National Historical Publications & Records Commission

North Carolina

Records Projects

North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC 
$141,264 to support the North Carolina American Indian Heritage Commission and the State Archives of North Carolina to partner with state-recognized tribes (Coharie, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indian, Haliwa, Lumbee, Meherrin, Occaneech Band of Sapani Nation, Sappony, and the Waccamaw Siouan) and the North Carolina Native American Youth Organization to collect and publish online at least 144 oral histories of American Indian elders and tribal members, train American Indian youth as oral historians, and to create guidelines for collecting and sharing American Indian oral histories.  (DP-104730)

North Carolina Department of Natural & Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$43,168 to support the North Carolina Historical Records Advisory Board for two-year programming for its Community Archiving Training & Support initiative. Activities will include travel for three to six regional information sessions and at the North Carolina Library Association 2025 annual conference; development of webinars, guidebooks, and tip sheets to support community archiving activities; and interns for the Traveling Archivist Program to visit at least five repositories each year. (RC-103639-24)

North Carolina Department of Natural & Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$142,000 to support the America250 commemoration and new civic literacy curriculum standards. Funds would be used to develop the program, develop a teacher advisory board to steer the project, provide the primary source kits to schools for no charge during the grant, and provide educator training on the use of the kits in the classroom. (ED104665-23)

North Carolina Department of Natural & Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$16,500 to support a planning grant for a collaborative directed by the North Carolina African American Heritage Commission (AAHC) in close partnership with the State Archives of North Carolina and the State Library of North Carolina. Memory Quilt: Stitching Together African American Archival Collections Across North Carolina aims to hold regional meetings and design a survey to capture an overview of the breadth and depth of African American archival materials in North Carolina. (RJ103361-22)

North Carolina Department of Natural & Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$39,232 to support the North Carolina Historical Records Advisory Board’s America250 project, including in-person training events on oral history, community scanning events, developing local programs, online training modules, oral history collection stations, an online directory of primary sources related to America250 in North Carolina, a DIY exhibit for organizations and schools, Traveling Archivist Program site visits, and up to 20 professional development scholarships. (RC103334-22)

Johnson C. Smith College, Charlotte, NC
$194,938 to support a collaborative project with partners from Special Collections at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and Duke University’s Digital Humanities Lab to create an online exhibit on the effects of urban renewal in African American neighborhoods in Charlotte, North Carolina. The partners will digitize and provide contextualization of documents and other records in an augmented reality digital environment. The project aims to trace the impact of urban renewal strategies that resulted in “lost” communities. Users will learn about segregation, the Civil Rights Movement, the Fair Housing Act, Black entrepreneurship, social and voluntary club life, leadership, Black families and institutions. (RM103139-21)

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$25,364 to support the North Carolina Historical Records Advisory Board’s programming, including at least six online tutorials covering the basics of archival management, at least five site visits to provide assessments and two to three days of training, and prepare site visit reports with recommendations for increased access to and preservation of collections. (RC102979-20)

State Archives of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC
$83,636 to support access to North Carolina’s early legal records from 1665 to 1806. The project will arrange, describe, and provide online access to two collections of North Carolina’s early court records: the Colonial Court Records (43 cubic feet) and the District Superior Court Records (170 cubic feet), create EAD finding aids, digitize approximately two cubic feet of the Colonial Court Records and make them available online through North Carolina Digital Collections, and host a platform for volunteer citizen archivists to create transcriptions of the digitized records. (RH102779-19)

University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC
$294,603 to support a project to digitize approximately 9,800 slave deeds and bills of sale held by 26 county registrars by collaborating with the North Carolina State Archives, the Afro-American Genealogical Society, and the counties registrars, create a database for the digitized records, and transcribe the full text of the deeds and bills of sale. (RM100275-18)

North Carolina Historical Records Advisory Board, Raleigh, NC
$35,310 to support the Board’s programs, including digitization of historical records from selected repositories across the state and making images available through DigitalNC, the website of the North Carolina Digital Heritage Center, and to support training in metadata basics and digitization standards.(RC100238-18)

