2014 Press Releases

National Archives Office of the Federal Register Offers New Online Training
Press Release · Monday, May 5, 2014

Washington, DC

Free online tutorial for digital submissions to the Federal Register

For the first time, the National Archives Office of the Federal Register (OFR) is offering free online training for digital submissions to the Federal Register. Staffers from participating agencies now can easily learn and practice new and streamlined techniques for such electronic submissions using Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

The lecture series was filmed at the OFR’s first PKI conference on March 6, 2014. These sessions will help agencies interested in starting their PKI programs learn how to start and learn from other agencies’ experiences using this new process. The series includes:

  • An introduction to PKI;
  • A question and answer session;
  • Presentations by representatives from the Environment Protection Agency and the National Institutes of Health about their agencies’ experiences using PKI; and
  • Demonstration of a new web portal scheduled to go live this summer that will enable agencies to track what their submissions and get immediate feedback on the document’s digital signature.

About OFR and PKI

The Office of the Federal Register is equipped to accept digital submission of Federal Register documents using PKI technology. This capability allows Federal agencies to digitally sign documents in a PKCS #7 format and send to the OFR electronically, instead of providing the original paper document, two certified paper copies, and an electronic version on disc resulting in cost savings to the agency and significant reductions in paper use. In FY 2013 alone, more than 286,000 pieces of paper were saved by agencies that sent their documents to the Federal Register in digital form. OFR encourages all agencies to use the digital submission process. Call OFR at 202-741-6020 to learn how to submit your agency’s Federal Register documents digitally.

OFR’s PKI program, run cooperatively with the Government Printing Office and the General Services Administration, continues to grow. Since 2010, the percentage of documents submitted digitally has risen from 29% to 41% in CY 2013 of total documents submitted for publication.

The Federal Register, the daily newspaper of the Federal government, is a legal newspaper published every business day by the National Archives. The Federal Register contains Federal Agency Regulations, Proposed Rules and Public Notices, Executive Orders, Proclamations, and other Presidential Documents. The Federal Register informs citizens of their rights and obligations and provides access to a wide range of Federal benefits and opportunities for funding. For more information, see www.federalregister.gov.

For more information about the Office of the Federal Register, visit www.ofr.gov.

For more information about the National Archives, visit www.archives.gov.

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