LoS: 25 CFR
Title 25: Indians
List of Subjects revised as of January 1, 2025.
- 25 CFR Part 2_Appeals from administrative decisions.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Indians-tribal government
- 25 CFR Part 5_Preference in employment.
- Employment
- Government employees
- Indians
- 25 CFR Part 10_Indian country detention facilities and programs.
- Buildings and facilities
- Indians-law
- Law enforcement
- Prisoners
- 25 CFR Part 11_Courts of Indian Offenses and law and order code.
- Courts
- Indians-law
- Law enforcement
- Penalties
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 12_Indian country law enforcement.
- Law enforcement
- 25 CFR Part 13_Tribal reassumption of jurisdiction over child custody proceedings.
- Courts
- Indians-law
- Infants and children
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 15_Probate of Indian estates, except for members of the Osage Nation and the Five Civilized Tribes.
- Estates
- Indians-law
- 25 CFR Part 16_Estates of Indians of the Five Civilized Tribes.
- Estates
- Indians-law
- 25 CFR Part 17_Action on wills of Osage Indians.
- Estates
- Indians-law
- 25 CFR Part 18_Tribal probate codes.
- Estates
- Indians-law
- 25 CFR Part 20_Financial assistance and social services program.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Child welfare
- Indians
- Public assistance programs
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 23_Indian Child Welfare Act.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Child welfare
- Grant programs-Indians
- Grant programs-social programs
- Indians
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 26_Job placement and training program.
- Employment
- Grant programs-Indians
- Indians
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 30_Standards, assessments and accountability system.
- Elementary and secondary education
- Grant programs-Indians
- Indians-education
- Schools
- 25 CFR Part 31_Federal schools for Indians.
- Indians-education
- Schools
- 25 CFR Part 32_Indian education policies.
- Indians-education
- Schools
- 25 CFR Part 33_Transfer of Indian education functions.
- Indians-education
- Schools
- 25 CFR Part 36_Minimum academic standards for the basic education of Indian children and National criteria for dormitory situations.
- Elementary and secondary education
- Indians-education
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Schools
- 25 CFR Part 37_Geographic boundaries.
- Elementary and secondary education
- Grant programs-Indians
- Indians-education
- Schools
- 25 CFR Part 38_Education personnel.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Indians-education
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Teachers
- 25 CFR Part 39_The Indian School Equalization Program.
- Elementary and secondary education
- Government contracts
- Grant programs-education
- Grant programs-Indians
- Indians-education
- Schools
- 25 CFR Part 40_Administration of educational loans, grants and other assistance for higher education.
- Grant programs-education
- Grant programs-Indians
- Indians-education
- Loan programs-education
- Loan programs-Indians
- Student aid
- 25 CFR Part 41_Grants to Tribal colleges and universities and dine college.
- Colleges and universities
- Grant programs-education
- Grant programs-Indians
- Indians-education
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 42_Student rights.
- Civil rights
- Indians-education
- Schools
- Students
- 25 CFR Part 43_Maintenance and control of student records in Bureau schools.
- Indians-education
- Privacy
- Schools
- Students
- 25 CFR Part 44_Grants under the Tribally Controlled Schools Act.
- Elementary and secondary education
- Grant programs-Indians
- Indians-education
- Schools
- 25 CFR Part 46_Adult education program.
- Adult education
- Indians-education
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 47_Uniform direct funding and support for Bureau-operated schools.
- Elementary and secondary education
- Grant programs-Indians
- Indians-education
- Schools
- 25 CFR Part 48_Leases of land or facilities of Bureau-operated schools and fundraising activities at Bureau-operated schools.
- Educational facilities
- Indians-education
- 25 CFR Part 61_Preparation of rolls of Indians.
- Indians-enrollment
- 25 CFR Part 62_Enrollment appeals.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Indians-enrollment
- 25 CFR Part 63_Indian child protection and family violence prevention.
- Child welfare
- Domestic violence
- Employment
- Grant programs-Indians
- Grant programs-social programs
- Indians
- 25 CFR Part 67_Preparation of a roll of independent Seminole Indians of Florida.
- Indians-claims
- Indians-enrollment
- Indians-judgment funds
- 25 CFR Part 75_Revision of the membership roll of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, North Carolina.
- Indians-claims
- Indians-enrollment
- Indians-judgment funds
- 25 CFR Part 81_Secretarial election procedures.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Elections
- Indians-tribal government
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 83_Procedures for Federal acknowledgement of Indian tribes.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Indians-tribal government
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 84_Encumbrances of tribal land_contract approvals.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Indians-lands
- 25 CFR Part 87_Use or distribution of Indian judgment funds.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Indians-claims
- Indians-judgment funds
- 25 CFR Part 88_Recognition of attorneys and agents to represent claimants.
