NARA and Declassification

2012-156 (docs 15-26)

Terrorist Attack Incident Summary and Updates and Logs 

Location:  National Archives

(October 1, 2021 - September 30, 2022)

*Please note the table headers are clickable, sort the table by the clicked column header.

Document Title or Subject [PDF] Document
[Log]  2001/09/11 2012-156-doc 15
[NMCC] 2001/10/04 2012-156-doc 16
[Log] 2001/09/11 2012-156-doc 17
[Log] 2001/09/11 2012-156-doc 18
[Message] 2001/09/11 2012-156-doc 19
[Message] 2001/09/11 2012-156-doc 20
[Chronology] 2001/09/11 2012-156-doc 21
[Log] 2001/09/11 2012-156-doc 22
[Log] 2001/09/12 2012-156-doc 23
[Log] 2001/09/11 2012-156-doc 24
[Log] 2001/09/12 2012-156-doc 25
[OT-2 Analysis of NMCC Response to Terrorist Attack 11 SEP 01] 2001/10/04 2012-156-doc 26