Office of the Federal Register (OFR)

Codification of Presidential Proclamations and Executive Orders



Number or DateAmendmentsDisposition
9000Amended by EO 9526Public lands
9001Amended by EO's 9024, 9296Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 611 nt.)
9001A Revoked by EO 9773
9004 Revoked by EO 9830
9014Amended EO 6964. Amended by EO 9526Public lands
9017Amended EO 8716. Amended by EO's 9038, 9395A, 9535, 9617. Continued by EO 9250Board terminated by EO 9672
9019Amended by EO 9526Public lands
9020Amended by EO 9526Revoked by PLO 1208
9023Amended by EO's 9024, 9269, 9280, 9296Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 611 nt.)
9024Amended EO's 8629, 8875, 8891, 8942, 9001, 9023. Amended by EO's 9040, 9280, 9335Board terminated by EO 9638
9026Amended by EO 9526Revoked by PLO 2528
9027 Revoked by EO 9830
9029Amended by EO 9526Revoked by PLO 833
9038Amended EO 9017Revoked by EO 9535
9039Amended by EO 9497Revoked by EO 9740
9040Amended EO 9024. Amended by EO 9280Board terminated by EO 9638
9042Amended by EO 9526Revoked by PLO 6465
9047 Revoked by EO 10512
9048 Provisions terminated by EO's 9683, 9772
9050 Superseded by EO 10694
9051 Amends EO 8099
9052 Revoked by EO 9830
9053Amended by EO 9526Revoked by PLO 678
9054Amended by EO's 9244, 9350, 9729Administration terminated by act of Jul. 8, 1946 (60 Stat. 501, 50 U.S.C. App. 1291 nt.)
9055Amended by EO 9296Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 611 nt.)
9057Amended EO 7972Revoked by EO 9687
9058Amended by EO 9296Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 611 nt.)
9063Amended by EO 9378Revoked by EO 9691
9066 Terminated by Proc. 2714. Termination confirmed by Proc. 4417
9067Amended EO 8973Revoked by EO 9243
9070Amended by EO 9821Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 601-605 nt.)
9074Amended EO 8972Revoked by EO 9667
9075 Superseded by EO 9396
9080 Amended by EO's 10692, 12377 Codified at Chapter 32, Subchapter A
9081Amended EO 6910. Amended by EO 9526Revoked by PLO 517
9082Amended by EO 9722Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 601 nt.)
9084 Amends EO 8512
9086Amended by EO 9526Public lands
9089Amended by EO 9183Revoked by EO 9831
9090 Revoked by EO 9566
9094 Amended by EO 12608 Codified at Chapter 34
9095Amended by EO's 9193, 9567, 9760, 9788Revoked by EO 12553
9096Amended by EO 9528Revoked by EO 9635
9101Amended EO 6910Revoked by PLO 9101
9102Amended by EO 9423Office terminated by EO 9742
9103 Revoked by EO 9622
9104Amended by EO 9526Public lands
9105Amended EO 8704Superseded by EO 9206
9107Amended by EO 9526Public lands
9108Amended by EO 9320Provisions terminated by EO 9603
9109Amended by EO 9526Public lands
9111Amended EO 8802Committee terminated by act of July 17, 1945 (59 Stat. 473)
9114Amended by EO 9526Public lands
9116Amended by EO 9296Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 611 nt.)
9122Amended EO 8588. Amended by EO 9223Revoked by EO 9805
9125Amended by EO 9280Board terminated by EO 9638
9128Amended EO's 8839, 8900, 8926, 8982. Amended by EO 9280Board terminated by EO 9361
9134Amended EO's 8757, 8799, 8822. Amended by EO 9389Office terminated by EO 9562
9135 Superseded by EO 9953
9137 Public lands
9138Amended EO 8942Office abolished by EO 9040
9139Amended by EO's 9184, 9279, 9409Commission terminated by EO 9617
9142Amended EO's 6694, 8136. Amended by EO's 9789, 9818Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 601 nt.)
9143Amended by EO 9526Revoked by PLO 1064
9146 Superseded by EO 9337
9153Amended EO 8950Superseded by EO 10126
9153A Revoked by PLO 2437
9154 Amended by EO's 9824, 9945, 12107,12292 Codified at Chapter 5
9156Amended EO 8989. Amended by EO 9919Office terminated by EO 10065
9164Amended EO 8986Revoked by EO 9467
9165Amended by EO 9276Revoked by EO 9437
9168 Action discontinued by EO 9648
9172 Revoked by EO 9883
9177Amended by EO's 9495, 9768, 9829, 9903Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 601 nt.)
