuant to memorandum, Fred G. Aandahl, Assistant Secretary--Water and Power Development, to Administrative Assistant Secretary, subject: Organization of the Office of Saline Water, September 21, 1955.

Predecessor Agencies:

In the Department of the Interior:

  • Saline Water Conversion Program (1952-53)
  • Saline Water Conversion Program, Assistant Secretary--Water and Power Development (1953-55)

Transfers: To Office of the Assistant Secretary--Water Pollution Control, pursuant to Secretary's Order 2895, subject: Water Pollution Control Program, May 9, 1966, implementing provisions of Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1966, transferring the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration from the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to the Department of the Interior; to Assistant Secretary--Water Quality and Research, by Secretary's Order 2910, October 22, 1968; to Assistant Secretary- -Water and Power Development, effective November 23, 1970, by Secretary's Order 2936, November 25, 1970; to Assistant Secretary--Water and Power Resources, 1971; to Assistant Secretary--Land and Water Resources, by Secretary's Order 2953, May 7, 1973, pursuant to Secretary's Order 2951, February 7, 1973, implementing departmental reorganization abolishing Assistant Secretary--Water and Power Resources and establishing Assistant Secretary--Land and Water Resources.

Functions: Administered research and development programs in the area of desalinization pursuant to the Saline Water Conversion Act (66 Stat. 328), July 3, 1952, as amended by acts of June 29, 1955 (69 Stat. 198), and June 24, 1967 (81 Stat. 78); and the Saline Water Conversion Act of 1971 (85 Stat. 159), July 29, 1971, which repealed the 1952 act. Administered program to construct demonstration desalinization plants under provisions of the Saline Water Demonstration Act (72 Stat. 1706), September 2, 1958.

Abolished: By merger with the Office of Water Resources Research, pursuant to Secretary's Order 2966, July 26, 1974.

Successor Agencies: Office of Water Research and Technology, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Land and Water Resources, Department of the Interior.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Office of Saline Water in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

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History: Desalinization program authorized in the Department of the Interior by the Saline Water Conversion Act (66 Stat. 328), July 3, 1952. Saline Water Conversion Program established under the immediate supervision of the Secretary of the Interior by Secretary's Order 2710, December 15, 1952. Program transferred to the Assistant Secretary--Water and Power Development, by Secretary's Order 2733, October 7, 1953. Amendments to the Saline Water Conversion Act (69 Stat. 198), June 29, 1955, expanded the program and led to the establishment of the Office of Saline Water, September 1955. SEE 380.1.

Textual Records: Reports and studies, 1960-69. Records relating to conferences and meetings, 1955-69. Statements and remarks on the saline water conversion program prepared for delivery before Congressional committees and professional organizations by Office of Saline Water Directors Arthur L. Miller, n.d. and 1960, Charles F. MacGowan, 1961, and Fred C. DiLuzio, 1965-66; Assistant Secretary--Water and Power Development Kenneth Holum, 1965; Undersecretary James K. Barr, 1963; and Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall, n.d. Budget records, 1963-69. Press releases, 1958-72.

Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.

Ordering information

This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.

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