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  1. Portrait of Clifford Berryman - Click to Enlarge
  2. Clifford Berryman Self Portrait - Click to Enlarge
  3. Drawing the Line in Mississippi - Cartoon featuring Berryman’s iconic teddy bear

“Have You Gentlemen Any Idea When You’re To Get Off?”
July 26, 1912

The second session of the 62nd Congress began on December 4, 1911, and as the 1912 election neared, there was no end in sight. This cartoon has Uncle Sam dressed as a train conductor asking the House and Senate when they will adjourn so members could return home to campaign. Congress remained in session for another month after this cartoon was published.

U.S. Senate Collection
Center for Legislative Archives

From Berryman’s Recurring Cast of Characters...

Uncle Sam, who first appeared in political cartoons during the War of 1812, is used by Berryman to personify the United States. He is usually depicted as a lanky man with white hair and a goatee, patriotically dressed in a star-spangled suit and tall top hat. His most famous image is from the “I WANT YOU” World War I Army recruiting poster drawn by James Montgomery Flagg. See more of Berryman’s Recurring Symbolic Characters