- Indians-claims
- Indians-law
- Lawyers
- 25 CFR Part 89_Attorney contracts with Indian tribes.
- Indians-law
- Lawyers
- 25 CFR Part 90_Election of officers of the Osage Minerals Council.
- Elections
- Indians-tribal government
- 25 CFR Part 91_Government of Indian villages, Osage Reservation, Oklahoma.
- Indians-tribal government
- 25 CFR Part 101_Loans to Indians from the Revolving Loan Fund.
- Indians-business and finance
- Loan programs-Indians
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 103_Loan guaranty, insurance, and interest subsidy.
- Indians-business and finance
- Loan programs-business
- Loan programs-Indians
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 111_Annuity and other per capita payments.
- Indians-business and finance
- 25 CFR Part 115_Trust funds for Tribes and individual Indians.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Indians-business and finance
- 25 CFR Part 117_Deposit and expenditure of individual funds of members of the Osage Tribe of Indians who do not have certificates of competency.
- Indians-business and finance
- 25 CFR Part 122_Management of Osage judgment funds for education.
- Indians-claims
- Indians-education
- Indians-judgment funds
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 124_Deposits of proceeds from lands withdrawn for native selection.
- Alaska
- Indians-claims
- 25 CFR Part 134_Partial payment construction charges on Indian irrigation projects.
- Indians-lands
- Irrigation
- Indians-lands
- 25 CFR Part 135_Construction assessments, Crow Indian irrigation project.
- Irrigation
- 25 CFR Part 136_Fort Hall Indian irrigation project, Idaho.
- Indians-lands
- Irrigation
- 25 CFR Part 137_Reimbursement of construction costs, San Carlos Indian irrigation project, Arizona.
- Indians-lands
- Irrigation
- 25 CFR Part 138_Reimbursement of construction costs, Ahtanum Unit, Wapato Indian irrigation project, Washington.
- Indians-lands
- Irrigation
- 25 CFR Part 139_Reimbursement of construction costs Wapato-Satus Unit, Wapato Indian irrigation project, Washington.
- Indians-lands
- Irrigation
- 25 CFR Part 140_Licensed Indian traders.
- Business and industry
- Indians
- Penalties
- 25 CFR Part 141_Business practices on the Navajo, Hopi and Zuni Reservations.
- Business and industry
- Credit
- Indians-business and finance
- Penalties
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 142_Alaska resupply operation.
- Alaska
- Indians
- Vessels
- 25 CFR Part 143_Charges for goods and services provided to non-Federal users.
- Government contracts
- Indians
- 25 CFR Part 150_Record of Title to Indian land.
- Indians-lands
- 25 CFR Part 151_Land acquisitions.
- Indians-lands
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 152_Issuance of patents in fee, certificates of competency, removal of restrictions, and sale of certain Indian lands.
- Indians-lands
- 25 CFR Part 153_Determination of competency: Crow Indians.
- Indians-lands
- 25 CFR Part 158_Osage lands.
- Indians-lands
- 25 CFR Part 159_Sale of irrigable lands, special water contract requirements.
- Indians-lands
- Irrigation
- 25 CFR Part 160_Inclusion of liens in all patents and instruments executed.
- Indians-lands
- Irrigation
- 25 CFR Part 161_Navajo partitioned lands grazing permits.
- Grazing lands
- Indians-lands
- Livestock
- 25 CFR Part 162_Leases and permits.
- Indians-lands
- 25 CFR Part 163_General forestry regulations.
- Education
- Forests and forest products
- Indians-lands
- 25 CFR Part 166_Grazing permits.
- Grazing lands
- Indians-lands
- Livestock
- 25 CFR Part 167_Navajo grazing regulations.
- Grazing lands
- Indians-lands
- Livestock
- 25 CFR Part 168_Grazing regulations for the Hopi partitioned lands area.
- Grazing lands
- Indians-lands
- Livestock
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 169_Rights-of-way over Indian land.
- Indians-lands
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Rights-of-way
- 25 CFR Part 170_Tribal Transportation Program.
- Highways and roads
- Indians-lands
- 25 CFR Part 171_Irrigation operation and maintenance.
- Indians-lands
- Irrigation
- 25 CFR Part 172_Pueblo Indian lands benefited by irrigation and drainage works of Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, New Mexico.
