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  1. Portrait of Clifford Berryman - Click to Enlarge
  2. Clifford Berryman Self Portrait - Click to Enlarge
  3. Drawing the Line in Mississippi - Cartoon featuring Berryman’s iconic teddy bear

“Golfing Season”
May 1, 1924

After a divisive primary, a political party may be unable to unite voters behind the chosen candidate in the general election. In 1924, Calvin Coolidge, the incumbent President, breezed through the Republican primary unopposed. As the Republicans advanced unscathed to the “convention putting green,” the Democratic candidates waged a hostile primary battle “off the fairway.” Coolidge won the election.

U.S. Senate Collection
Center for Legislative Archives

From Berryman’s Recurring Cast of Characters...

The elephant is a widely recognized symbol of the Republican Party. Made popular by cartoonist Thomas Nast, the Republican elephant first appeared in Harper’s Weekly in 1874. The Republicans have embraced the elephant as their official symbol and still use it in campaigns today. See more of Berryman’s Recurring Symbolic Characters