9182Amended by EO 9809Office abolished by EO 9608
9183Amended EO's 8546, 8839, 8960, 8964, 9089Revoked by EO 9831
9184Amended EO 9139Commission terminated by EO 9617
9191 Revoked by EO 9521
9193Amended EO 9095Revoked by EO 12553
9195Amended by EO's 9458, 9524, 9846, 10059Authority repealed by act of Aug. 10, 1956 (70A Stat. 666)
9196 Revoked by EO 9859
9200 Revoked by EO 9830
9204 Office terminated by EO 9649
9205 Revoked by EO 9723
9206Amended by EO 9295Superseded by EO 9386
9210Amended by EO 9557Authority repealed by act of Oct. 12, 1948 (63 Stat. 839)
9213Continued EO 6783Superseded by EO 11342
9214Amended by EO 9919Office terminated by EO 10065
9215Amended by EO 9526Public lands
9219Amended by EO 9296Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 611 nt.)
9221Amended by EO 9296Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 611 nt.)
9223Amended EO 9122Revoked by EO 9805
9225 Provisions terminated by EO 9603
9227Amended EO 4314Nullified by 35 CFR 105.61, 117.1 et seq.
9228Amended EO 4314Nullified by 35 CFR 103.24
9230Amended by EO 12107Amends EO 8743
9233Amended by EO 9296Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 611 nt.)
9239 Revoked by EO 9830
9240Amended by EO's 9248, 9597, 9600Revoked by EO 9601
9241Amended by EO 9296Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 611 nt.)
9243Amended by EO 9451Revoked by EO 9695
9244Amended EO 9054Administration terminated by act of July 8, 1946 (60 Stat. 501, 50 U.S.C. App. 1291 nt.)
9245 Repealed by EO 9616
9246Amended by EO 9276Board terminated by EO 9638
9248Amended EO 9240Revoked by EO 9601
9250Continued EO 9017. Amended by EO's 9279, 9322, 9328, 9334, 9354, 9381, 9392, 9534, 9620Terminated by EO 9801
9253Amended by EO 9296Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 611 nt.)
9260 Amended by EO 10600 Codified at Chapter 32, Subchapter B
9261Amended EO 7972Revoked by EO 9687
9263  Authority maintained at departmental level (see EO 10289)
9264Amended by EO 9296Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 611 nt.)
9265 Amended by EO 9706 Codified at Chapter 32, Subchapter B
9266 Action discontinued by EO 9650
9267 Provisions terminated by EO's 9683, 9772
9269Amended EO 9023Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 611 nt.)
9276Amended EO's 9165, 9246. Amended by EO 9718Administration terminated by EO 9319
9277 Superseded by EO 10409
9278Amended EO's 7057, 7180, 7689Administration terminated by act of Aug. 15, 1953 (67 Stat. 584)
9279Amended EO's 9139, 9250. Amended by EO's 9409, 9410, 9605Repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 601-605 nt.)
9280Amended EO's 8734, 8942, 9023, 9024, 9040, 9125, 9138. Amended by EO's 9322, 9334, 9392, 9915Administrations terminated by EO 9577
9285 Commission abolished by EO 9680
9286 Superseded by EO 9331
9290 Superseded by EO 9898
9294 Revoked by EO 9625
9295Amended EO 9206Superseded by EO 9386
9296Amended EO 9001Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 611 nt.)
9298 Revoked by EO 9830
9299Amended by EO 9581Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. 601-605 nt.)
9300 Revoked by EO 9835
9301 Revoked by EO 9607
9303 Revoked by EO's 9521, 10697
9316Amended EO 8942Office abolished by EO 9040
9319Amended EO 9276Administration terminated by EO 9718
9320Amended EO 9108Provisions terminated by EO 9603
9322 Superseded by EO 9334
9325 Office terminated by EO 9788
9328Amended EO's 9250, 9737Terminated by EO 9801
9330Amended by EO 9512Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. 601-605 nt.)
9331 Superseded by EO 9637
9332 Revoked by EO 9847
9333 Revoked by EO 9830
9334Amended EO's 9250, 9280, 9322. Amended by EO's 9385, 9392, 9418, 9915Administration terminated by EO 9577
9335Amended EO 9024Board terminated by EO 9638
9337 Superseded by EO 10355
9342Amended EO 8970Action discontinued by EO's 9650, 9720
9344Modified EO's 6868, 7784A, 8033Nullified by Pub. L. 93-198 (87 Stat. 779, 40 U.S.C. 71a)
9346Amended EO 8802Committee terminated by act of July 17, 1945 (59 Stat. 473)
9347Amended by EO's 9361, 9425, 9427Office terminated by act of Oct. 3, 1944 (58 Stat. 792, 50 U.S.C. App. 1677)
9348Amended EO 8588Revoked by EO 9805
9350Amended EO 9054Administration terminated by act of July 8, 1946 (60 Stat. 501, 50 U.S.C. App. 1291 nt.)