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
$75,457 to support a project to create a Digital Rocky Mount Mills, a curated digital collection of records documenting the history of the cotton mills and their place in the region. The project will collaborate with community partners to develop an archival toolkit, a pilot program to create instructional materials for K-12 teachers and a teacher workshop, and to design a workflow for genealogists of African American descent to use the historical resources of one of the largest mill communities in North Carolina, which shaped the southeastern Piedmont for more than a century. (DP100108-17)

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$199,999 to support TOMES (Transforming Online Mail with Embedded Semantics), in partnership with the state archives in Kansas and Utah, a project at the State Archives of North Carolina to develop tools for preservation and processing of email, including transformation from native formats to XML and appraisal using natural language processing. (RG50005-15)

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$60,768 to support basic funding for the state historical records advisory board, including the Teaching Digital North Carolina project to create online educational content to use primary source materials in history, civics, and government classes. (RC10238-15)

East Carolina University, Greenville, NC
$56,290 to support a project to process the Institute of Outdoor Theater collection (approximately 300 linear feet) dating from the 1920s to the present. (RH50099-14)

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$15,000 to support basic funding for the state historical records advisory board, including a project to design, test, and formalize an educational program that will instruct and train archives professionals in the methodologies and approaches of its successful Traveling Archivists Program. (RC10204-14)

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$10,679 to support basic funding, including expenses for planning consultants, two board meetings and a strategic planning session, and participation in a national archival organization. (RC10151-13)

Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
$112,693 to support a two-year project to process and provide online access to primary research materials within the W.L. Eury Appalachian Collection. The project will describe 450 unprocessed accessions totaling over 750 linear feet of material related to the Southern uplands, with strengths in the social sciences, regional history, folklore, music, religion, genealogy, fiction, and African and Native Appalachia. (RH50002-12)

Mint Museum of Art, Inc., Charlotte, NC
$45,369 to support a project to establish an archives for the museum. Founded in 1936 as the first art museum in North Carolina, the Mint Museum plans to identify and establish a space for archival processing, consolidate its approximately 200 cubic feet of records into one physical location, process and provide basic online descriptions for those records, and establish a records retention and collection development policy. (RH50025-12)

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$14,730 to support the North Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board's "Getting Ready to Go" Program, which will train and educate individuals working in archives, museums, and other repositories about creating the infrastructure critical to institutional success and longevity. (RC10123-12)

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$30,000 to support the work of the North Carolina Historical Records Advisory Board, including support for a part-time project archivist, web design, and a statewide electronic records forum. (RC10092-11)

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$40,327 to support the Outer Banks History Center's efforts to reduce its backlog, create finding aids, and develop standard accessioning and processing guidelines for holdings on the histories of the towns, shipwrecks, and environmental and cultural heritage preservation of the coastal area. (RB50074-09)

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$33,223 to support a pilot Traveling Archivist Program for a minimum of 40 site visits to undertake collections assessments, conduct training in archival processes, and provide an Archivist Starter Kit to smaller repositories. (RC10061-09)

Duke University, Durham, NC
$60,000 to support digitizing 24,000 photographs and slides that portray outdoor advertising and link these images to the existing ROAD 2.0: Digitizing Outdoor Advertising online database.(RD10017)

Forest History Society, Durham, NC
$44,648 to support a yearlong project to eliminate its existing processing backlog of six collections, create collection level catalog records for every archival collection, and convert all existing finding aids to EAD.(RB50029-08)

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
$257,800 to support the School of Information and Library Science and the Renaissance Computing Institute in the development of a Distributed Archival Custodial Preservation Environments for electronic records ( DCAPE will develop a cost-model for providing preservation services for electronic records by developing the iRODS (integrate Rule-Oriented Data System ) to meet the needs of state and university archives and other repositories. (RE10010-08)

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$102,248 to support a two-year effort, the Preservation of Electronic Mail Collaboration Initiative. (RE05701-07)

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$52,365 to support Disaster Preparedness Training. (RC05706-07)

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$3,160 to provide basic administrative support to the North Carolina Historical Records Advisory Board. (2006-008)

