National Historical Publications & Records Commission

Nebraska Farmers’ Alliance Papers, 1887–1901

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Mary Lease, Farmers Alliance firebrand.


(Microfilm Edition)

Nebraska State Historical Society

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The Farmers' Alliance was one of several agrarian protest organizations which were prominent during the last half of the 19th Century in the United States. The Alliance was a complex movement which was characterized by its wide geographical appeal, ranging from the Far West to the Middle West and Southern portions of the nation. This broad base of support encompassed people of different ethnic, political, economic and social backgrounds. Some of the leaders of the Alliance movement, including Ignatius Donnelly, Jerry Simpson, Mary Elizabeth Lease, and Tom Watson, were known for their frank and somewhat uninhibited methods of expressing dissatisfaction with life in the late 19th Century America. The papers of the Nebraska Farmers’ Alliance include correspondence, reports, daybooks, and ledgers.

7 reels, 10-page guide

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