- Indians-lands
- Irrigation
- 25 CFR Part 173_Concessions, permits and leases on lands withdrawn or acquired in connection with Indian irrigation projects.
- Concessions
- Indians-lands
- Irrigation
- 25 CFR Part 175_Electric power utilities.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Electric power
- Indians-lands
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 179_Life estates and future interests.
- Estates
- Indians-lands
- 25 CFR Part 181_Indian Highway Safety Program.
- Grant programs-Indians
- Highway safety
- Indians
- 25 CFR Part 183_Use and distribution of the San Carlos Apache Tribe Development Trust Fund and San Carlos Apache Tribe Lease Fund.
- Accounting
- Indians-business and finance
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 200_Terms and conditions: Coal leases.
- Indians-lands
- Mineral resources
- Surface mining
- 25 CFR Part 211_Leasing of tribal lands for mineral development.
- Geothermal energy
- Indians-lands
- Mineral resources
- Mines
- Oil and gas exploration
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 212_Leasing of allotted lands for mineral development.
- Indians-lands
- Mineral resources
- Mines
- Oil and gas exploration
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 213_Leasing of restricted lands of members of Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma, for mining.
- Indians-lands
- Mineral resources
- Mines
- Oil and gas exploration
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 214_Leasing of Osage Reservation lands, Oklahoma, for mining, except oil and gas.
- Indians-lands
- Mineral resources
- Mines
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 215_Lead and zinc mining operations and leases, Quapaw Agency.
- Indians-lands
- Mineral resources
- Mines
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Zinc
- 25 CFR Part 216_Surface exploration, mining, and reclamation of lands.
- Environmental protection
- Indians-lands
- Mineral resources
- Mines
- Surety bonds
- 25 CFR Part 217_Management of tribal assets of Ute Indian Tribe, Uintah and Ouray Reservation, Utah, by the Tribe and the Ute Distribution Corp.
- Indians-claims
- Indians-lands
- Mineral resources
- 25 CFR Part 224_Tribal energy resource agreements under the Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self Determination Act.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Energy
- Indians
- Indians-business and finance
- Indians-lands
- Indians-tribal government
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Rights-of-way
- Trusts and trustees
- 25 CFR Part 225_Oil and gas, geothermal, and solid minerals agreements.
- Geothermal energy
- Indians-lands
- Mineral resources
- Mines
- Oil and gas exploration
- Penalties
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Surety bonds
- 25 CFR Part 226_Leasing of Osage Reservation lands for oil and gas mining.
- Indians-lands
- 25 CFR Part 227_Leasing of certain lands in Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, for oil and gas mining.
- Indians-lands
- Mineral resources
- Mines
- Oil and gas exploration
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 241_Indian fishing in Alaska.
- Alaska
- Fisheries
- Fishing
- Indians-business and finance
- 25 CFR Part 242_Commercial fishing on Red Lake Indian Reservation.
- Fisheries
- Indians-business and finance
- 25 CFR Part 243_Reindeer in Alaska.
- Indians
- Livestock
- 25 CFR Part 247_Use of Columbia River treaty fishing access sites.
- Fisheries
- Fishing
- Indians
- 25 CFR Part 248_Use of Columbia River Indian in-lieu fishing sites.
- Fishing
- Indians
- 25 CFR Part 249_Off-reservation treaty fishing.
- Fishing
- Indians
- 25 CFR Part 256_Housing Improvement Program (HIP).
- Grant programs-housing and community development
- Grant programs-Indians
- Housing
- Indians
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 262_Protection of archaeological resources.
- Historic preservation
- Indians-lands
- 25 CFR Part 265_Establishment of roadless and wild areas on Indian reservations.
- Indians-lands
- Wilderness areas
- 25 CFR Part 273_Education contracts under Johnson-O'Malley Act.
- Elementary and secondary education
- Government contracts
- Grant programs-Indians
- Indians-education
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Schools
- 25 CFR Part 275_Staffing.
- Government employees
- Indians
- 25 CFR Part 276_Uniform administrative requirements for grants.
- Grant programs-Indians
- Indians
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 286_Indian Business Development Program.
- Grant programs-business
- Grant programs-Indians
- Indians-business and finance
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 290_Tribal revenue allocation plans.
- Gambling
- Indians-business and finance
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 291_Class III gaming procedures.
- Gambling
- Indians-business and finance
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 292_Gaming on trust lands acquired after October 17, 1988.
- Gambling
- Indians-business and finance
- 25 CFR Part 293_Class III Tribal State Gaming Compact.