Catawba College, Salisbury, NC
$9,677 for an Archival Preservation Project, to conduct emergency preservation initiatives for materials in the collections that have reached serious levels of deterioration to begin to arrest further deterioration, and engage the services of a consultant to prepare a recommendation for long-term preservation strategies. (2004-071)

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$50,621 to support the North Carolina Board's activities and to address the need for basic archival education for non-professional records caretakers and for intermediate-level specialized workshops for practicing archivists. (2004-042)

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
$281,500 to continue the NHPRC Archival Research Fellowships program established by the Boston consortium consisting of the Massachusetts Historical Society, the WGBH Educational Foundation, Radcliffe Institute at Harvard University, Northeastern University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, modifying the program to focus exclusively on electronic records research, and renaming it the NHPRC Electronic Records Research Fellowship program. (2004-020)

Center for Documentary Studies, Duke University, Durham, NC
$114,652 to preserve, index, and provide scholarly access to audio recordings made by photographer W. Eugene Smith in an after-hours jazz loft in New York City between 1957 and 1964. (2003-072)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
$174,530 to fund the second and third years of its Managing the Digital University Desktop project. (2003-014)

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
$78,605 to study current end user practices in managing e-mail and electronically transmitted documents in selected offices throughout the UNC system. (2002-025)

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$9,185 in partial support of the North Carolina Board's administrative expenses. (2002-011)

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$37,600 for its SHRAB Administrative Support and Implementation Project to continue implementation of the 1993 strategic plan and to update and review plan progress. (2000-041)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
$91,425 for a project to arrange and describe the University's African-American archival and manuscript holdings and those of North Carolina Central University. (99-055)

Duke University, Durham, NC
$43,500 to host an archival administration fellowship. (99-024)

North Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board, Raleigh, NC
$133,200 to assist local governments, historically black colleges, and other non-governmental archives in the preservation and care of local archival records. The project would have three components: 1) regrants to support consultancies, preservation, and reformatting of records; 2) regrants to support training in information and records management policies and practices, and the hiring of temporary personnel needed to address essential, basic archival and records problems; and 3) the production and presentation of a series of four, two-and-one-half-hour, statewide, educational teleconferences. (98-072, 96-070)

University of North Carolina at Pembroke, Pembroke, NC
$3,153 for a six-month project to hire a consultant to assist with the development of a plan for an archives and records management program for the university's records and for the records of the Lumbee Tribe. (97-105)

North Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board, Raleigh, NC
$10,185 for a planning project to be conducted over a two-year period. The board plans to hold at least six meetings during the grant period in order to conduct its regular business, prepare applications to be submitted to the NHPRC for board-sponsored regrant and records training projects, and publish and distribute a brochure with information about the care of archival records and the work of the NHPRC. (95-032)

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$50,024 to create MARC-compatible (MAchine Readable Cataloging) descriptions in its local automated Manuscript and Archives Reference System (MARS) for 232 state agency record groups and 2,200 series; to convert and load the descriptions into the Research Libraries Information Network (RLIN) and into OCLC (Online Computer Library Center); and to produce a guide to state agency records in both printed format and on diskette. (92-107)

North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC
$63,035 to conduct a statewide survey and needs assessment, using a questionnaire and site visits, of repositories holding African-American records. (92-092)

Duke University, Perkins Library, Durham, NC
$29,813 to support a conference, in partnership with the Smithsonian Institution, to initiate work toward the development of a documentation strategy for American advertising. (92-078)

North Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board, Raleigh, NC
$8,880 to support the travel and meeting expenses of the Board, including a statewide conference on records issues and the development of a statewide plan. (92-075)

City of Fayetteville, Fayetteville, NC
$3,720 to assist in developing an archives and records management project for the city. (92-001)

City of Greensboro, Greensboro, NC
$13,866 to microfilm and catalog the permanently valuable records of the city council. (91-104)

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
$100,071 for extending the archival program of the university. (91-088)

Queens College, Charlotte, NC
$5,070 for two consultants to assist in the initiation of an archival program for the college's records. (91-083)

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$2,158 to hire a consultant to study the compatibility of the North Carolina State Archives' automated Manuscript and Archives Reference System (MARS) with the United States Machine-Readable Cataloging Archival and Manuscripts Control (USMARC) format. (91-066)

North Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board, Raleigh, NC
$6,100 for meetings of the board over a three-year period. The meetings are intended to improve the NHPRC grant review process and to plan for improved records programs in the state. (87-050)

Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC
$2,782 for a consultant to help evaluate the preservation needs of the university's special collections. These collections are rich in African-American history materials. (87-003)

Appalachian Consortium, Boone, NC
$25,599 to survey repositories in south central Appalachia for information on their needs, programs, and holdings; prepare and distribute a directory of manuscript sources for Appalachian studies; and conduct a two-day workshop in archival preservation for manuscript custodians. (84-054)

North Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board, Raleigh, NC
$17,500 to analyze the current condition of historical records in the state, identify problems, frame potential solutions, and outline actions that can be taken. (81-125)

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
$15,965 to microfilm the Hayes Collection. Named for the Hayes Plantation near Edenton, the collection chronicles the lives of the Johnston and Wood families from the 18th century to modern times. (80-019)

East Carolina University, Greenville, NC
$10,931 to arrange, describe, and make available the papers of three North Carolina women authors and journalists: Inglis Fletcher, Lucy Cherry Crisp, and Dorothy Knox. (79-133)

Meredith College, Raleigh, NC
$677 for a consultant to survey the records of the college and make recommendations for establishing an archives and records management program. (79-132)

Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC
$14,238 for the Mountain Heritage Center to arrange and describe records acquired in its Western North Carolina Mountain Historical Records Project. (79-096)

United Methodist Church Archives, Lake Junaluska, NC
$17,892 to arrange and describe the records, papers, and photographs of John McKendree Springer, American Methodist missionary and Missionary Bishop for Africa. The collection documents work over a period of 60 years and is particularly rich in information about the Congo region. (79-042)

Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC
$25,458 to survey and process collections in the Mountain Heritage Center relating to the southwestern region of North Carolina. (78-064)

Archives of the North Carolina Lutheran Synod, Salisbury, NC
$17,480 in support of preservation, arrangement, and description of records, and development of future program plans. (78-042)

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC
$15,000 to the Archives and Records Section to preserve the photographic collection of Albert Barden, a professional photographer whose work constitutes the most comprehensive photo collection of eastern and Piedmont North Carolina in the first half of the 20th century. (77-122)

Duke University, Durham, NC
$23,204 to arrange and describe the papers of five U.S. Senators and Congressmen from North Carolina who served between 1901 and 1961. (76-076)

Subtotal (Records Projects)   $3,543,129


Publications Projects

Duke University, Durham, NC

$1,533,982 for the Papers of Jane Addams. (1983-2012)


University of North Carolina-Greensboro, Greensboro, NC

$340,367 for Race, Slavery, and Free Blacks Petitions. (1991-2004)


Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC

$31,000 for the Papers of Zebulon Vance. (1984)


North Carolina Division of Archives and History, Raleigh, NC

$10,000 for the James Iredell Papers. (1967-68)


University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

$2,369 for the George Mason Papers. (1970)


University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

$33,640 for the Southern Historical Collection: the papers of John Macpherson Berrien, the Thomas Bragg Diary, Thomas Burke, Edward Dromgoole, William Gaston, Duff Green, Hilary Abner Herbert, Claude Kitchin, William Lowndes, Christopher Memminger, Edgar Gardner Murphy, David Outlaw, Benjamin Franklin Perry, John Rutledge, Ethelbert Stewart, Henry Clay Warmoth, and Benjamin Cudworth Yancey . (1965-66)



Duke University Press, Durham, NC

$10,000 for subvention support for the Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers. (2010)


University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC

$395,113 for subvention support for the Papers of Nathanael Greene, the Papers of John Marshall, the Black Abolitionist Papers, the Freedom History Project, the Papers of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, and the Harriet Jacobs Family Papers



Duke University of North Carolina-Greensboro, Greensboro, NC

$51,500 for a fellowship in historical editing of the Race, Slavery, and Free Black Petitions project. (2003-037)


Subtotal (Publications Projects)   $2,407,971


Total     $5,941,100


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