
ERA Account Request

This form should be completed by a Federal agency staff member who needs an Electronic Records Archives (ERA) account. When you submit the form, a copy of the information will be sent to the ERA Accounts staff, who will confirm your request with the ERA Account Manager at your agency. After this confirmation, ERA staff will create your account and contact you with your user name and password.

Section 1: Action Requested
Section 2: User Information
  Required   If you have no middle name, please enter N/A
Required Please use standard email format
Required The addresses do not match
10 digits with no punctuation Required
10 digits with no punctuation

Section 3: Agency Information

You must select a branch

If you are assigned to a component of a department, select the component. If you are assigned to the cabinet-level department, select the department. If you will create records schedules or transfer requests for more than one agency, or for a department and several components, please choose all that will apply.

If your agency is not present in the list, please email the ERA Help Desk at In your email, please state that you are requesting an account for an agency that is not on the ERA Account Request Form (NA-3070) and include the name of the agency that should be added.

Street Address Line 1 Required
Section 4: ERA Role(s)
* Role(s):
Select at least one role
Section 5: ERA Account Manager Information
* Account Manager:
Required Please use standard email format
Required The addresses do not match
10 digits with no punctuation Required
Section 6: End User Acknowledgement

National Archives and Records Administration

Electronic Records Archives (ERA) Rules of Behavior Agreement

I understand, when using ERA system resources, I will be held accountable for my actions related to the information resources entrusted to me. I further understand that I must:

  • Protect sensitive information from disclosure to unauthorized individuals or groups
  • Protect information security through effective use of my user ID and password
  • Protect my password from disclosure
  • Report security violations and vulnerabilities to the proper authorities
  • I understand my responsibilities and will comply with the Rules of Behavior for the ERA system.


Form Actions

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If the form fails to submit, scroll up and fill in any Required fields

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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272