- Gambling
- Indians-business and finance
- Indians-tribal government
- State and local governments
- 25 CFR Part 301_Navajo, Pueblo, and Hopi silver and turquoise products; standards.
- Indians-arts and crafts
- Trademarks
- 25 CFR Part 304_Navajo, Pueblo, and Hopi silver, use of Government mark.
- Indians-arts and crafts
- Trademarks
- 25 CFR Part 307_Navajo all-wool woven fabrics; use of Government certificate of genuineness.
- Indians-arts and crafts
- Textiles
- Trademarks
- Wool
- 25 CFR Part 308_Regulations for use of certificates of the Indian Arts and Crafts Board to be attached to their trade-marks by Indian enterprises concerned with the production and sale of genuine handicrafts.
- Indian arts and crafts
- Trademarks
- 25 CFR Part 309_Protection of Indian arts and crafts products.
- Indians-arts and crafts
- Penalties
- 25 CFR Part 310_Use of Government marks of genuineness for Alaskan Indian and Alaskan Eskimo hand-made products.
- Indians-arts and crafts
- Trademarks
- 25 CFR Part 501_Purpose and scope of this chapter.
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- 25 CFR Part 502_Definitions of this chapter
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- 25 CFR Part 503_Commission information collection requirements under the Paperwork Reduction Act: OMB control numbers and expiration dates.
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 513_Debt collection.
- Claims
- Gambling
- Government employees
- Income taxes
- Wages
- 25 CFR Part 514_Fees.
- Fees
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- Indians-tribal government
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 515_Privacy Act procedures.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Privacy
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 516_Testimony of commissioners and employees and former commissioners and former employees respecting official duties; response to subpoena.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Courts
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 517_Freedom of Information Act procedures.
- Freedom of information
- 25 CFR Part 518_Self regulation of Class II gaming.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- Indian-Tribal government
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 519_Service.
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 522_Submission of gaming ordinance or resolution.
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- Indian-Tribal government
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 531_Content of management contracts.
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- 25 CFR Part 533_Approval of management contracts.
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 535_Post-approval procedures.
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 537_Background investigations for persons or entities with a financial interest in, or having management responsibility for, a management contract.
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- Indians-tribal government
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 542_Minimum internal control standards.
- Accounting
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 543_Minimum internal control standards for Class II gaming.
- Accounting
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- Indians-tribal government
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 547_Minimum technical standards for Class II gaming systems and equipment.
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 556_Background investigations for primary management officials and key employees.
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- Investigations
- Privacy
- 25 CFR Part 558_Gaming licenses for key employees and primary management officials.
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- 25 CFR Part 559_Facility license notifications and submissions.
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- Indian-tribal government
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 571_Monitoring and investigations.
- Accounting
- Gambling
- Indian-lands
- Investigations
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 573_Compliance and enforcement.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- 25 CFR Part 575_Civil fines.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- Penalties
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 580_Rules of general application in appeal proceedings before the Commission.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Gambling
- 25 CFR Part 581_Motions in appeal proceedings before the Commission.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Gambling
- 25 CFR Part 582_Appeals of disapprovals of gaming ordnances, resolutions, or amendments.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Gambling
- 25 CFR Part 583_Appeals from approvals or disapprovals of management contracts or amendments to management contracts.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Gambling
- 25 CFR Part 584_Appeals before a presiding official.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- 25 CFR Part 585_Appeals to the Commission.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Gambling
- Indians-lands
- Penalties
- 25 CFR Part 700_Commission operations and relocation procedures.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Conflict of interests
- Freedom of information
- Grant programs-Indians
- Grazing lands
- Historic preservation
- Indians-claims
- Indians-lands
- Privacy
- Rates and fares
- Relocation assistance
- 25 CFR Part 720_Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Commission.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Civil rights
- Equal employment opportunity
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Individuals with disabilities
- 25 CFR Part 900_Contracts under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Buildings and facilities
- Claims
- Government contracts
- Government property management
- Grant programs-Indians
- Health care
- Indians
- Indians-business and finance
- Technical assistance
- 25 CFR Part 1000_Annual funding agreements under the Tribal Self-Government Act amendments to the Indian Self-Determination and Education Act.
- Grant programs-Indians
- Indians
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 1001_Self-Governance program.
- Indians
- 25 CFR Part 1187_Indian Business Incubators Program.
- Grant programs-business
- Grant programs-Indians
- Indians-business and finance
- Loan programs-business
- Loan programs-Indians
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 25 CFR Part 1200_American Indian Trust Fund Management Reform Act.
- Indians
- Trusts and trustees