9351 Provisions terminated by EO 9603
9352 Nullified by FR Doc. 46-16444, Aug. 28, 1946 (11 FR 10108)
9354Amended EO 9250Terminated by EO 9801
9356Amended by EO's 9447, 9465, 9525, 9583, 9642Superseded by EO 9744B
9358 Amends EO 8743
9360Amended by EO 9368Superseded by EO 10282
9361Amended EO's 8839, 8982. Amended by EO's 9380, 9385, 10945Administration terminated by EO 9630
9367 Revoked by EO 11408
9368Amended EO 9360Superseded by EO 10282
9378Amended EO 9063Revoked by EO 9691
9380Amended EO's 8926, 9361. Amended by EO's 9385, 10945Administration terminated by EO 9630
9381Amended EO 9250Terminated by EO 9801
9384 Revoked by EO 12113
9385Amended EO's 9334, 9380. Amended by EO 9577Administration terminated by EO 9630
9386Amended by EO's 9561, 9825Superseded by EO 9871
9389Amended EO's 8807, 8840, 8757, 8989, 9134. Amended by EO's 9532, 9919Nullified by EO's 9562, 9710, 9913, 10065
9392Amended EO's 9250, 9280, 9334Administration terminated by EO 9577
9394 Revoked by EO 9830
9395AAmended EO 9017Revoked by EO 9535
9396 Superseded by EO 10694
9400Amended by EO 9592AProvisions terminated by EO 9603
9401Amended by EO 9577Executed and obsolete
9405 Revoked by EO 9830
9407 Revoked by EO's 9521, 10697
9409Amended EO's 9139, 9279Commission terminated by EO 9617
9410Amended EO 9279Repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 601-605 nt.)
9411 Revoked by EO 11116
9417 Board terminated by EO 9614
9418Amended EO 9334Administration terminated by EO 9577
9419 Superseded by EO 11046
9423Amended EO 9102Authority terminated by EO 9742
9425Amended EO 9347Office terminated by act of Oct. 3, 1944 (58 Stat. 785, 50 U.S.C. App. 1651)
9427Amended EO 9347Office terminated by act of Oct. 3, 1944 (58 Stat. 785, 50 U.S.C. App. 1651)
9431 Revoked by EO 9521
9432 Superseded by EO 9866
9437 Revokes EO 9165
9442Amended EO 9Revoked by EO 11408
9446 Superseded by EO 9975
9447Amended EO 9356Superseded by EO 9744B
9449Amended EO 7972Revoked by EO 9687
9450 Revoked by EO 9521
9451Amended EO 9243Revoked by EO 9695
9452Amended by EO 9514Revoked by EO 12292
9453 Administration terminated by EO 9630
9458Amended EO 9195Authority repealed by act of Aug. 10, 1956 (70A Stat. 666)
9460Amended by EO 9850Authority repealed by act of Oct. 12, 1949 (63 Stat. 839)
9462 Provisions terminated by EO 9603
9463 Provisions terminated by EO 9603
9465Amended EO 9356Superseded by EO 9744B
9466 Provisions terminated by EO 9603
9467Corrected by EO 9497Amends EO 1888. Revokes EO's 8986, 9164
9472Amended by EO 9692Authority repealed by act of July 25, 1947 (61 Stat. 450)
9475A Provisions terminated by EO 9603
9479Amended EO 7021Revoked by EO 10102
9484 Provisions terminated by EO 9603
9487Amended by EO 9676Authority repealed by act of Aug. 16, 1954 (68A Stat. 933)
9488Amended by EO's 9762, 9791, 9809Terminates office established by EO 9347
9489 Authority terminated by EO 9645
9491Amended by EO 9802Authority repealed by act of Aug. 16, 1954 (68A Stat. 933)
9492Amended by EO's 9629, 9714, 9792, 9840, 9867, 9886Superseded by FR Doc. 47-10437, Nov. 18, 1947 (12 FR 7941)
9493 Provisions terminated by EO 9603
9495Amended by EO 9903Authority repealed by Pub. L. 89-554 (80 Stat. 651, 50 U.S.C. App. 601 nt.)
9497 Amended EO 9039. Corrected EO 9467

